Chapter 97: Too powerful to be denied
Amber’s POV
“The first thing we need to do is figure out where you’re going to live,” I tell Dan, “Where have you been staying so far?”
“I’m embarrassed about it, but lately I’ve been staying at that motel on Route 9,” he tells me, blushing, “The Black Swan. It’s terrible, and I absolutely hate it. But with my current financial situation, it’s the best that I can afford. Believe me, I’ve looked around.”
I am horrified at the thought of a sixteen year old boy staying at that place. It is not a good place for anyone to stay. But anyone under eighteen staying there turns my stomach. Especially Dan, who is innocent despite what he has been forced to live through. Unacceptable.
“Then tonight you’re staying with us,” I tell him firmly, “August, you take him out there to that terrible place to get his stuff, and bring him back as fast as you can.”