Chapter 83 : Razor sharp wit

Chapter 83: Razor sharp wit

** Amber’s POV

“Good morning August, how are you feeling?” I ask him, examining his black eye with concern, “You look as if you slept well.”

We are gathered around the breakfast table, and it is wonderful to have August with us again. August has agreed to stay with us until his house’s security can be updated, which I am very relieved to hear. Levi and his grandfather could use the time to talk, and neither of us want anything to happen to him. The poor man has been through enough already. Between being accused of participating in my attempted abduction and then being taken himself, I’m actually impressed at how well he’s doing, all things considered.

“I did, thank you Amber,” he tells me with a gentle smile, “I’m just so glad that Levi and I have finally cleared the air, that I was able to relax for the first time in days. It was wonderful.”