Chapter 40: Alone with My Thoughts

The rest of my night passed thankfully without interruption, and I woke the next morning feeling clear-headed. Chava was ready with breakfast--enough for both of us, I noticed--and we ate in happy, companionable silence. Eventually it was broken by the necessities of the day-to-day.

"What will you need today, Lady Eve?" Chava asked me.

I thought about it. Clothes certainly, but there were other pressing issues as well. I needed to know more about my duties as a knight, and the resources that accompanied them. A stream of income from the crown treasury would be exceptionally useful in every future I could imagine.

The thought of money started the old fires in my mind burning again. I was Eve of Whispers, and I had been silent for nearly a month. Some of my contacts in the kingdom's underworld would need to be reached out to, old supply lines would need attention.