Rivor walked calmly towards Zilon with a gentle smile on his face.
Zilon examined his condition.
'Several cuts on the arms and legs, his face was also cut on the right cheek,his neck is also dripping blood so I guess that counts as an injury...'
Rivor has reached in front of him and Zilon smiled back at him.
"I guess you defeated all of them,though....." Zilon said as he looked at his injury with genuinely concerned expression.
Rivor also looked at his body and realized that yh he was quite injured and he was losing blood, that's another dangerous traits of the assassin class.
"Oh this it's no big deal,what I am concerned about is you are you alright" Rivor asked shaking his head.
" Hmm I am quite okay if not because of the cut on neck" Zilon said as he rubbed his neck looking at it he also so blood.
" This doesn't look good,I think it's from the man's blades,the might have the ability to make someone bleed,at this only strong pills and strong mages can actually dispel and heal this injury" Rivor held his chin as he examined the cut on Zilon's neck.
"Well then I am not the one in danger,what do we do,can my money by you any medicine so that you may heal...." Zilon said hurriedly
'i wasn't expecting a skill like this to actually exist in this world'
Rivor shook his head.
' then this planet isn't the same as earth so I need to get over that '
"You don't need to worry about me" Rivor said as he stuffed his hand in a small bag around his waist.
' wait so he had that on him since?' Zilon thought to himself as he glanced at what Rivor was pulling out.
Rivor pulled out small bottle that have a green liquid inside it.
Rivor pulled out two and drank one, immediately his injuries began to smoke and close on its own at a visible rate.
"Whaaaa...?" Zilon had his mouth opened slightly as he saw what was happening in front of him.
' healing potion? ' Zilon thought.
As a video game player,an anime otaku and novel reader, this are one of the common things you find in a fantasy world.
The reason why he was surprised was the fact that he was seeing and experiencing this for the very first time naturally what you consider uncommon in your perspective can be very common in another's.
"This is a healing potion,a strong one at that there are grades to this,and this one can easily be around mid grade" Rivor said as he stared at the empty bottle in his hand.
He threw the other bottle to Zilon and Zilon caught it ,with one hand.
"Hmm,you know you should really not do that next time what if it falls and hits the ground,I am pretty sure even for you this wasn't cheap" Zilon said as he looked at Rivor.
Rivor chuckled and replied " your right even for me it wasn't quite cheap,but I knew for a fact that you will catch hold of it, besides that's part of a old habit of mine to throw potions to my comrades "
Zilon noded and drank the content in the bottle.
' It actually tastes good' Zilon thought as he swallowed the content.
He immediately felt something in his body change,but he could not quite make out the feeling.
"There you go your healing too" Rivor said with a proud smile.
' hmm what's with expression though '
Zilon smiled inwardly as he he touched his neck and saw that indeed the blood has stopped dripping.
"Now that we're done with this....."Rivor said as he looked at his left hand,which was holding on too the Gem like stone that Zilon found earlier.
"What is that?" Zilon asked really curious.
He had a general idea of it because of the message he received from the system but I wanted to make sure he was not making assumptions.
" Hmm,oh this this is a skill scroll" Rivor replied.
' I knew it' Zilon screamed inwardly.
"Do you wanna know more about this" Rivor asked.
' why is he acting like an NPC' Zilon looked at him with a wired expression on his face.
"Yes please" Zilon replied back as he sighed softly.
Chuckling he replied.
" Skill scrolls are skills obtained through this gems considered scrolls, This skill scrolls can be obtained through killing, and also buying them in the store,though scrolls with higher grades are not cheap" Rivor said with closed eyes.
" There are several grades to this scrolls signifying there rarity and power potency while some skills do upgrade and evolve for example red is the most common skill scrolls though skill scrolls are considered hard to get attack most you can get this type of scrolls " Rivor continued history explanation.
"The colors they emit signifys the class they come from" Rivor said as he sighed softly.
" Red for Common ,yellow for uncommon, green for rare skills, blue for epic, orange , purple,and violet which is for Lord, Monarch and demigod, Now there are other colors like platinum for sliver and Gold for special or unique though most of them are for weapons not skills"
' basically the rainbow colors in my world , interesting ' Zilon felt his brain has just opened up to more information and it was delightful.
Zilon looked at Rivor hand which held the skill scroll and immediately made a confused expression.
" But wait why is this multi color then" Zilon asked confused.
Rivor noded his head and replied.
"This color signify a random drop,which means crushing it can give you skills and weapons keep in mind though that it's a random drop,which means you can be lucky and get something valuable and you can also get something definitely useless, depending on the level your in of course" Rivor smiled.
"Wow I can feel my brain melting from all this " Zilon said jokingly .
"It sure is a lot of info but,it's still quite the basics" Rivor said with an exaggerated Laugh as he scratched his right cheek with his finger.
"Okay you didn't have to rub it in" Zilon replied with an annoyed expression.
"Okay then why don't you break it and let's see what you get" Zilon said cheerfully.
It was his kill after all and he would love to have that but,he had already collected one of Rivors rightly earned scrolls .
"Hmm,I think I will give it to you" Rivor said calmly.
"Wait what but what if-"
"Don't worry about that for now you need this more than I do" Rivor cut Zilon short.
'he is right honestly ' Zilon thought to himself.
' But.....'
" I am not sure I can still accept it" Zilon said as he looked at Rivor back.
' I wasn't expecting him to collect it easily afterall' Rivor smiled inwardly.
" Look I wasn't asking I was ordering,so here" Rivor said as he glared at Zilon, as if dareing him to say no again.
Zilon gulped as he felt the pressure of his eyes on him and without any choice he stretched out his hands to accept it.
"There you go now remember this things lower it's durability to the level of strength the person who holds it,so basically you can't crush it until you hold it from" Rivor explained as he handed the scroll to Zilon.
Zilon now understanding how the thing works and why it suddenly broke the moment he held the other one earlier,now held with caution.
Rivor stepped back .
"Okay now clutch your hand into a fist" Rivor said as he emphasizes the action of folding your fists.
Zilon looked at the multi colored stone and sighed.
'oh lady luck please give me something that I can use that will help me in my journey'
Without anything else to say Zilon crushed the stone in his hand.
Suddenly I bright white light escaped the and blinded both Zilon and Rivor and anyone who could have been there.
As the light receded slowly two orbs could be seen leaving the stone and entering the forhead of Zilon.
Sadly none of the two could tell which color was of the scrolls.