Chapter 135 : Message received

Chapter 135: Message received


Amber’s POV

“Wow, this place is incredible,” I tell Colin, “I never knew that this place was so enormous! I’ve never been inside your school before!. I’m so impressed!”

Everyone has joined Colin’s tour this morning. Sophie and Elliot, Hope, Levi and I are all excited to find out more about this place. Hope is especially interested, as I think that she might be considering the magic teacher position that he mentioned. And she’s definitely considering Colin as a potential mate, I can tell. Even if she would never admit it. Hope is shy about her romantic relationships. I’m waiting for her to tell me rather than ask her about it. I don’t want to pry, and I certainly don’t want to do anything to change her mind about Colin.

“So am I,” Hope says with excitement, looking at the paintings in the foyer of the main building, “This is structured like a college campus! Hey, is that one of your ancestors by any chance?”