Chapter 128: Chaos in da House!

(Third POV)

Director Fury stood in a dark room, facing several monitors that floated around him; the world security council.

The most important people of the world were present in this conference, yet none of them was physically present.

"This is out of line, Director. You're dealing with forces you can't control." Said one of the council members.

Nick Fury snorted. "You ever been in a war, Councilman?" he did not wait for a response, instead he kept talking like a professional. "In a firefight? Did you feel an overabundance of control?"

"You saying that this Asgard has declared war on our planet?" The council member calmly responded.

"Not Asgard. Loki." Fury stated.

"He can't be working alone. What about the other one? His brother." Another council member spoke up.

"Our intelligence says, Thor is not a hostile. But he's worlds away, we can't depend on him to help. It's up to us." Fury said.

"Which is why you should be focusing on phase 2, it was designed for exactly…"

"PHASE 2 isn't ready," Fury said calmly, though the annoyance in his voice was clear. "Our enemy is. We need a response team."

"The Avengers Initiative was shut down." The first council member said sternly.

"This isn't about The Avengers." Fury said quickly.

"We're running the world's greatest covert security network and you're gonna leave the fate of human race to a handful of freaks." The man on the monitor spat.

"I'm not leaving anything to anyone," Fury said determinately, "We need a response team. These people maybe isolated, unbalanced even, but I believe with the right push they can be exactly what we need."

"You believe?" A woman asked hesitantly.

"Yes," Fury said. "I have faith in the Avengers initiative."

"What about the kid?" the woman asked, changing the subject, finally addressing the elephant in the room.

"You all read the file-" Fury began but was interrupted.

"Is it true?" The man asked. "Have you checked the facts?"

Fury groaned, "No I haven't. But the powers of the boy are enough evidence."

"An alternate version of earth is not meant to be taken lightly." a third man warned.

"If the boy's statement about the Power rule is true then we have nothing to fear from other universes which basically narrows down the threat to zero."

"If it's true." The woman repeated, "How do you know he's not lying."

Fury shrugged. "I have this gut feeling-"

"We can not rely on a gut feeling." The council member said accusingly.

"No," Fury admitted, "But we can trust on experience, which I have. And I say that this boy is not a threat, nor is his universe."

The council members were silent after that, silently praying that Fury was right and that they never had to deal with creatures from other universes. They had enough problems on earth and their own galaxy.

"What are you going to do with the kid?" the woman finally asked.

"I'm going to offer him a place in the Avengers initiative, that way we can monitor him and he will be useful."

"He's just a kid," The woman said, sounding a bit concerned. "We can not employ a child."

"This child fought Loki and Barton," Fury reminded the council. "He's a trump card, almost a gift from the gods."

Fury snorted when he said that. Remembering what Percy had told him about the Olympians.

"It would be wise to use it, instead of wasting it. Besides, the if the Avengers initiative is in action it will be a private organization."

"He's too young. What would the public think-"

"There's no law against privatised superheroes." Fury immediately replied. "The Avengers could hire him and he would be registered as an organization's service to the state. His identity and personal information can be kept from the public as it would be the property of the Avengers."

The council members considered the options, true they did not want to use such a unreliable factor like the kid but they knew that not using it would be wasting a golden opportunity.

Fury's statement was true, the Avengers would be a private organization thus it would have no supervision. However this could only work if the public would acknowledge the Avengers, that was a key factor. The moment the public would turn against them things could go ugly.

"We're entering a grey area." The woman said.

"And we are in a state of war." Fury said grim.

"Have you asked the kid's opinion yet?" the man asked.

"No," Fury said. "But I know he will accept the proposal."


"He's the kind that can't watch the world burn and do nothing." Fury said.


(Percy POV)

'So,' Chaos said, 'I enchanted all the information you gave to SHIELD. Only people with good intentions can access the information. Otherwise they will forget about it.'

I nodded, 'That's cool.'

In the last three hours I learned a lot about this world. Apparently the guy named Loki stole the Tesseract and Fury wants it back.

Also, Loki is evil; just like mine. This place already feels like home.

I had told Fury some stuff about myself and my powers. I also revealed small details about the Multiverse but I left out details like my rings and the fact there were like a gazillion other worlds.

Since Fury could not do a lot with the information I gave him (I don't even live here) I thought it didn't matter to tell them about the Olympians.

'Percy,' Chaos said seriously. 'I'm saving your life.'

'What do you mean?' I asked. 'I mean, what's the worse that SHIELD can do? Hack my Netflix?'

'Well, first off. Hydra could abuse your personal info.'

'Hydra?" I asked curiously. 'So this world has a Hydra too?'

Chaos shook her head. 'No, Hydra is SHIELD.'

I thought about it for a second, 'Wait, you mean that Fury is a monster?'

Chaos sighed. 'No! Hydra secretly controls SHIELD.'

I imagined a seven headed dragon sitting behind a monitor, secretly running world's biggest intelligence service.

Chaos read my thoughts and cursed. 'You're stupid.'

A sound startled me and woke me up from my thoughts,

A man entered the room.

Oh, did I mentioned I was in an interrogation room?

I wasn't a prisoner though, it was just that Fury had no idea what to do with me. So he told me to stay in this room till he had a plan. He was nice enough to give me some hot chocolate though.

The person in question wore a black fancy suit and had a file in his hand.

He greeted me. "Hello Percy Jackson. I am Agent Phil Coulson."

He offered me his hand and I shook it, after we exchanged hands he sat down and began to skim through the pages of the file.

"You have a lot of powers," Agent Coulson said, "Chlorokinesis, Hydrokinesis and Pyrokinesis."

I blinked. "Yeah, I know. I got a lot of weird powers."

"Yes," Agent Coulson murmured. "Fury already told me you probably forgot to mention a lot of them."

"Hey," I protested. "Some of my powers are just so random I completely forget about them."

He raised an eyebrow, almost challenging me. "There's not much that can surprise me."

I smirked. "Well, I can change into a wolf? Does that sound surprising to you? I can even transform partially and make claws. Poison claws even!"

Agent Coulson had an unimpressed expression.

"Oh," I said. "I can also talk to plants and fish!"

Agent Coulson's eyebrow rose, slightly impressed.

I smirked. "Oh, and I make delicious food."

I clapped my hands and a sandwich appeared. "Here, taste it."

He hesitantly took my sandwich, he studied it for a second before taking a bite. His eyes lit up in amazement, "This is good stuff!" he said while eating.

I grinned. "Does it surprise you?"

He nodded. "This is certainly surprising."

I decided I liked this guy.

I slumped in my seat, satisfied I hadn't lost my ability to surprise people.

"So," I said after he finished the sandwich, "What's the plan?"

"There's a plan?" Agent Coulson asked me. He did not deny it nor did he acknowledge it.

"Yeah," I uttered. "A plan to stop Loki? You know, save the world and stuff. I mean, the bad guys always want to end the world."

Agent Coulson raised his eyebrow in amusement. "Well, there is a plan. It's called the Avengers initiative."

Avengers, that sounded oddly familiar.

"What's it?"

"It's called the Avengers Initiative." Agent Coulson said, putting his file down on the table. Revealing a photo of a red haired woman, a blond dude wearing a weird costume, some kind of robot and a guy who looked like he had no idea what he was doing.

"The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could."

My eyes widened. 'No fucking way,' I thought. 'Chaos. The Avengers? As in the guys from the movies?'

I never had the time to see them but I had seen a poster about them, if I remember correctly Carter liked comics.

'Yup.' Chaos said with a smirk.

'But…they are not real.' I muttered. 'They are fiction right?'

'Told you,' Chaos said with an all knowing smile. 'Every possible reality is real. Thus a world where the Avengers are real exists.'

I breathed slowly, in and out.

'Okay,' I finally said. 'I guess I just roll with the fact I'm inside some kind of Toy franchise.'

Chaos stuck her tongue out. 'Well, you were dumb enough to fall inside that pool.'

"So what do you think?" Agent Coulson asked, startling me again.

I looked up and saw he had finished his monologue. Which I had completely missed.

'Say I'm in.' Chaos whispered.

"I'm in?" I said reluctantly.

Agent Coulson smiled brightly. "I knew you would."

His smile was gentle and an honest one. "Welcome to the Avengers, Percy Jackson."

I blinked, 'CHAOS!'

"I just knew the moment I read your file that you would be a hero." Agent Coulson said. Was he fanboying? "So what's your superhero name?"

I frowned, "Superhero name?"

"You're going to be an Avenger. You need a name."

I frowned, "Can't I just use my own."

Agent Coulson shook his head. "You're going to be something bigger. You need a name, something that can bring hope and strike your enemies with fear."

He was definitely fanboying right now.

I considered it for a second.

"Chaos." I said. "That's going to be my superhero name."

Agent Coulson raised an eyebrow. "Sounds good. May I ask why?"

"Because," I said grinning. "I'm about to bring it to the enemy. I'm going to be the ace in the hole. The unexpected factor.

The virus in the data. I am going to bring chaos."


Hey guys I really need your support for my other fic, I need just a 2 reviews and some Power Stone that's really help me a lot, since it's a new fanfic.

It's not even going to take 1 minute of your time.