Chapter 96 : Creative writing assignment

Chapter 96: Creative writing assignment


Lev’s POV

“Dan, you could have come to me,” I tell him sadly, “You could have come to me and told me what happened. I would have protected you. I would have found a place for you. Why did you think that you had to do all of that?”

I remember how I felt when my father died. How terrified I was. How my grandmother preyed on that fear within me. Now as I try to envision what it would have been like if everyone I knew and loved was gone, I can’t help shivering.

“With all due respect sir, I didn’t know you,” he tells me, and I can see the tears in his eyes that he wipes away quickly, “I didn’t know what to do. I was out of money, and out of options. My entire family, everyone I ever knew, was dead. I wanted to stay alive, and I did the only thing I could think of.”

“And what did you think of,” I ask him, concerned for his response “How did you stay alive?”