I heard many times that science is stranger than fiction. I thought I got it ...But I think I got it today.

Charles and Sam moved away from there so that I could talk and have some private time with Ruby.

" I didn't catch your name. ", Ruby.

Ok, now even robots are more social than me.

" My name is Myra. ", I say.

" It is such a unique name. ", she says while smiling.

" So Ruby... What makes you different from any other ? ", I ask.

" I can feel a wide range of emotions. Especially love that people give me. ", Ruby.

I walk away from her because I had to say something to Charles.

" I don't understand why you people want to inculcate emotions in robots when emotions can only complicate things more? ", I ask Charles.

" It is because it is exciting. Don't you think it will be amazing if these AI become replicas of humans . ", Charles.

" I bet it will be but soon its consciousness will force it to question its existence, it will start thinking about the meaning of life ...and then it will feel the existential crisis leading to depression, anxiety, and who knows what. I think it's unfair to them especially since we are only making them fulfill our own needs. ", I say.

" Wow, the way you think is very different from other humans. I thought you would say that AI would start to conquer the world or something. But you are concerned about their existential crisis and anxiety. That is something novel. As expected of you Myra.", Charles.

" I think humans will destroy themselves and their society with or without AI...", I say.

" Can't deny that ...", Charles.

After talking with Ruby for a long time. I examined other projects of Charles. The man is a genius. He always inspires me a lot ...


Sam and I are in the car right now. I feel bad for the driver. He was waiting for us in the parking lot all day; now he has to drive us back home.

" Do you feel good? ", I ask.

" I am good. ", he says.

" I am sorry. You were waiting for us in the parking lot. ", I say.

" It is fine. It is my duty. ", He says with a smiling face, before looking back on the road.

He seems like a nice man. He is like a teddy bear; full of warmth, comfort, and kindness.

" Stop staring at him like that, it is creepy. ", Sam whispered in my ear.

" What are you doing? Don't whisper in my ear ever again. ", I say in a low voice.

" Do you want to come with me? ", he asks.

" Where? ", I ask.

" Anywhere? I just want to stroll around the city.", he says.

" Then why did you sit in my car? And why should I tag along with you? ", I ask.

" I just ...I don't know what I am doing today. I want to go around for a while... ", Sam.

He is behaving more weirdly than usual. I think he is not alright.

" Why are you so upset? You were fine in the morning. ", I say.

" So now you care about me. ", Sam.

" Why are you talking like some tacky playboy? Cut it out. It doesn't suit you at all. Just answer my question. ", I say.

" It is about my parents. I think they are separating. I didn't know. I thought they don't fight with each other anymore...", Sam with a painful voice.

I have never seen him like that. He looks so sad and pitiful. But I don't know what to say.

" I ... Honestly, I don't know what to say. My parents love each other a lot. I guess it must be painful. Oh no, what am I even saying? ...I am just worried about you. I have never seen you like this so if there is anything that I can do please do inform me. No, I should not say something like that. I sound stupid, right? ", I ramble.

Then all of a sudden he starts laughing. Wow, he is bipolar.

After he finishes laughing, he looks at

me with a serious expression

and says: " If you want to help me then spend some time with me. "

" What? ! ", I exclaimed.

" Yeah, I will feel better after that..", Sam.

" Okay, let us do that. " I say.

" Excuse me, drop us here. We want to take a walk. ", I say to the driver.

" But it is still far away from your house. ", the driver.

" We will be fine. ", I say and he stops the car.



I feel so strange. It is uncomfortable but not so bad. After all, I am hanging out with Sam, the weird guy.

" Do you know what I called you at first? ", I ask Sam.

" I know...' weirdo ' ", Sam with a smile.

" What did you call me? ", I ask.

" Weirdo...", Sam.

" Really? You are lying, right? ", I say.

" No, I am not. ", Sam.

Wow... How does he know so many things about me? He must be very observant.

After the small chat, Sam and I take a walk silently. I hope he is feeling good. It feels nice to take a walk in this weather. Although it is cold I am quite sure I will feel warm after walking ...

" When I was small, my parents used to fight a lot. I always walked like this. All by myself. ", Sam.

" Why do people live together when they hurt each other so much? ", I say.

" Because they love each other and hope that everything will be alright. ", Sam.

" People should not hope in vain especially when that hope hurts you...", I say.

"Wrong, people hope to decrease their despair... I think hope is the best part of being alive. ", Sam.

" But when that hope shatters it hurts more ...", I say.

" Yeah but then people hope once again even after it is shattered and that helps them to overcome hurdles in their life .", Sam.

" I think people should hope

for only realistic things. ", I say.

" I don't think so. I think you should dream and hope even if it is ridiculous. That reminds me you should read the essay called ' Secret Garden of Hope' It's good ...', Sam.

" No thanks, I don't like literature that much. ", I say. At this, Sam chuckles and we continue our stroll.

The road looks familiar. I think I am near my

house. There are so many trees in this area but winter has sucked life out of them. They are bare and out of life as well as leaves.
