Today is Monday . And good thing is that we don't have classes because of vocations that have recently started . It means I can work on my drone , go to work and do as many experiments as I want . And I will also find out . If I am adopted or biological daughter of my parents . I know this is ridiculous but I want to do that and make sure no one finds about it .

" Get up....Even though you don't have to go to school . You should still get up and do some vital work ..." , Mom.

" Mom , please let me sleep I have lot of things to do today . Let me rest for a while ..." , I said .

" No means no . You know what they say : Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy ,wealthy and wise ..." My mom chirped .

" I am not going to be any more wise . I am already wise enough ..." I said .

" You are narcissistic . Just like your father . " , she said.

" Call me anything . Even being a donkey is better than being like my dear father ..." I said.

" I said get up ! " , she ordered .

There is one thing that I know about my mother she hardly gets angry but when she does then it is state of emergency . Hence I woke up to take a bath as I was feeling itchy like always.

I went down to find that my father was reading newspaper in the living room while my mother was preparing for breakfast . 🍞🍞

" You are up . Come with me to the company ...Since its your holiday . I am busy with something these days ..." , my dad .

" I can't ...I am busy ..." I said .

" Time management is one of the many things that you have to learn as an adult and you are soon going to be an adult..." , he said.

" Alright ..." , I said stopping him from saying anything else which can give me massive headache .

I hate this man and his stupid logic . Now I am certain that I am an adopted daughter . I hate this. He wants to work me to death .

" Here is your breakfast ..." , my mother .

" You cooked again by yourself . Darling I told you not to tire yourself . You should take a rest ..." He sweetly said.

See, rules are clearly different for me and mother . Apparently I can tire myself but my mother shouldn't . Yeah , I am not his biological daughter .

" What are you thinking sweety ? Eat your breakfast ..." , she said .

" Don't worry about her. She should think once in a while ...." he said .

And I start to ear my breakfast . Mom has made boiled egg and toasted bread for breakfast . Mom has also prepared some orange juice for me .

" Sir , your car is ready ..." , says my father's driver .

" Well, then let us leave Myra ..." he orders .

Great I have to endure him for a day . And I can't stand him even for an hour . Today we are going to ride black Mercedes . Not gonna lie I love this car .

AT DAD'S COMPANY : We arrived after an hour .

My dad 's company . I haven't visited the company for a long time .

Everyone is in a fancy suit and everyone is greeting my father. The building is huge . It has at least forty storeys . 🏢🏬. Whole company looks like some sophisticated prison where prisoners overwork to death until they have no lives no matter what. You know capitalism and all that ...

" Good morning , sir ..." , said Cheng my fathers head secretary.

He is an Asian with black hair , moon-like eyes and dark brown eyes .

" Good morning ..." , my father as he enters the cabin and I follow him afterwards .

" Have a seat ..." , my father .

My father's room is spacious but not too spacious . It has a desk and chair as well as wooden shelf. Not that grandiose which I think is very economical as this amount of space is good enough for my father.

" You are because I want to talk about the drone blueprint which you designed . Though its defective I still want you to develop it properly and submit it to the company ..." , he said.

" Wait , I never showed you the blueprint ...You snuck into my room , didn't you ? " I seethed .

" Well, its my house's room . Keeping that aside ... Do you want to work for my company or not ? " , he said .

Though I am angry but I can't deny the fact that my father is a billionaire .I can't let this opportunity go . I have to be practical .

" Okay ..." , I said.

" Good because our executives have already decided to launch it and I have already signed the contract on your behalf ..." , he said .

" How can you sign it on my behalf ? " , I said.

" It can be easily done ..." , he said.

Is he a swindler now ? Wait , that means I don't need any part-time job . I can easily quit . But I don't want to . I still want to work in that garage .

I got out of my father's office and got on the elevator . Now I am walking by myself on the road.I still don't know if I want to work for my father's company . I feel lost. I am so confused that I can't even hear any noise. Man, my head is exploding.

Suddenly , I feel a sharp pain in my back and I find myself in the air and then dragged on the road within split second . I can feel pain and burning sensation in my whole body but I don't know where its coming from . I am tired ...

I wonder how I started to hate my father that I don't even want to work with him . I remember when I was a kid my father hardly came home because of his work and when he did he always spent time with my mother. He even childishly used to said that I have taken his wife away from him . Then one day when I was eight my mother asked him to take me to the amusement park . It was a sunny day . Sky was blue and air was dry ... Me and my dad rode the bus to get to the park . I begged him to take me by his car but he refused saying that I should be used to travel without car . When we reached the amusement park everyone was staring at me as everyone was staring at my father . I didn't understand why back then .But now I get why . It was because the man was wearing a high quality tailored suit which is a little odd thing to wear in the amusement park ... He was always weird . I had fun on many rides including spinning cups , train , columbus bus etc. It was all good . My father just saw me with a serious face . He didn't smile at me even at once . It was the first time that I wondered why he isn't smiling . Just why? Another thing that I remember is that I begged him to buy me some snacks but he never bought me one .

He was always strict with me . Never bought me expensive things. Told me to save money . Never to lie or hurt someone. He told me to live frugally but earnestly . I hate him a lot . Even more than anything.

I could hear some beeps . I am unable to open my eyes or move my body .Its like sleep paralysis. I often have one . Its not a big deal .Wait , I remember that I fainted . But what exactly happened to me ....