Chapter 33: Waking at Last

Minerva wasn't stunned by the gravity of the situation. She turned to me immediately, anxiety written clear on her face. For my part, I felt a strange sense of peace. We had done it, after all our months of plotting.

"You-you're sure about this?" Minerva asked me.

I motioned to the king's corpse. "It might be a little late for us to start doubting."

"Not that." Minerva gave me a pained look. My heart ached with her. "The forgetting. Are you sure you want to go through with it. We could hide you somewhere else, or try to..."

I took the princess' hands and looked her deep in the eyes. Even now, with the weight of what we were about to do pressing on my mind, I found myself appreciating that dazzling bright blue of her irises.

"Everything will be alright, Min. I trust you."

She touched her forehead to mine and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too." I squeezed her hands.