Lily left because she had to practice for her show. Yeah, she is getting offers from various clubs to perform at their studios. It is a good thing that things are working out for her.

Anyway, now that Lily has left; only Sam and I are moving around the exhibition with the manager which is sort of awkward because none of us like to talk while the manager likes to talk a lot. A lot more than acceptable for my temperament. I wish he would just shut up.

" So there is also a story behind the invention of this marvelous car. It was created by someone who dropped out of college. I guess behind every success story there is a college dropout. ", he says and laughs by himself.

It was not even funny. I guess not everyone can make people laugh like Lily.

"I think I want to rest for a while. I am very hungry. ", I say.

" Ok, I can take you and your friend to a nearby restaurant. ", he says.

Sam looks at me and says: " It is fine by me. "

So the three of us enter the restaurant. The manager says that we don't need to pay because the restaurant is also owned by my father which is very surprising because I didn't know that he had an interest in these kinds of things.

" What will you have ?", the manager asks.

" Sandwich and a cup of coffee. ", I say.

" I will have tea and a small size burger. ", Sam.

" Ok, ", the manager says and orders the waiter to bring our food. I guess they all know the manager.

Oh, I forgot to ask his name but should I ask his name? I mean we are walking with him for a while now but I didn't even get to ask his name. Maybe, I should just let it be. I mean it is not like I need to know it.

After a while, a waiter brings our order and leaves. I wonder where did manager go? He should have stayed and eaten with us.

" Why aren't you eating? ", Sam.

" I was just thinking something. ", I say.

" You think a lot. Just like me. ", Sam with a smile.

" Oh please I am not like you. ", I say.

" Yes you are. ", Sam.

" Nonsense. ", I say.

" Really? Do I have to argue with you once again to prove my point?", Sam.

" Sam. Shut up and use your phone. You are more bearable with it. ", I say.

" I don't want to. You know you are so stubborn even your dead body won't agree that you died even after your burial. ", Sam.

I just look at him with scorn while he just stares at me probably waiting for my answer but I choose not to give any. Eat my sandwich but he still stares at me intently as if thinking intently. I look at me and say, " What? ".

He just shakes his head and surprises me

with his answer :

" Sometimes I am appalled at the fact that you are a rich girl. ", Sam.

" What do you mean by that...?", I ask.

" You know most rich girls don't ride the bus, wear almost the same clothes as me or hardly comb their hair. ", Sam.

" Wait a minute. Why are you taunting me for my hair since earlier? It's not like I ask you to comb it for me. ", I say.

And idiotically starts laughing and shaking his head.

" Myra you are something else. Maybe you are some kind of alien who is transported from Mars to Earth. ", Sam.

" Ok, even if I am like that then you are the same because according to you we are very similar. ", I say.

" I never say I am not. Maybe we are from the same planet and are sent hair as a part of the experiment. ", Sam says excitedly.

What the ...?

" Ok, now I am damn sure that you have bipolar disorder. ", I say.

" Yeah maybe ... Or it is because you always bring a new side from my dark super-ego. ", he says and chuckles.

" Quoting Sigmund. Huh? ", I say.

" Yeah I love his psychological theories. ", Sam.

" Yeah, people like you do. And you should study him more carefully maybe you will find out more about your extraterrestrial mind. ", I say.

" Yeah, I will. Thanks for the advice. ", Sam.

" Ma'am if you are done. Should we continue our tour? ", the manager, interrupting our senseless conversation.

" Yeah, I want to meet Charles. ", I say.

" Yeah he might be free now. ", he says while checking his watch.

I am so excited to talk about AI with Charles. I especially want to discuss his new invention. He is a very nice guy.

" Hmm ...Myra? We are still not leaving? ", Sam asks.

" No, we are not. You can go if you want. I will go home after a while. ", I say.

" No, I want to spend more time with you. So after you are done let us go somewhere else. ", Sam.

What? What is he saying? He wants to hang out with me. I thought we irritated each other ...

" Myra? Let us go....", Sam as he turns around with a confused face and I follow him.


I finally meet Charles who is exactly as I remembered him. A well-dressed gentleman who is humble, polite, and a science enthusiast. We, Sam and me, are currently sitting in a separate office-like room. It has nice chairs and gives that science vibe which I love.

" How did you come up with this new and advanced programme ?", I ask him.

" I was just working on the computer. Playing around ...And boom! The idea just jumped into my mind. " he says.

Oh, I forgot to mention how friendly and super energetic he is ...

" Wow so you can just stumble upon a new idea like that. ", I say.

" Yeah ...Wait ...Come with me I am going to take you to look at all my innovations. ", He says.

" Can I talk with the AI robot? ", I ask.

" Of course. After all, you are the daughter of our only boss how can I refuse to do something like that. ", he says and stands up, leading us to another room full of new gadgets.

" Wow...Why are all these things here? ", I ask as I notice a cute black and white robot walking around.

" I have opened up a new office over here. I wanted to gather all new innovators and your dad supported me ...", he says.

I finally get to talk with the special AI assistant who he has recently developed. Man, she seriously looks and talks like a human; it's amazing and terrifying.

" Did you name her?", I ask.

" Yeah, I named her Ruby. ", Charles.

" Yeah and he likes to annoy me every time he is bored. ", Ruby says with a smile which surprises me. If it was not for her imperfect facial expression I wouldn't have believed that she is not a human.