When the princess woke, she was lying on one of her couches with a soft blanket draped over her. I sat on the floor by her side. Half the basket of pastries was gone, though if she paid any attention to the way I was licking my fingers, it would not be hard to figure out to where.
"Eve?" she asked, "is that you?"
"You remember me, princess? I'm touched." I really was. Over the last half hour, I had ruminated constantly on the scare I must have caused her, appearing in her chambers in the dead of night. It was a stupid idea.
"You came." She smiled and reached for me. I offered her my hand and she took it, interlacing her slender fingers with my own.
It didn't matter how suave I thought I was, the moment we were touching every thought and conversation starter fled from my mind. "You- I- You are... well?" I asked.
She giggled. "Better now than I have been in a long time."