Chapter 39: Overdue Fury

Leon found an excuse to stand close to me. Given his height and the angle of his gaze, I knew exactly why. This thin slip did do some... impressive things with my figure.

"You have rather... overzealous guards," he observed, tactfully not commenting on my outfit--or lack thereof.

I bit my lip. Nemo and the others were loyal to me, but I didn't want them to get in trouble for it. Maybe I could find an excuse for them.

"Think of it this way," I said, rolling my shoulders back to distract Leon, "you'll always know I'm safe. Isn't that worth a bit of... zeal now and again?"

It seemed to work. He dropped the subject immediately.

"I like your outfit," Leon said, tact be damned, and slid closer to me. I could see the top of his scars through the collar of his shirt. I knew what the weight of him on me would feel like. His hands were seconds away from my waist.

But there was more in me now than last time. More memories, more spine.