

I woke up , ate my breakfast and went to school on foot , of course after my usual sweet conversation with my father ...

And yeah , I had to commute because my father wants me to be tough . I wonder if he wants me to join so that he can get rid of me .

School ....same old building , same students and same teachers . God , I am sick of all this . Here she comes . My bestfriend a.k.a Pumpkin princess. Now I will have to tell her everything because apparently that is what friends are supposed to do ...

"So ? You got the job! " , Claire who was clearly astonished ...

I knew she would overreact when I will tell her what happened yesterday .

" Yeah , I did and I am going to work there from now on ...Wait a minute , I am mad at you " , I spat .😡

" Oh come on let bygones be bygones " , Claire cheekily insisted .

" Like that is a idiom ", I said .

" Well , today is Monday and I have no intention of holding grudge against you so I forgive you , pumpkin princess " I teased .

And she is pissed . I love Claire 's pissed off face . I reached my classroom and sat on my desk .

Yes , in our school each person has one desk assigned to him with deskmate as well . Mine is that wierd boy with black rimmed glasses who is always writing something in his notebook . And our desks are specially designed to keep the books . Because of which we don't any lockers . Though there are lockers but they are of no use . Such wastage .

Here he comes , the weird lad . He is wearing some old warmer with hoodie and shabby pants . He looked at me and sat down besides me . Now that I think and I don't even know his name . Not that I care .

No , Mr Simpson . Why is he here ? He was not supposed to be here today .

"Dear students , Miss Marie is absent today so I am the one who is going to take the class " ...

The way he says dear student makes me want to puke . I wish my prank worked . Well better luck next time .

I swear the way he teaches maths . I am going to forget all that I have learnt . He is teaching how to convert angles from degree to radians . Easy I will do it by myself where is my textbook . Its in my desk and the desk is locked where are the keys .

" Would you please keep quiet . I am trying to study here " , the weird boy .

What the hell ! I was just trying to find my book . Errhhh....He is so annoying . Anyway, here is my text book. Now I am going to solve the problem.

I just have to multiply by 360.


Thank God , bad times have passed . And now I can finally eat my lunch . But our school's canteen is separate , opposite to the main building . We have to go across the big ground to reach there.

By the way , I didn't see

Claire in the class. Looks like she bunked today once again . No wonder, her grades are on top from the bottom . There she is talking with her equally annoying group . She is sitting beside Lucas.

" Hey , Myra ....Over here ..." , Claire. As usual, she found me. I don't know how . She is the most alert person that I have ever met .

Looks like I will have to sit with these people once again ...Its not like I have any other choice. Wait a minute , I forgot my lunch box .

" Where are you going ? " , Claire asks.

" I am going to get my lunch box ..." , I answer.

" Still eating from lunchbox ...Aren't you? " , Lucas with a smirk .

" Yeah I am ...Problem ? ...." , I say clearly unaffected .

I always forget to bring my lunchbox with me. Now I have to get my lunchbox.


" The wierd boy , you are still here " , I say as I enter the classroom.

" You kept your lunchbox on my books and now my books are ruined.

",the wierd boy .

Damn, his books are soiled because of me .

" I will buy you new ones . And I am ...."

" Forget it ....And my name is Sam . Not weird boy . "

How did he ...? Oo,.I unconsciously called him

weird boy just now .Oh no, first we didn't talk and now when we did I accidently offended him.

Finally , I am free and I can go to work . But I don't know which bus to take to get there .

Let me check on my phone . Alright , it is the one near forth bus stop . Great, now it has started to rain . Its the wierd boy again. What is he doing at this bus stop?

What did he say his name was again ? Yeah it was Sam . God, I am getting old .

Whatever ...Awkward ...He turns his head to look at me and then behaves like he doesn't know me . Guess, he is not interested . Then why bother.

" Finally, bus has arrived " , I carelessly


I have to control volume of my voice . But how ? Whatever, I will think about it other time .


Finally I have arrived at the Main Market. Wait, the weird boy is also here.

Why is he here?

Wait, why is he entering the workshop?

As I entered the workshop , I heard he is shouting something ...Something like.

" Dad , dad ! " , Sam says. And like always ...Mr mechanic appear out of nowhere . Now that I think I don't know Mr Mechanics name.

"You have finally arrived ...I forgot to ask your name little girl " , The old man .

Before I could say anything . Sam said : " Myra , her name is Myra ".

" Then Myra ,why are you standing there let us get back to work ? "

" By the people call me Leo and do you two know each other ? " , Leo asked .

" We are classmates and deskmates " , I answered...


Have ever been in so baffled that you ruin every work you try to do . I have ...I was trying to work bit no matter what I did I ended up making mistakes because Mr Leo went to have some lunch and asked his wierd son to guide me who instead of guiding me was playing on his phone or texting someone . That is how I am baffled .

Anyway ...Mr Leo asked me to find out what is wrong with two cars in his garage before he is back . Both of the cars looked expensive but dirty . And the problem is that I don't know what to do. I don't know anything at all.