Chapter 117: Tattoos
Amber’s POV
“Are you insane?" I ask my husband, “Why did you do that? What is WRONG WITH YOU?”
I look at Jake, who I can tell is still alive, as he is moaning and holding his face in apparent pain.
“I think that you broke my nose,” Jake moans, “You broke my nose!”
“Count yourself lucky that’s all I broke,” my husband tells him menacingly, “You touched my wife. I should kill you where you stand!”
“Ok, this is insane,” I tell my mate, “You’re threatening to kill a bartender for dancing with me?”
Things are rapidly spinning out of control. I’m furious with my husband, but I need to fix this situation. We’ve caused enough scenes this evening as it is.
“Of course,” my husband responds, as if his behavior is completely normal, “Did he harm you, my love? Are you ok?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” I tell him in exasperation, “Of course I’m fine. I mean, he’s not, clearly. But I’m fine. Why did you get so angry?”