Smart phones are greatest inventions of modern day world . Along with internet and computers . But unfortunately I am not allowed to use these things . Why? Its because my father thinks that these things can spoil me . And if I need to use internet because of some emergency I have to use one of the internet's of the house . It has been a habit .

Well, today I need to use the internet because of my last paper : physics . There is one thing that I need to check about Archimedes principle. There are many PCs in our house but the one that I need to use is in library.

Our library is very large . Shelves are made of high quality wood . It gives fragrant smell of woods . There are tables , chairs as well as wooden desks for receptionists . There are number of books in here from engineering to history but I don't read that much books I rather try to apply theories and laws practically . I love to apply my knowledge . I don't read that much books .

Here is the computer . Now I just need to search for my answer . Finally I got it. There is something strange in the search engine's history . Dad has researched about some labs which are specialized in DNA testing I wonder why . Is it because of me ? Is he testing my DNA . The thought of not being dad's daughter has never occurred to me before . Whatever ...


I am trying to concentrate on Physics which is my favourite sub . Despite being my favourite I am unable to concentrate on it because dad's research is ticking mind . I wonder what is he trying to find out . Why did he do something like that ? Just why ? Forget it ....I have to concentrate on my paper no matter what . I am still sleepy . I am so tired. Yawning ...


Finally , today is my last paper I will be free from exams from now on. I should get up and get changed . Mom had finally bought several dresses for me . I will choose one of them . I chose a black pant and pink sweater to wear . Yeah , I hate pink colour but nevermind I don't care . Now lets go...

As soon as I entered the corridor I saw my father reading an old newspaper.

Father : " Today is your last paper , right ?"

Mother : " Yeah ..."

I was surprised to know that he remembered . He never cares about me ...Or does he ?

" For today I will give you ride to the school ..." , said my dad .

" What ? But you said that I should know how to travel without cars ..." I said.

" You are asking too many questions ..." , dad as he looked at me .

" Alright . I will ride with you ..." , I said.

There was one weird thing that I noticed . My mother was oddly quiet today . She didn't say anything .

I don't remember when was the last time I travelled with my father in his grandiose car .When we left the mention there was a car waiting for us in the pavement . Its driver had opened the door for me and my father to enter . I noticed the car was my dad's favourite it was royal blue colored ferrari . One of the fastest cars. Not something that normal rich or middle-aged man would hear.

Well , its awkward I have never been in one car with my father . Should I say something ? Should I ask him about the search history ? How will he react ?

" Do you like physics ? " He asked .

" Yes , I do ..." I said .

" Good ..." , he said.

And after that there was an uncomfortable silence between us . It happens when you don't spend time with someone . You don't know what to say to that person because you don't know anything about him . Its how human psychology.

AT 10 A . M . :

Exam has started . We are sitting on separate chairs with side table . But I still saw a girl

taking out a chit . She was cheating . I don't care about it . Its none of my business .

" Stand up ...." examiner to the girl who was cheating .

" But sir..." said the girl nervously .

" I said stand up and leave the classroom . Don't disturb other students ! " , examiner .

" I was not feeling well , sir ...I..." The girl.

Oh God ! Please get out and let me do my paper . At last she was kicked out of the examination centre . Now I can easily concentrate on my paper.

Its finally over . Now I can go to work properly .

Finally , I have arrived at garage. How long has it been ? At least two weeks Look who is here ? Sam ... Where is Mr Leo ? Why is he here ?

" Hi ..." , Sam .

I am not going to talk to him after knowing that he used me to write his novel . Hence I ignored like he ignores people all the time .

" Look I know that who are angry with me . I will show you the manuscript . I will only publish it if you approve . Alright ? " , Sam .

" Are you sure ? " , I asked .

He just nodded .

" Alright then show me the draft when you are done ..." I said .

" How many vehicles are there to fix ? " , I said .

" You have to fix three vehicles in total . A car , a scooty and a bike ..." , he said , " And dad asked me to give you this ..."

Its my salary . My first salary . I have never been so much happy in my life . The feeling is so fulfilling and good . I have butterflies in my stomach . So cheesy ...

" You okay? " , Sam asked as I was snapped out of my trance .

" Yeah ..." , I said .

Alright , I will get back to work ...Where is the toolbox ? Its not where it used to be . Yeah , here it is .

AT 9 P. M. :

" Have you done your work ? " , Sam .

" Yeah , I just have to change my uniform and wash -up ..." I said .

"Okay , you should leave . I will lock up by myself ..."

Of course , you have to . Since you didn't do any work . I don't understand why he is here when he doesn't do any work . I hate him.

I hate his guts .

Now that I reached home I remembered the search history of my father. I should talk to my mother . But what should I say to her I don't want to hurt her.