Chapter 68 : He will pay

Chapter 68: He will pay

**Levi’s POV

“Listen! Did you hear that,” my mate whispers to me, “It sounds like it’s coming from outside!”

The crashing sound disturbs my sleep and my adrenaline kicks into high gear. I motion for my Luna to be silent, and run to the window. There is a figure, crouching behind the water fountain out front. Whoever it is, he is not very good at hiding. I grab my walkie and engage the protocol.

“Alert, intruder,” I tell my surveillance team, “I repeat, alert! Front yard. Appears to be male..”

“Copy that,” Andrew, my head of security, responds immediately, “We have eyes on him. How do we proceed?”

“Capture the suspect,” I tell him urgently, “Bring him to the basement. NOW!”

I am enraged. How dare this person threaten my Luna! My family! By the Goddess whoever this is he will pay!

“Levi, it’s ok,” my Luna tells me, obviously trying to calm me, “Whoever it is, they will catch him.”