2 weeks later.
I moved my feet though the water in the pool. I've successfully avoided Lily at school. After giving Avery her clothes back, I've successfully avoided her too.
Until today.
My mother was throwing me a graduation party. The odd thing is, it's a lot of people here but there wasn't a lot of people close to my age.
Oh right, I didn't have friends. I didn't want friends.
Lucas was here though, floating in the pool right in front of me.
"There is someone here for you Cam." My mother said from behind me.
I didn't turn around,"I don't want to be bothered."
My mother didn't say anything else. Lucas floated to the other side of the pool with his shades on.
Someone started to sit beside me. She smelt of honey. Of course it was Lily that's why my mother didn't argue.
She put her head on my shoulder,"You didn't invite me to your party Cam."
"You're right. So what are you doing here?" I asked while sliding into the water.
I could have orgasmed on how good that cold water felt against my skin. Lily watched me the entire time. She moved some hair from my face and pulled me between her legs.
"You're never been the one who express your feelings or talked about our relationship." She said wiping her face.
I continued to stare at her face. Why was she crying? I wiped her tears as they kept falling.
"What's wrong?"
She grabbed my hand and kissed it,"I'm leaving for college tomorrow morning. As soon as I graduate, I'm coming right back here, for you. For us."
"And I need you to kiss me, one last time." She whispered.
Lucas flipped into the water. You sly dog. He's been listening this entire time!
I frowned,"A hug won't do it?"
She grabbed my face and put my lips to hers. When we first met, I thought her kisses was the best kiss. She would definitely be number 2 on my list though.
Sounding of glass falling made me pull away.
She leaned her head against mines,"I'm going to miss that."
"Me too."
"I would walk you out but I'm soaking wet." I told her.
She nodded,"See you soon Cam."
She walked away. I climbed out of the pool as Lucas laughed at me. Ignoring him, I fixed me something to drink in a red cup and poured it back.
"I could see the love between you two Cam." Lucas yelled out laughing.
My mother walked up as I threw a middle finger at Lucas.
"Go get the other bottle of alcohol from the kitchen." She said pouring the last drink into her cup.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle. What's with white women and wine?
I turned around to be faced with Silvia. I waved and she laughed. What's funny?
She cleared her throat,"Have you seen my sister? Or parents?"
"They're outside."
She nodded and walked outside with me following behind her. Lucas flipped over in the pool making me laugh.
He's odd.
I put the liquor on the table and fixed me and him another cup. He peeped his head from under the water and grabbed it.
"I'm so dead. That's her! How did she know about this party? She's going to see me and realize I'm only 19!" He panicked while sipping the alcohol.
"Silvia? That's Avery's sister." I said.
Oh my god I flirted with my best friend girlfriend. I'm a horrible friend. All of the adults looked towards Lucas and I while smiling, of course except two people.
"Time to go?" I asked him.
We both immediately got out the pool and headed towards the house. Before we could get far, I went back to get a bottle of liquor, why not continue this party at my place?
"Cam? Where are you going?" My mother asked over the now playing music.
I put the bottle behind me,"I'm going home, it's been a long day."
Before she could respond, I turned around and started walking towards my car. Lucas was already in with the seat let back. I'm glad he put towels on my seats.
I started the car and left.
I patted his leg,"It's going to okay Lucas, we will continue this party between us in my condo."
In ten minutes, we both was walking into my home.
"Did you know, you and Avery are the only two people on this floor? None of these other door work. The door handle doesn't turn." He said.
Thats...weird. It's something I definitely wouldn't put pass our parents. He went into the bathroom, probably to shower. I turned on the game and loud music.
After about ten minutes, Lucas came out the bathroom in fresh clothes. I went in behind him and took a shower too.
I sprayed on cologne and put on black Nike gym pants and black tank top. For show, I put on a silver chain and comb my hair down the middle.
When I walked out, someone was beating on the door. Lucas sat at the bar, drinking out of his cup and playing the game.
It smelled like weed in here, did he smoke a joint without me? I opened the balcony door to let some of the smoke and smell out, just in case that was the police at the door.
I sat down beside Lucas and threw back the shots he already poured.
The beating started again. Was he ignoring the door too? I walked to it and pulled it opened. Two angry sisters walked in. Lucas still didn't look up.
I giggled, he definitely know what he is doing.
Avery glared at me making me clear my throat.
"What's wrong girls?" I asked them.
"Lucas." Silvia called out.
The boy turned off the game then put his shoes on. He put the shot glasses in the sink and walked towards us.
"Love sick puppet." I mumbled at him.
No way he did all of that. I got to teach him how to stand his ground. How could Silvia not see this was a boy all along and not a man?
Avery glared at me as the couple walked passed us.
What did I do?
Before she could leave I grabbed her arm,"They're going to your house, stay here until they finish talking."
I closed the door before she could say anything. She didn't say anything, she walked to the couch and sat down. I grabbed my phone and turned the music off on the speakers.
She turned the tv on Netflix.
After turning off the lights in the living room, I sat down directly beside her. She turned to the 100.
"Do you want to cuddle?"
"Will your girlfriend get mad?" She snapped.
Okayyyy. She was waiting to say that.
I laughed a little,"I don't have a girlfriend she dumped me today."
She ignored me and continued to watch the tv. I wrapped my arms around her and laid on the couch. The is a wide couch.
Avery head laid in my chest as we both continue to watch tv. It was perfect until she started to move.
"Be still." I said clearing my throat.
After she got comfortable she stopped. I threw the cover on the both of us.
She yawned.
"Goodnight Avery." I said kissing her head.
She mumbled,"Goodnight."