Chapter 67 : Stunned, but pleased

Chapter 67: Stunned, but pleased

**Levis POV

“Thank you for coming everyone,” I tell our guests “I know that this place is more than a little out of your way. But it seemed like the best place to get together to discuss our security details.”

I decided that the most expedient way to talk with Deigo’s pack and Amber’s family is to gather them together at our new place. I want them to see the property we need to secure, and decide what our protocol will be given everyone’s availability.

Diego is always kind when it comes to Amber, and he doesn’t disappoint today.

“Are you serious,” Diego says, regarding the art on the walls, “This place is phenomenal! I’ll come by anytime! Hell, if I’d had any idea that it would be this amazing I’d have dropped by even if you hadn’t asked me!”

“I might even drop by when you don’t want me if those jacuzzis are as amazing as they look,” he jokes. Then again, he might not be joking. He definitely looks enthused about them.