Chapter 84 : Dark magic

Chapter 84: Dark magic

**Amber’s POV

“Is there anything that we can do for you?” I ask Hope, “You’ve done so much for us.”

Hope has always been so kind to me, and has done so much for our family, there seems like there must be something that we can do for her in return.

“There is something, but don’t know if I should ask,” Hope says, tentatively, “It’s a huge favor, and it might not even work.”

“Hope, you are the reason my mother lived for years,” my husband tells her, “You gave to me what no one else could. You are also the reason that my mate is alive today. I owe you my life. If there’s anything that we can do for you, name it.”

“This is hard for me to say,” Hope replies sadly, “I’ve been living with a secret. I don’t know how to tell you this.”

“Tell us what,” my mate asks, worriedly, “Hope, you must know that you can tell us anything.”

Her silence is frightening to me, and I can feel her internal struggle. Deciding whether she should tell us or not.