Hate is a complex emotion .It makes you irrational and illogical . Like love this emotion can ruin your life .And I prefer to ignore all extreme emotions until now ...When I am feeling extreme hatred towards someone named Sam who is standing still while I am working like a Cidrella ...

" Hello , Sam ...Sam " ...

" What do you want ? " , Sam asked .

" Can you tell me where is tool box ? You know I am new here so I don't exactly know where things are ? "

" Then how come you are hired ? " Sam inquired ...

This b--- I am going to kill him .Calm down Myra its your first day at work and he is your boss's son .Just calm down .

" Look I just want you show where things are

kept " , I said through my teeth , " And weren' t you supposed to guide me ..."

Great now he is ignoring me .Where did he go ? There is not even proper light here .How am I supposed to find something or even see something .

" Here is tool box and other necessary things

but you were only asked to find out what the problem is , right ? " Sam

I am going to ignore him like he did a while ago . And now he is again playing with his mobile phone . He is a phone addict . I wonder how he is the topper of our class .

Now I checked the first car its break has failed . And the second one has problem in its engine . Wow that was easy than expected .

Oh Mr Leo is back when did he come . Now I

understand how he appears out of nowhere its

because of the dark room . I wonder why he doesn't bring lights .

" Mr Leo ...Can I go home ? My shift has already ended .Can I ? "

"Go " , Mr Leo .

Well , it seems he is quiet like his dear son .And also quite weird .

Damn its 9 'O' ,clock and I forgot to notify my mother . But she didn't call me either . Weird . Oh no ...my phone is switched off .

Finally , I reached home .

"Myra ! Where were you ? " , Mrs Rishan standing at the gate .

" I was at work " , I replied .

"This late ..." Mrs Rishan .

I shrugged and went inside .I am so hungry .

" Mom , anything for dinner ."

"First tell me more about this job."

As I explained everything my mother was startled .

"My God ! ...A garage ...You are working at a garage ! Unbelievable . " ,Mrs Rishan .

"Well believe it because its true. "

"Let us talk tomorrow.."

"Before she could say anything I ran upstairs ..."

My life seriously sucks . I am going to sleep .

I woke up early and I am going to sneak out before my mother starts to interrogate me .

Well , after I collect my money I am going to buy a bike . A good one .


He is here . Guess who ? Who else than the weirdo. He is still on his phone .Such a phone addict . 🤳

Here comes the bus . Before I could get on the bus I collided with the weirdo .Ow I fell on my butt . Damn it hurts .Oh no, I am going to miss the bus . And we again collided . This little b---.

That's it I am going to kill him .And the bus is gone while me and weirdo are still sitting on the road . I have started to glare at him while he is staring at me . Great now I have to wait for another hour at the bus stop . I will sit on the bench . He sat near me . He is too close . What is he doing on his phone ? My clothes are messed up and I missed the bus because of him .This weirdo is a piece of trash ...

"Can you stop shaking your leg ? " , Sam with derision or some weirdo.

The nerve . That is it I have to going to punch his head . He just walked . Man , he is so irritating . Finally I reached the school...Damn ,I have to sit with that weirdo once again .

As soon as I sat down the weirdo whispered in my ear : " Don't make noise . "

Class has started but he has started to take advantage of me . Does he think that I am a pushover . Guess what, I am not going to listen to him . I started shaking my leg .

" I said don't make noise ..." Sam spat viciously.

I smirked and continued to shake my leg .Then he also started to shake his leg .

" I don't mind " ,I mouthed .

Man,..He is so pissed off and I am happy .

" Sam and Myra ! What are you two doing ? "

"She is disturbing me , Sir ...."

" No, ...Sir he is the one who is disturbing me ...."

" That is it both of you...See you in detention room.."

Whole class gasped has school toppers got detention .


Guess what we have two hours of detention and I also have to work . I have to do something . Let us sneak out . I am getting up and sneaking out of window .

" Sir , Myra is trying to leave " ,Sam smirking as I turned my head towards him .

" ."

This b---- , I forgot he was here . Just wait and watch how I am gonna make him disappear .

"Myra ,sit down or expect two years of detention rather than two hours ."

Whatever let us complete my homework . Damn my pen is not working .

" Give me a pen ...Please ...My pen is out of ink ..." , I said .

" I don't have any extra pen ..." , Sam .

" Then give me a pencil " ,I said

'---' // He is again ignoring me . No one has ignored me this much . I am the one who ignores people around me . No one ignores me . He is so dead . I suddenly remember the drone that I was gonna build . I have yet to build its propeller . I don't have any time to spare .


Finally ...Good thing is that I completed my homework . Wait a minute how am I gonna reach the garage . Taxi , I will book a taxi .Sam has a bicycle . Now that is a new information . Wait till I make you pay Sam dear .
