One of the many things that I learnt about my life is that not always things are going to be better . Hence if there is nothing that you can do to change your life and make it better . Then you have to learn to be happy even in worst moments of the life .

That is why from today I am going to be a happy person . Even though I can't walk on my own . I can still invent things without caring for anything in life . First I will make blueprint of the machine which I am going to make . But what should I do . Since I don't have any experience yet . Why not start from something simple like a toy car which can be controlled by the voice . It will be cool . Even if not something as marvelous as a drone . Speaking of drone , I had signed contract with my dad 's company . Although he had signed it on my behalf . But it was signed . I wonder what happened to that . Forget it , he hasn't mentioned it . I will just let it go .

I gathered my notebook . Thinking about how to make my new device .

" Myra ...Can I come in ? " , Serena .

I hadn't talked to her since yesterday . Well ,this is awkward .

"Yeah , come in ", I said .

" You feeling better . ", Serena .

" Yeah , I am kinda feeling better . ", I said .

" Good , I am going market . Wanna come with me ? ", Serena .

" Why are you going to market ? ", I asked . Seriously what is wrong with me ? She can go whenever and wherever she wants to go . It doesn't matter to me .

" Well , today is the last day of vacation . We have to go to school from tomorrow so I have to buy things for school .", Serena .

" Cool , I forget that it was the last day of school . We are going to be 11 grade students . Time flies fast .", I said .

" Yeah , it does .", Serena with a smile .

"I also have to buy things . Let me come with you ", I told her .

" Ok , let me help you to get up . ", Serena .

She is helping me to get up . Today I am feeling better because of physiotherapy . Its not that bad . Maybe , I will be normal like before .

We first arrive at the bookshop to buy books and references 📚📚📚. The bookshop looks nice . There are lots of books here . I want to buy some authentic stuff .

" No , you have to pay for it ...! " , someone shouted .

" Brother I told you that I don't have any money . My daughter needs books to go to school . I will pay you back after I have money . For God sake she is your niece ", someone else .

" You have been saying that for 10 years now ! Do you know think I earn to spend money on you and your family ..."

Its strange . How we have money to waste on the luxury goods but not enough money to help someone even our family .

I am currently inside the bookshop behind the racks . Hence I can't see those two but I can hear pain in the man's voice . Should I help him out ? But what if he doesn't like getting help from me ? I have mom's credit card with me today . Can I spend it on the stranger ? But the greater question is that will he be happy to receive my help ? Or will it hurt his pride ?

Let us come out first to have a look at men .

There are two men . One is standing behind the counter . He is wearing blue shirt , grey pant and a black open sweater . His clothes are unable to hide his belly . His face with distorted full of disgust and anger . While the other man looks weak . His head is down , his clothes are worn out ...He is wearing faded black t -shirt and old jeans . Helplessness is evident from his appearance . Ok , I will help him out . Let us face the consequences . But when I took a step , I realised that I am no position to help someone . I ---I am just a handicapped little girl right now ...

" Stop! I will pay for his bills . ", Serena .

Wow, Serena is really amazing . She doesn't care about anything else . When she makes up her mind she just goes on with it . Sometimes , I wish I was like that ....I want to be strong like her . Perhaps , the fact that she lost her parents made her self -reliant and now she doesn't need anyone else to take care of her .

" But ...but ...", the shop owner .

" But what ? Its better for me to pay for it . Don't you think ? ", Serena with raised brows .

" Thank you so much I can't thank you enough." , the helpless man .

We got out of the shop . Serena is walking silently besides me . But as I begin to get into the car I heard her mumbling :

" I have less money left now ..

I know how to solve this problem . I will ask mom to increase her pay . Yeah, I am not that insensitive like Lily thinks I am .

Now we are in the stationary shop . I have to buy some notebooks . I saw a pouch . It looked cool .I want to buy it .I will buy one for Serena as well .

" Here , I bought it for you ..", I told Serena as I am giving her pouch .

" I don't take gifts from boss , Myra ...", Serena .

" But you can take it from your friend , don't you ? " , I asked her .

She looks baffled . Well , I can't blame her . I am very surprised at myself . Why did I say that ? It was a very cheesy line but at last she took the pouch .


There are lots of fields before me : rice fields , mustard fields and tulip garden ; filled with beauty and marvel . I know I have to choose between them but I can't . I can't have all . In life one can't have everything . He has to choose among many things around here .

" Myra , Myra --- Get up ...", Serena .

Well , it was a strange dream .

" We have to get ready for school . ", Serena said .

" Yeah , I am up . ", I said .

I looked at the clock and found that it was only 6 in the morning but now I remember that before school I have to exercise with Serena and then my physiotherapist will also come early today .


Everything will be same about school . Same friends , same students but not me . I have changed . I am not the same carefree girl . I can't do my part -time job anymore . I am different than before . Will it affect my life ? Will it change anything around me or not ?