When the Court of Whispers gathered, it was to pass judgement on those who had broken the sacred code of the underground, or to consider the addition of new rings of illicit activity to our network. My first meeting--
No. Wait. I thrashed against the memory, pulling myself back into darkness. Who cared about the Court of Whispers. I was with Minerva, it was just about to get GOOD.
Blind and hopelessly lost, I--or, a piece of me? Just my mind? Just my consciousness? The grammar in this situation was very difficult--wandered through the abyss of my memories, trying to find my way back to the tower and my first night with Minerva.
Memories of Minerva and I were sure to bring me back to waking sooner. That was my motivation. Definitely. Not some desire to live through one of the best nights of my life a second time. Who would even think of that? Not me.
Where was I? Minerva's bed. Right.