Chapter 9 : Old Friends

Anger and satisfaction simmers inside me.

Sebastian doesn't dare open his mouth. He stammers as if something is stuck in his throat. Levi lets go and stands up. He adjusts the cuffs of his jacket and wipes the blood from his knuckles with a handkerchief.

His gaze sweeps over the spectators. They are all silent. They look at Sebastian's imposing size and musculature, and then at Levi, who knocked him down with a single, clean, accurate blow.

Slowly they move away from him. No one comes to Sebastian's aid.

Finally, after checking that no one else is going to face him, Levi comes to me, takes my hand and puts it on his arm.

“Let's enjoy the party,” I ask him with a beaming smile.

He nods.

Once we're away, the crowd rushes to Sebastian to help him to his feet. Even from a distance I hear his moans about having a broken nose.

I can't help but think that Sebastian was always a bit dramatic.

“Thank you for what you did,” I tell Levi.