Chapter 134: The big reveal
Amber’s POV
“I’m so glad you were able to come today,” I tell Colin, excited to see him, “I’ve wanted to introduce you to Hope ever since you mentioned that you are a magic teacher!”
My husband and I have invited our friends to tell them all at once about our new baby. And I have to admit, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to introduce Colin to Hope. Coin thinks that I just want him to meet her because of the job opening. And that’s not entirely true. I have no idea if there will be a romantic connection between them, but I do think that they might become friends. They both could definitely use a friend!
“Yes, I am as well,” Colin replies, with a charming nervousness that makes me smile, “It will be good for me to get out in the world a little. I haven’t really done much socializing since, you know. It’s good for me to get out of my comfort zone a little. Thank you for inviting me!”