Chapter 143 : The promise of sanctuary

Chapter 143: The promise of sanctuary


Amber’s POV

“What it means, is that we need to act fast,” Colin says grimly, “Charlotte, you need to stay with us. We all need to move into the fairy enclosure, quickly. I need to contact security to make sure that Dora isn’t still on the premises.”

As Colin makes a call, we all get into the enclosure. It seemed as if it would be a tight fit, but the space seems to expand somehow to accommodate us. When I turn around to make sure that I don’t accidentally step on a fairy house, I find a meadow of flowers behind me. I look at Hope, perplexed by what’s just happened.

“Fairy magic,” she whispers with a smile, “They just want us all to be comfortable. It’s a thank you for helping Sabrina.”

“That’s sweet,” I say, regarding a butterfly that appears from seemingly nowhere to land on my shoulder, “What a nice place to wait out a lockdown. Or do anything really!”