My drone was accidently started by Miss Maria when she tried to take back the remote. As a result whole house is now in mess . Drone has broken glasses of our windows as well as vases . My father was immediately informed about the situation and now I am getting scolded .

" I knew you would do something like that . When are you going to be responsible ..." My dear father said , " How many times have I told you not to do your silly experiments in the house ? Do you even know how many times it has already been ? That is it . You have to fix the house on your own . It should ...."

" Come on darling don't be too harsh on her . You know it was an accident . Don't worry dear even if you won't be able to fix it properly when I return I will eventually help you out ..." My mother ...

" Either you will fix the house or else you won't be able to enter the house ..." My father spat .

" Good bye honey . Take care of yourself ..." My mother said as the screen of my laptop screen went black again .

Yeah they were video calling me . Great now I have to fix the house .

ONE HOUR LATER : I have cleaned the house . Miss Maria also helped a lot but other servants were nowhere to be seen . Now all that is left is to fix the window . I have already called some experts to fix the window. They will come tomorrow and fix it . I have already called mom so that she can pay them .

Its already 2 'O ' clock . I didn't sleep well even in two consecutive nights. I should go to sleep .

" Miss , Miss you should get up ...Please get up Miss ..." , Miss Maria said as I opened my eyes .

" Five more minutes ..." , I mumbled .

" Miss you are already late . Please get up and go to school ..." Miss Maria said .

" Alright ..."

Now I have to bath again . Its cold outside . I won't bath in the morning . I will bath after coming back from school to avoid freezing to death .

Monday sucks ...I have to leave.

As soon as I reached the school I saw colorful posters of youth festival . It had rainbow colors and the picture of players drawn on it .

Serena was the centre of attention not Jeremy which was new. Its not like I care about sports . I am not in a good mood today . My hard work was for nothing . The drone was destroyed and I am extremely tired because of lack of sleep and all that house work.

" Are you alright ? " ...Guess who asked it . No it was not Claire but Sam . What is wrong with him ? He is not going to poison me , is he ?

" No , I had a rough day ..." , I answered reluctantly .

Then he did something unexpected . He gave me a thermos to drink coffee ...☕☕

What is wrong with him ? Not that I can say that out loud . It will be rude to say that but seriously what is wrong with him .

" Drink it ...Its made of special coffee seeds . I brewed it by myself ..." Sam

" You brew coffee ...."

" Yeah its not a big deal .It helps me when I am up all night because of my writing ...." Sam was about to say something else . But someone interrupted our rare conversation .

" Who is gonna win! Serena is gonna win ...Who is the best ? Serena is the best ..."

It was Lily along with some other girls . But why were they cheering in the classroom .

" I said stop it ! " Serena entered with red face . But it was clearly because of embarrassment .

" Why ? We thought male players get their own cheerleaders . But no one cheers for female ones . That is why we are here . " Lily said with pout.

" Yeah, but no one wears ducking costumes to do that . " Serena said .

" I think these are cute . And I am cheering for the love of my life . Who is the best ? " Lily ...

" Serena is the best...." Other girls .

" Good morning students , you all seem very energetic ...I wish you were that focused in your studies. Anyway , there are no classes today . " Mr Simon.

And the announcement was like a black magic spell which turned everyone into buch of wild beasts who were howling and shouting .

While Sam had covered his ears with ear pods . And was doing something .

Definitely a bad day for me .

Finally everyone got out and headed towards playground . Claire and Lily went to watch Serena's match . Along with Lucas . She was going to basketball match .

Whatever , I am just going to find a place to sleep . Greenhouse is perfect . There is also a bench in there I love sleeping in the greenhouse .

I lied on the bench and slept soundly for at least two hours before I heard some noises .

" I told you to stay away from her ..."

" Why should I listen to you ? Who are you my mother ? " ...

Then someone was hitting someone and then they left ...

I was awake but I still wanted to sleep for a while before someone else arrived ...

" I love you ..." .

" What ? You never told me before . "

" Yeah I know because I am just a loser. But I seriously love you . Will you marry me ? " 👰👰👰

What the ...What is wrong with people today . I want to sleep. Then there was silence ...I slept again before someone came and this person didn't make any noise . So I got a little curious and opened my eyes . Only to see Sam sitting on another bench besides me .

He was still on the phone ....🤳🤳🤳

" Are you still writing your story ? " I said it before realising ...Seriously, why did I ask ? Now he is just going to ignore me again . I am so stupid.

Surprisingly , he looked at me . Pushed his glasses and said something which was very amusing .

" Yeah its a sci-fi story : A MISTAKE OF ONE SWARTZCHILD RADIUS ...." Sam

" Its title sounds intriguing ...Is it about black hole ? " I asked .

" Yeah , its based on CERN . I am still nor good at character development ." Sam said ...

And we talked and talked for a long time . It was a long conversation . But it strangely felt good.

After school , I went to garage . And started oiling some machine parts . I still haven't figured out what was wrong with the drone . I need to look at it properly .

" Hey , you are here ...." Unexpectedly it was Lily with bruise in her eye.