Chapter 3

Three days...

Three days passed and I still was not able to spend some time with Cliff. We still saw each other on campus. But we were only able to talk briefly and our topics often revolved around small talks, like how the weather was among other usual and boring stuff. There were times when he just smiled and waved at me when we bumped into each other along pathways.

I was almost at the end of my wits and yet I could not understand my irritation. He was just there, often within my visual range, but it seemed like he was out of my reach all the time. So near yet so far. Argh! WHY?!

"Girl, why are we here again?" Sidney asked, an impatient crease on her forehead.

That afternoon, she insisted to come with me to wherever I was planning to go. She did not want to attend her classes that day. I understood that she was simply feeling lazy. #KidsDoNotEmulate #BadRoleModel

We were hiding in the back corridor of the sports gym (a.k.a. covered basketball court) at that time. I stood by the small opening of the big door, aiming to sneak a peek at the varsity athletes who were busy with their training session inside the court.

I heard the news that the basketball team held their tryouts yesterday. And that now they got themselves a new point guard. Said he was a transfer student from Spain. Moreover, that the guy played real good... just like the pros in the NBA! So, of course, my beautiful soul got curious!

"Sshh! Be quiet! I just wanna see how Stephen is doing. You told me he was looking for me, right? Oh, there he is! He's talking to Neo," I answered in a very hushed tone.

"Oh? So why are we hiding here then? Come, let's march in! Wait, why are you whispering to me?" Sidney grumbled. Ugh! How loud can she get?!

Why did I even agree that she join me? This should have been a covert and solo stalking operation. Oh, dear! Am I really becoming a stalker? Poor, beautiful me!

"Really now! You're here for Stephen? Why do I have this feeling that you're hiding your real agenda... either you're here to sneak a peek at captain Neo OR... at their new point guard. Hmm..."

"Oh, good heavens! I don't know what you're talking about," I blurted in my defense.

"It's okay, girl! Come on! I'm willing to be your accomplice. So, hey, pray tell. Who are we really stalking?" she said.

"Stalking? I said I'm here for Stephen," I insisted. Yeah, I have the right to remain silent... AND adamant!

"'Right, fine! Whatevah," she said, sarcastically rolling her eyes and raising her brow.

Our breathing hitched when we heard approaching footsteps and the voices of the athletes. Their training was done for the day. Alarmed, Sidney and I looked at each other.

"What now?" Sidney mouthed inaudibly.

Annoyed, she motioned for me to go with her inside the court.

Suddenly confused about what to do, I shook my head in silent reply to my friend as I automatically stepped backward. No way! Go on ahead without me... because I can't do it! Not with my currently stubborn willpower! Sorry, girl!

Why was that? Why was I suddenly so nervous and shy? I should not be flabbergasted anymore since all the members of the basketball team already knew me, with Stephen as their vice-captain and Neo as their team captain. But why was it so hard to breathe all of a sudden?

At the sound of an opening door, I found myself running away to hide as if a monster would emerge at any second. I immediately sought cover inside the nearest room, thankful that I even found one so near. I roamed my eyes at the entirety of the unfamiliar refuge I was in.

Dear me! This is obviously the men's locker room!

I tipped my head on one side as an imaginary thought bubble formed over me like a halo. I saw a vision of the varsity athletes bathing in concert under their respective showerheads. Their hands slowly moved as they soaped their biceps going to their muscled chest... down to their abs and then... Oh my? Could my imagination go any lower?!

My open palms rose up and covered my flaming red face, immediately putting an end to my naughty thoughts. I snickered in excitement for the silliness that got into my brain. My! Just the mere thought of being here in the men's locker room caused me to blush like crazy!

Mischievous ideas aside, I prayed that none of the athletes would enter into the refuge where I now found myself. Their training session was done anyway so I sincerely hoped that they would just go away... directly to the comforts of their own apartments or dorms or houses. Anywhere else but here! Pretty pretty please!

I heard their approaching footsteps once again. They were now by the corridor outside the locker room. Promptly, I stepped inside the nearest shower cubicle and pulled the shower curtain to a close. Gosh! What the hell? Why am I doing this?

"How's it going, Sid? By the way, why are you alone today? You're usually with your girl squad," I heard Stephen ask Sidney. Of course, I know it's him that's talking. I don't ever forget the voices of my friends.

Sidney laughed a bit loudly before she spoke. She probably wanted me to hear her, wherever the heck she thought I was hiding. And she was right in thinking that I was hiding somewhere very near.

"Oh, Steph! You have no idea. I'm here with someone who just evaporated like a bubble. Now I don't know where she is," Sidney said.

"You seen Fiona, Sid? How is she?" Neo asked. I could not stop myself from smiling when I heard his voice. My crush asked about me? There go the butterflies in my stomach!

"Yeah, she's just... somewhere over there, I don't know. Why? You miss her, don't you? Yeeee! I can give you her new number," Sidney teased. Seriously?! This girl will definitely answer to me later!

Their voices and footsteps faded farther away. I was sincerely grateful that they had walked past the locker room. I sighed in relief to compose my conscious self. Seconds after, I stood straight and pulled open the shower curtain but... in an instant, I regretted why I did that.

The sight that met me caused my eyes to widen and my mouth to gape. My breathing halted. And why not?

A guy was stripping in front of me! And my eyes, in their own will, automatically traced the figure from the head down to the... what seemed like the abs of a Calvin Klein model! And it's shiny! Glistening with athletic sweat! Holy moly!

"Oh, sh*t!" the guy cussed in surprise.

He had already taken off his jersey shirt when he finally noticed my unannounced presence. Astonished, he slightly stepped back. He probably thought that he saw a ghost!

"Fi... Fiona?" he asked in disbelief.

I caught my breath when I heard a voice calling my name.

"Cliff..." I said in a guttural whisper.

My eyes automatically transfixed their focus back to the face of the half-naked man in front of me. I blinked, feeling lost all of a sudden.

He sighed and smiled a bit. Oh, that dimple again!

"Sorry. I thought you're a ghost," he said with a chuckle. He shook his head slightly.

I found myself laughing. The nervousness I felt a short while ago slowly subsided. Surprisingly, I felt at ease with him the moment I heard the amusement in his masculine voice.

"So, tell me, why are you here in the locker room?" he asked.

I noticed that he was staring straight at me. And then he took slow steps towards closer. My eyes widened in bewilderment as I stepped backward... until my back hit the wall of the shower cubicle. He stopped when he was just inches away in front of me. Our sudden closeness brought shivers down my spine. It made me nervous.

He placed one hand on the tiled wall just above my shoulder. His other hand still held the jersey shirt that he took off a while ago. And then he stared intently at me. I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes. Is he toying with me? The nerve of him!

"Estas bien, señorita (Are you okay, miss)? Habla por favor (Speak please). What are you doing in our locker room?" he asked again.

"I, I, I was waiting for some-someone," I answered, dumbfounded.


"Steph... Stephen, your... your varsity vice... captain?" I uttered and then bit my lower lip as I looked to the side. Hell! I did not mean for it to sound like a question. I sounded so unsure!

He stared at me for a couple of seconds. Then he nodded and sighed. He smiled as he removed his hand from the wall and stood up straight, finally adding a breathable distance between us.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Y-yes, of course," I stuttered. It felt like I lost will power to look at him straight in the eye. He's still half-naked!

"Okay." He shrugged and continued, "Uhm, I hope you don't mind but... please step out of the shower cubicle."


He leaned down to whisper close to my face.

"I'm going to take a shower... but I won't mind if you join me, bella (beautiful)," he said with a wink.

I gasped. My eyes widened when I understood what he said. I felt my cheeks flush hotly in embarrassment. How dare he toy with me like this?!

"P-perv!" I snarled. My hand flew to his cheek in a loud slap before I could stop myself.

I pushed him away from me then I hurriedly stepped out of the shower cubicle. He was laughing as I ran to the door. Irritated, I turned to face him again.

"You're cute when you blush! Hahaha!" he said in sheer amusement.

I squinted angrily at him. Then I opened the locker room door.

"Your boyfriend was looking for you, too!" I heard him say.

In my exasperation, I did not pay any attention to his statement. I bolted out of the locker room, slamming the door close as I went. I was so irritated, I did not care if he was simply joking or not.

My aggravation rose to another level when I stepped out of the sports building. I found myself in front of the university's cheerleading squad. Why was I even more aggravated? I saw Katherine, their head cheerleader AND my mortal enemy! Well, to be exact, she WAS my best friend turned stepsister turned 'worst FrEnemy'. Their group was heading into the covered court for their practice session.

What a waste our friendship had been! I could still remember it all so clearly — before everything went down the drain...

"Wow! It's beautiful! You made this for me?" Katherine happily said.

I secured the lock of the pink customized friendship bracelet on her wrist. Of course, it matched with the gray one that I was wearing. I made the two, as I was fond of DIY projects.

The matching bracelets were crafted using loom bands and beads. They were also similarly accessorized, each with a hanging silver heart locket pendant that opens to a miniature photograph of the two of us together. The photograph was taken during the last birthday I had with her — a fleeting happy moment that was never to happen again.

We were both in high school back then. The semester was almost over and we were among the graduating students. None of us expected how our lives would soon change. And how our friendship would drift away like the receding waves of a dying riverbed.

Katherine locked me tightly in her arms to show her appreciation for the gift.

"Best friends forever. I wish you're still my classmate in college," I said to her when she released me from her hug.

"Of course. Best friends forever! But what if you meet new friendships, then you'll ignore me? I'll have Yuki scratch you if you become such a bitch," she replied, mentioning her all-white female Persian cat at home.

"Nope! That won't happen. I swear on this friendship bracelet. And I'm scared of Yuki," I said while laughing at her joke.

"No matter what happens, let's no go F.O., alright? You know how introverted I am. You're my only best friend forever!" she said in-between her laughter.

"F.O.? What's that?" I asked. It was the first time that I had ever heard that acronym.

"It's Friendship Over. I heard it mentioned in one TV series," she answered with a nonchalant shrug.

A smile was evident in her twinkly-eyed face. Her fingers busily toyed with the details on the bracelet that I gave her. I could tell that she was really happy. We both were. No fake smiles, just pure innocent happiness caused by our sincere friendship... or so I thought.

After that warm scene, the dreaded F.O. started to consume us both until our once inseparable bond was no more than a distant memory.

Katherine and I both stopped on our tracks upon seeing each other. She folded her arms on her chest and rudely stared at me with one brow raised.

I sighed and shook my head in disbelief. And then I hurriedly strode past their squad. I heard them snicker as I walked away, but it's alright... I don't care anymore! I will not let them get the better of me.

I never liked trouble, especially when it came to Katherine. It was never just about the two of us, our families were often involved, too. So, I decided that it was better to steer clear of her every time our paths crossed, if at all possible. I was willing to adjust for as long as my patience could take.

The moment I stepped foot in my apartment, I realized the gravity of what happened in the men's locker room. I smacked my own forehead. I felt a mixture of embarrassment, irritation, frustration, amusement, and giddiness. #CrazyIsReal

You stalked him for three days and then you walked away just like that the moment he was right in front of you? You slapped him, and then you walked out on him! Aarrgh! You're so stupid, Fiona! Yes, you are!

The next day...

I tried to look for Cliff on the school field. I already checked the basketball gym. But there was no sign of him. Actually, not a single student was in sight anywhere in the school field.

Oh, yes! I am now the great stalker! It's confirmed!

It was already very late in the afternoon. Almost all the classes on campus were already dismissed at this time. So, the students had probably gone home already to prepare for dinner or night outs with friends.

Tired of walking around looking for Cliff, I grumpily went back to the school field.

I sat on one of the seats in the bleachers. I always liked hanging out here at this time of the day. It was relaxing to unwind all by myself on the wide sports field. The late afternoon air was cool and the sun was setting. Plus, no one else was around to bother me.

Some people do wait a lifetime for a moment like this!

I was silently thankful that the air had cooled down. It was pretty much humid during the early afternoon. The atmosphere promised rain for the evening.

I sighed when I remembered something.

I really wanted to have a long chat with Cliff again... just like the first time we met each other. I wondered if it needed to rain just so we could stop and have a reason to go for coffee together again.

I looked up to the sky and, as if to answer my prayer, I saw dark rain clouds up ahead. True enough, after a minute, I felt a drizzle on my face. The rain started to pour... slow and cold.

I closed my eyes to welcome the tingling sensation of light raindrops on my skin. I enjoyed its gentle trickle... until it went on to pour heavily. I opened my eyes and immediately stood up grabbing my backpack.

Oh crap! I forgot to bring an umbrella again.

I ran towards the exit. The rain was now pouring heavily. I hurriedly stepped down the flight of stairs. And I almost reached the bottom when I suddenly lost my balance and felt my leg slipping off.

"Aww!" I whimpered in panic and pain when I slumped sideways and my hip hit the concrete floor. My hand reached to feel the painful part of my body.

"Fiona! Hey, are you alright?"

I heard someone call my name.

And then I felt a pair of strong hands that held my arms from the back without any warning. I shrieked in surprise. The strong hands helped me regain my balance so I was able to stand back up.

When I turned to see who it was, a smiling face with a cute dimple greeted me. It was Cliff, and he sure looked relieved.

"Now, isn't this familiar?" he uttered rhetorically. He noted that I was speechless at that moment.

Okay, fine! I am the clumsy one!

"Oh, geez! Thanks again for helping me," I said, silently thankful that I somehow managed to speak up.

I was glad that I did not lose my wits this time. Was that really the source of my joy, though? Feeling a bit embarrassed, I bit my lower lip as I looked to the side. He chuckled.

"You're quite clumsy, I suppose," he said.

Awesome! He pointed out how utterly clumsy you are! Oh, this is so embarrassing!

"But I cannot blame you if you feel like stumbling and falling down sa whenever you see me," he playfully added.

He even had the nerve to wink at me! Thank the heavens for his handsomeness because, if not for it, I would mistake him for a pervert... Okay, stop! Facial discrimination is bad!

I laughed and joined him in on his joke.

"Seriously? I've never tripped in front of anyone twice."

He laughed heartily.

Looking up at him, I hesitated when I remembered how I slapped him yesterday. I felt the embarrassment surging back to my system. I cleared my throat before I spoke again. Okay, here goes nothing...

"Hey, uhm, I'm sorry... for slapping you like that yesterday. It was because your joke startled me! But still, I should not have done that, though," I said to him along with my awkward smile. There! I finally said it!

He was silent. He just stared at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes. A corner of his mouth curved into a half-smile that almost revealed his dimple.

I noticed that I was not getting wet by the rain anymore. I looked over my head to check. And then I realized why. He held a big umbrella with his right hand. It was steady and proud over our heads, enough to shield us both from the sudden downpour.

He shook his head as he continued to stare at me in silence, his lips still curved into a half-smile. I hoped that he would smile some more.

"You're not the type of person who prepares for rainy days, are you? Come closer and try not to get wet in the rain," he said.

I moved closer to his right side. Then I grabbed onto his biceps for support... ahem... I mean upper arm. Hmm... Sure feels nice! #MuscleIsReal

"Where were you going by the way?" I asked after a while.

"On my way to my apartment. Come, I'll take you there. It's nearer than your place. You need a towel and a warm cup of coffee," he said.

Without a word and a hint of hesitation, I went along with him. He invited me! And because I'm feeling good today, I won't decline an offer from a gentleman. Let's go, amigo!

I flipped my hair to the side as I started walking along with him.

I smiled in secret. Under the big umbrella and despite the heavy downpour, I finally admitted to myself that... the nearness of him sent shivers down my spine! Or was it butterflies in my tummy?