Chapter 32: Remembering VII

Our time together after that revelation took a stranger, more treasonous turn. I would slip into the castle nearly every night to visit with Minerva. We would chat, kiss, enjoy whatever snacks I had brought, kiss again, kiss some more, do all the things that came naturally after kissing, and then plot the assassination of her entire family.

We had several distinct advantages. For starters, we could move about the castle virtually undetected, thanks to the secret passages of the boy king. In addition, people were already disregarding Minerva. With a few carefully seeded rumors, we were able to build a reputation that would fully discredit any accusations of murder or conspiracy.

But there were obstacles as well.

The king was seldom alone; he walked with an armed escort of guards and slept at night in what I started referring to as 'a pile of concubines.' And even if we could catch him alone, he was still an Andan noble, and therefore one of the most dangerous people in the world.