Chapter 129: Welcome to my reality

(Percy POV)

"Percy Jackson," I introduced myself as I shook hands with the famous superhero in front of me.

"Steve Rogers." The tall blonde introduced himself. To me he looked like a relax dude but his blue eyes also had something else in them; something dangerous.

That along with the fact he was very muscular.

Steve blinked in confusion while the Quinjet soared away and headed towards the open sea.

Steve Rogers, Aka, Captain America. He turned to Phil who was studying one of the monitors.

"Wait, this is Percy Jackson?"

I countered. "Wait, this is Captain America."

Of course I knew he was Captain America, I had read the files Agent Coulson gave me, though I almost fell asleep. So I just remembered the essentials. Playboy billionaire with an robot suit, Green guy with anger issues, Frozen superhero and a Russian Assassin.

Phil Coulson smiled. "His super hero name is Chaos."

I nodded. "Yup." I tapped one of the pilots. "Sup, I'm a superhero!"

They laughed in amusement.

"He's underaged," Steve said with concern in his voice. "You can't do this."

I raised an eyebrow. "Actually I can do whatever i want."

Agent Coulson nodded. "Percy is included in the Avengers initiative."

"Hey," I said as a thought popped up. "Can I demand cars in the name of SHIELD?"

"You're to young to drive." He said, though not without an amused tone.

Steve Rogers blinked. "You can't be serious. I mean-"

"In my defence," I said. "I got a superhero suit!"

He stared at me like I just announced to jump into Tartarus.

I decided to prove my point and twitched folded my hands together, making both world rings touch each other.

They both began to glow but instead of transporting me back to Earth or to the Multiverse forest this did something else.

A thin string of fog appeared in my hands and began to swirl around me rapidly like a tornado. Second later I was wearing my Superhero suit.

It was a black skin tight suit, made of a substance that reminded me of Kevlar or something similar but Chaos told me it was enchanted to be bulletproof while at the same time it would not be limiting me in my movement or weighing me down. Also Chaos mentioned something about the suit absorbing damage which sounded kind of cool, but it made me look a bit like a ninja.

So I had added a few strokes of color on the suit, just a few stripes of red and purple and I even had a cape created out of pure darkness that could bend to my will. (Nyx was going to be pissed though for stealing her copyrighted darkness)

Riptide was now sheathed on my back, the shadow cape conveniently phasing through it, so I could draw it faster and make no fool of myself with a pen in the middle of a battle.

I had black fingerless gloves and greyish silver boots made out of something called Vibranium. I had no idea what it was but Chaos told me substance was a awesome.

To cover my face I had a domino mask, because I am a superhero,

How did a domino mask cover my secret identity? I had no idea, but knowing this entire suit was made by Chaos it had probably something to do with the mist I locked up in my world rings.

And with I, I mean of course my lovely goddess Chaos.

In fact, my entire superhero suit was solidified mist.

Or as I like to call it, Comic book logic.

"So you're a ninja now?" Steve deadpanned.

"Dude!" I cried out, "I'm trying so hard to impress my fellow superhero. Please just say something like cool or awesome."

Steve just shook his head in disappointment.

"Percy is a Omega level Mutant," Agent Coulson lied. "He's a valuable asset."

I nodded and elbowed Steve. "Hear that? I'm a superhero. I am Chaos."

'No Percy,' Chaos said. 'We are Chaos.'

I grinned like a madman, but can you blame me?

A big problem of my own world was the mist, 9/10 times it would make me look like a bad guy.

This world had no problems with such things. In fact, they were not even surprised when they heard about my powers.

I loved this world.

Steve Rogers just shook his head in disappointment, I saw it was not directed at me, rather at SHIELD.

Agent Coulson handed Steve an Ipad that showed a video of a green dude destroying Harlem.

"So, this Doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum that was used on me?" Steve asked worried.

"A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula." Agent Coulson answered.

"Didn't work out really well," Steve said dryly as the Hulk in the video ripped a jeep apart.

"Not so much. When he's not that thing though, guy's like a Stephen Hawking." Agent Coulson confessed.

Steve frowned. "Who?"

"Scientist." I quickly said. "A famous one."

Steve looked down, he looked a bit shameful.

I used a quick emotion scan on him and found the source of his sadness.

It hurted him to be so out of place and time, not catching the reference was for Steve another proof that he did not belong in this time.

"Hey," I said and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it. After this shit is done I'm going to help you catch up with-"

Suddenly the Quinjet started shaking like Hades, I don't mean some normal turbulence. There were small explosions heard outside our Quinjet, like something hit us. From my position I could see that the Pilots in front of the Quinjet had lost control. For a second we were no longer flying above the sea.

Instead we were flying inside a rageous thunderstorm, red clouds swirled above a desert like landscape that I would describe a world gone mad.

Steve and I had dropped to the ground while Agent Coulson was slammed against the wall and a man who had been studying the monitor flew against the ceiling.

As we crashed down I could saw something through the windshield of the Quinjet.

Underneath us there was a theme park that had descended into the sandbanks, Lightning continuously struck the theme park. A monsters was wandering around in the theme park but the size was impossible. He was so big he could literally grab the Quinjet without any trouble.

The monster looked somewhat human, he had a large octopus head with tentacles reaching out for the plane. His body was covered in scales and was walking on his hind legs, from his back stuck out two long narrow wings.

The monster seemed to be fighting someone else, which was probably the reason it hadn't attacked us yet.

Some kind of green serpentine like dragon soared through the sky a. It had yellow ring-like symbols run across the length it's body. He opened his mouth wide and a Electric beam fired at the octopus man, but did nothing at all.

More creatures were flying around the octopus man, I did not recognize any of them but a few of them looked oddly similar to planes.

The pilot tried to pull the steer handle towards him, trying to stop our rapid crash.

A screeching sound filled the cockpit and suddenly the radio turned on. All monitors showed a green audiotrack with audio waves slowly progressing towards the bar.

A weird combination of peeps and longer peeps screeched through the air.

"-.. - . ... / .- -. -.- - -. . / -.-. - .-. -.- ..-.. / .. ..-. / -.- - ..- / ... . .- .-. / - ... .. ... / - ..- .-. -. / .- .-. - ..- -. -.. / .- -. -.. / -. - / -... .- -.-. -.- / - - / -.- - ..- .-. / - .- -. / .- - .-. .-.. -.. -.-.- / ... - - .-. / - ... .. ... / - .- -.. -. . ... ... .-.-.- / ... - - .-. / .. - / -. - .- -.-.- / -. - / -... .- -.-. -.- -.-.- / -. - / -... .- -.-. -.- / .-. . .-. -.-. -.- -.-.- / - .-. ..- ... - / - . / - -. / - ... .. ... .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-. .-.. . .- ... . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .. ..-. / -.- - ..- / -. - / -... .- -.-. -.- / - ... .. ... / .- .. .-.. .-.. / -. . ...- . .-. / ... .- .-. .-. . -. / .- -. -.. / -.- - ..- / -.-. .- -. / ..-. .. -..- / . ...- . .-. -.- - ... .. -. -. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .. / -.- -. - .- / - ... .. ... .-.-.- / .. / .- .. ... ... / .. / ... .- -.. / -.- -. - .- -. / - ..-. / - ... .. ... / -... . ..-. - .-. . / .. / ... - .- .-. - . -.. / - ... .. ... .-.-.- / -.- - ..- / ... .- ...- . / - - / ... - - .-. / "

When the screeching sound stopped the world had suddenly changed again.

We were back at sea. At our sea, I sighed in relief as our Quinjet slowly descended and finally landed on some kind of battleship.

I turned to Steve Rogers who had fainted, then at Phil Coulson who looked more concerned than I've ever seen him or imagined he could be.

"Guess we made it." I joked while feeling terrible.


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