Today is our first paper . We don't have any classes during the exams. That means I can go home study and then go to garage .

" Hey , topper . I am so nervous , M . You must be fully prepared though I am still not . I hate you ,M . " Claire who looked anxious .

" I have to get good grades to again fool around . And you are going to help me if I get stuck , right? " , Claire asked me .

" We are not in the same centre . Your centre is 70 , mine is 71..." I said .

" That means I am officially doomed . Well, its not like you would have helped me if I was in your centre ...You know you are very selfish ..." Claire pouted .

" You can say whatever you want I am not gonna change ..." I said .

" Well, last night I thought what would be the name of book if its written about Lucas and I think ' One-sided love of Lucas will be fine ... Do you know ? He again got rejected by Lily yesterday . We were hanging out to buy some notes when he asked her out . Man it was so epic . Lucas was like : Well I was thinking maybe we can s--s-s-s-s-tudy t-t-t-together for exams ... And all Lily said was : No , in her sweet but harsh voice ..." Claire imitating Lucas and Lily .

" I am simply unable to comprehend how you are so happy when you are anxious . " I said .

" Well , you can say optimism is one of my many charms . " She said while flipping her blonde hair .

" Hey , guys ..." Lucas said but as soon as he came Claire started to laugh .

"Would cut it out so what she refused to study with me ...Its not like I proposed to her and got rejected ..." Lucas .

" Your oblivion makes it even more hilarious ...Ha ha ..." Claire who was laughing like a mad dog .

And bell rang , that means we have to report in the examination hall .

" Well , the bell has wrung and Doomsday has arrived ..." Lucas dramatically .

"Yeah ,best of luck guys . " Claire as she and Lucas left .

Well, today is our English paper . Nothing difficult but I still need to be careful. Last time I was more carefree and left two questions unanswered .

I entered the classroom and saw him . The person who enrages me : Sam . These days whenever I see him I am so angry. Hence I tend to ignore him as much as possible . He followed me around to study my character. You know what else I found he is writing a romantic story . Forget it , M . Forget it ...Just focus on your exams but seriously how could he? 😡😡😡

I was assigned to sit write behind the weirdo . I hate this .

We were given papers five minutes before the exam started and then question papers were given right on time .

AFTER EXAMS : The paper was quite difficult . But I managed to do it .

" I am still in shock Serena . I can't believe this I am going to fail .Whole paper was from the part of syllabus which I didn't study . How can I be so unlucky ? " Lily .

" That is why I told you to study but you didn't listen ..." Serena .

" Oo , you won't understand . You always get good grades while I end up being last ..." Lily .

" Isn't it because you are too lazy to study ? " Serena .

" Shut up ... Hey , M . How are you ? I won't ask you how you did in your exams because I already know the answer..." Lily said .

" By the way what was the answer of fifth objective ..." Serena .

" No ...No... Don't say it . Please don't..." Lily covering her ears with hands .

" You are doing it again . It won't make any difference even if the answer is wrong ..." Serena.

" Then why don't you shut up . I don't want to hear it ..." Lily ..." I told you that if I know that I chose incorrect option . I will be haunted in my dreams ..."

" Whatever ..." Serena rolling her eyes .

" Well, bye I am going ..." I said .

" Goodbye , M ..." Lily .

Well , Mr Leo asked me to take leave during exams though I said I don't need it . But he insisted . We have five papers in total . Now , only four more papers are left .Tomorrow is Maths , then Science and then so on.

Well , let us first go home . I think after exams we will have winter breaks for a month then we will be admitted to 11th grade . Time is flying . I will be adult in no time . A full-fledged

adult . I hate this feeling of loss .

" Hey , M ...." Claire ." You know I did good in my exams . I am so proud of myself ."

" Oh , shut up ..." Lucas . " Why ? Why do you do good on exams when I am the one who studies hard ..."

" Probably because of my good deeds ..." Claire .

" What good deeds ? You use boys around you like chewing gums ..." Lucas .

" Its not my fault that I am beautiful ... "Claire flipping her hair .

" Anyway , M . Please tell me I answered at at least five questions correctly..." Lucas as he handed me his question paper . There were answers marked on it.

And as I checked I found that he had answered ten questions correctly .

" Ten , ten questions are correct ..." I said .

" Thank God !!!" Lucas exhaled .

" Well , I will message Lily that I answered ten answers correctly . She must be worried . " Lucas shyly .

" You and your hopeless love..." Claire .

" Its not hopeless as long as I am helpful and have these muscles ..." Lucas as he showed his muscles by folding the t-shirt which covered his abdomen .

" I am going to puke ..." Claire .

" I hate break your banter but I have to go home ...." I said.

" Let us go together and ride on the bus ..." Claire .

" I am going home via taxi ..." Lucas as he left

And Claire and me began to head towards bus stop.

" Its been a long time since we walked together like this ..." Claire .

" Yeah , it has ..." I said.

" You know I saw Sam in the club where I was playing around . It was weird . He looked upset .But I was more scared that my father will know that I am in club despite his orders so I couldn't bring myself to talk to him .." Claire

" Don't talk about him ..." I said .

" Why ? Did you reject him ....orrr....? " She asked .

" No ! Why does your mind is only filled with this nonsense . He is using my personality as a base to form one of the characters in his story . That is why he was acting wierd ..." I said .

Before Claire could say anything my bus arrived and I got on it while she remained on the bus stop as she had to take another bus . But I clearly saw that she was laughing....