Chapter 4

The interior of his apartment exuded a masculine vibe. The wallpaper was dark and simple. The furniture and decors were very minimalist and modern. It was almost spic and span if not for the mini classroom slash library slash office in one messy corner.

There were medical books all over. There was even a whiteboard beside a desk in one corner. Obviously, that was his study area. And not far from that corner was another desk, where he kept his desktop computer and printer.

Cliff headed right away to the kitchen counter and made some coffee. The visible kitchen was separated from the living room by a half wall. I noticed a flight of stairs on one side and silently concluded that his bedroom was on the second floor. Well, not that I wanted to check it out. Really, I didn't want to! Who was I kidding?

"So... you wanna be a doctor just like your dad," I said as I looked at a framed family photo displayed on his study desk.

He handed me a cup of coffee. I accepted it with my shivering hands. The warm cup felt really good against my cold palms.

"Yes, I look up to him a lot. I want to experience how it feels like to save a life... just like he does," he said, obviously proud of his old man.

I nodded and then consciously raised the coffee cup to my mouth. I felt that he was staring at me while I silently sipped the coffee. And yes, it bothered me with a mixture of giddiness and awkwardness at that moment.

Oh, dear! Why is he staring at me like that? I feel like... like... I'm melting in embarrassment right where I'm standing.

"Sit down on the couch. Be comfortable. Mi casa es su casa (My house is your house). I'll be back in a minute," he said to me before he disappeared into the flight of stairs.

I did as he told me.

I was comfortably sitting on the couch and silently enjoying my coffee when he reappeared in the living room. He now held a white bath towel in one hand and a wireless blow dryer in the other. I got an inkling on where he planned to use those. Oh gosh! Jitters, here we go again!

"Your hair is all wet. You need to dry up or you will have a fever and a cold. Why do you always get yourself wet in the rain?" he said.

He sat beside me on the couch and started to squeeze my hair with the towel. The gesture almost caught me off guard but I did not comment. He was doing it gently anyway, probably being careful not to pull on my hair too much.

"I always forget to bring an umbrella. So clumsy of me, I know," I said.

I bent forward and placed the now empty coffee cup down on the center table. He then proceeded to blow dry my hair. It went dry a bit fast because it was not really soaking wet in the first place.

"You can text me, I'll come to fetch you with an umbrella. I won't mind," he said.

He placed the towel and the blow dryer down on the center table. Then he sat facing me on the couch.

"Really? Wow! That'll be sweet and I'll feel so pretty if that is so," I said with a chuckle and turned a bit to face him properly.

I meant for it to sound like a joke... but he looked at me intently. Okay! Are those jitters or am I simply feeling awkward?

"Tu sonrisa es hermosa (Your smile is beautiful)," he said.

What now??? The way he said it sent shivers down my spine. But I did not understand a word, so I just shoved the feeling aside.

"I bet you're that smooth to all the girls you've known," I said, teasing him to ease the awkwardness that bugged me at that moment.

"No, bella, only to the very few ones I really like," he said.

I was slightly stunned at his answer. Speechless, I stared at him with a raised eyebrow. #StraightToThePoint

When I still did not speak, he smiled and went on to ask, "How about you? Do you always trip in front of every guy you meet?"

I finally found my voice back and said absentmindedly, "Yes. I-I mean... Sorry—"

I looked down and cleared my throat then said, "No, I mean... o-only to the ones I like, I guess."

Feeling aghast at my own statement, I covered my mouth and let out a self-conscious laugh.

"Hey, why would you ask that? Is this a hot seat? Next topic, please," I chided awkwardly and lightly spanked his upper arm.

I felt my cheeks burning red at that very moment. I looked back at him and saw amusement in his eyes. Then I looked to the side again. Help! I've never felt this shy before! #Pressured

Hoping to ease the tension, I moved to get up but I gasped when he pulled me back down towards him. I fell almost lying down on the couch, my back firmly planted on the backrest.

"Aww," I reacted in surprise. I seemed to have lost my balance when I felt my butt slumped hard on the couch.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pull you down too hard. Did I hurt you?" he asked. He knelt up and looked down at me with a worried expression.

I chuckled and said in disbelief, "No, I'm okay... but you startled me. What were you thinking?"

"I was... I was thinking... you looked really beautiful with your damp hair."

Again, his sudden complimentary statement caught me by surprise.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself," I said. I was running out of witty replies in my brain. I did not want to go speechless again.

"You know, people in Spain are inherently passionate so... so I hope you don't mind if I... if I..." he said. His voice suddenly sounded heavier than usual.

He stared seriously at me. I thought I saw a hint of hesitation in his eyes. What's he hesitating about?

"If you what?" I asked.

Without another word, he bent down and pressed his lips over mine. There was no rush in his kiss, yet it felt overwhelming. He waited for me to react, but I could not muster the strength to move away or kiss him back. I just sat there, momentarily stunned.

My heart skipped beats and almost sounded like a drum roll. Then my eyes closed and I finally found myself responding to his kiss... slowly and smoothly like we were destined to kiss at that very moment.

One of his hands slid around my waist to pull me closer to him. His other hand went to the back of my neck to support my head. I felt my hands rise to his shoulders as a stifled moan escaped my lips. My fingers clung to his shirt for I felt like drowning.

Then his kiss grew more aggressive. He started kissing with a hunger that made me part my lips. When his tongue entered my mouth and sought out mine, it sent shivers down to the center of my being, forcing me to moan some more, a bit louder this time. His hand which was previously on my waist started caressing my body in slow motion.

The kiss we shared tasted like age-old hot sangria — bittersweet and so addictive. It was drowning me with a riveting passion; I could not prevent my moans from happening. And he was a damn good kisser!

It was heavenly until he stopped. He abruptly released my mouth and I felt his hands leave my body, too. I opened my eyes and looked at him. My mind was blank for a moment. He sat straight back on the couch, wiped his face with both his palms, and deeply sighed before he spoke.

"Lo siento (Sorry)... Lo siento mucho (I'm so sorry)... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that," he said apologetically.

"What's the matter?" I asked, confused.

"You have a boyfriend. I'm really sorry," he said. His voice held so much regret.

I was dumbfounded. Wow! I have a boyfriend and I don't even know it? What the hell is he talking about?!

"Boyfriend! Me?"

He nodded and looked at me. "The guy who hugged you the other day..."

"Oh, you're talking about Stephen?" I chuckled. "No, he's not my boyfriend."

"He's not? You mean..."

"Oh, no! Steph is my childhood buddy, he's like the brother I never had. He's always been my friend. I don't have a boyfriend. Really! I swear on my neighbor's life, I don't—"

Okay, STOP! Why are you trying so hard to explain that much?

I saw him sigh in relief. He chuckled and pulled me close into a tight hug. Then we both laughed like two awkward idiots. He gave me a sweet light peck at the top of my head.

We talked casually for about an hour. And then we ate a light dinner at the Bruff before he walked me to my apartment outside the campus. The kissing scene did not happen again... to my immense dismay!

And just like that, I concluded that my days, OUR days, technically, will never be the same again.

Saturday. Ronald's house party.

My OOTD (Outfit of the Day) was a laidback black dress with red accents. Of course, my girl squad was present at the party. And so were the guys I was "rumored" to be involved with. Yup! Cliff included.

"Ohmigawd!!! Latino prince charming at 4 o'clock!" Sidney whispered excitedly.

"Shut up, Sid! Don't let Cliff hear you. It's embarrassing," I warned.

Madison and Hillary's eyes widened as they turned in unison to look at me. They were obviously thrilled. A short while ago back in my apartment, I was forced to relate to them the steamy kiss that I shared with the guy.

"So are you two sort of... dating now? Are you now an item?" Hillary asked.

"I don't know. Maybe. Probably. Perhaps not. Oh, to hell I know! I really can't say," I said.

We automatically went into silent mode when Cliff approached us. His dimpled smile was a killer! I could die an early death if he smiled at me all the time.

"Hola, bella! Te ves preciosa (Hello, beautiful! You look gorgeous)," he said.

But what did he say? I understood nothing!

He stepped closer to me and then bent over to give me a quick kiss on the lips. My mind went blank just like that. Then I heard the muffled snickers of my friends echoing in the background.

"Hi, Cliff! I did not expect you'd be here at the party! Why are you here? But it's — I mean, it's good to see you," I blabbered. Oh, pardon my absentminded wits!

He laughed. Apparently, my blabbering sounded funny to him. I thanked the heavens for this guy's sense of humor!

"Why? Are you driving me away now?" he jokingly said then continued, "Ronald is my classmate in four subjects. We got along well and he told me about this party," he said.

I was about to say something when Sidney butted in... totally unannounced.

"Hi, there! I'm Sidney. And this is my friend, Fiona! She loves hot dogs, hamburgers, and handsome men," she rattled on.

"What the hell?!" I reacted, instantly blushing in embarrassment.

"Hi! Sorry about that. We don't mean to disturb your warm reunion but... I'm Madison. This is Sidney. And this is Hillary. We're amigas (friends) with your bella preciosa (beautiful precious)," Madison butted in.

I rolled my eyes and bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Whatever, Maddie! Oh, dear. Can I just disappear right now?

"Oh, hi!" Cliff gave each of them a firm introductory handshake. "It's nice to finally meet you all. I've heard so much about you."

"Oh, believe me, we heard so much about you, too," Hillary said.

My eyes widened at Hillary's unfiltered statement. I secretly gave her a deadly warning glare. Then I cleared my throat before I spoke.

"So, Cliff! Are you enjoying the party so far?"

I pulled him away from my silly girl squad. I did not want them to be relating anything crazy to Cliff. Better safe than sorry! Why did I ever tell them about the kissing scene I had with the guy?!

"Yeah, I am. It's nice to meet a lot of friendly people. And I'm really glad to see you here. It makes the place more comfortable and bearable to be in. I'm not really a party guy," he said.

I nodded with a smile.

"Can I get you a drink? Or food? What do you want?" he offered.

"Maybe later. I'm still full—"

"Clifford! Oh, there you are!"

We both turned our heads in the direction of the voice that called his name. Who dares to disturb our conversation?!

I looked ahead and saw a feminine face that I never wanted to see.

"You know Katherine, too?" I asked Cliff.

"Yeah, she's also one of my classmates," he said.

Oh, wow! So he's classmates with everyone but me! Argh!

I stared at him as he flashed a warm handsome smile at my approaching nemesis. My resting b*tch face was on.

"Katherine," he greeted her.

"Clifford! I was worried that you might not join the party. Thank goodness! You're really here," she said, finally stopping her steps in front of us.

I noticed how her eyebrow slightly rose at the mere sight of me.

"Well, here I am. I figured that it would be interesting to get to know more people," he said to her.

"Well, then. Come, Clifford! I'll introduce you to the right groups. Trust me, you wouldn't want to be with the wrong company," she said, slightly glaring at me before she pulled a hesitant Cliff away.

"Let's talk again later," he said to me, flashing an apologetic smile before he walked away with the darn Cruella de Vil.

"I can't believe you just let that witch pull prince charming away just like that!" Sidney ranted, coming to my rescue.

The girls piled up behind me.

"I don't really mind. Cliff has the right to go with whoever he wants to go with," I said, not wanting to talk about the topic any further. #HumanRights

"Hello, pretties," greeted Stephen. I had never been so glad to see him!

He just emerged from the side and casually placed an arm around my shoulders. He was always like this, I already gotten used to his gesture. Stephen was the kind who could get mischievous to bratty to friendly in one fell swoop. Nevertheless, I love the guy like I would an annoying brother.

"Look who just got here! Did you come alone?" I asked.

"I came with Neo. But I lost sight of him when we entered the place. I think he was kidnapped by cheerleaders," he said with a shrug.

"Oh, you said it! I feel you," I agreed without a second thought.

"Hey, don't fret! You'll have the chance to see your crush. And besides, I'm here," Stephen jokingly whispered.

Crazy guy! I forcefully nudged my elbow by his rib cage. He winced in pain and laughed at the same time.

"Stephen, dear, pretty please get us some food," Sidney requested using her sickeningly sweet voice. Ugh! Can she get any obvious?

"Sure! But before that, come, let's find a good place so you all can sit down and relax," he said, holding my hand as he led the way.

As we walked to a table, I caught sight of Neo. There he was by the window near the terrace. He was busy talking to two girls who I knew belonged to Katherine's cheer squad. When he eventually saw me, he smiled and waved a hand. I automatically smiled and waved back.

As my group settled around a square table, I absentmindedly glanced in the direction where I last saw Neo. And then I caught him staring back at me. Gosh! Was he staring at me since a while ago?! I immediately looked away and rejoined Sidney's conversation while waiting for Stephen to return to us with some party food.

"You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you..." I heard Hillary faintly singing Gloria Gaynor's famous song way back in the year 1990. I paid no attention to it, but she went on like she was deliberately singing it to me, "The sight of you leaves me weak. There are no words left to speak... I love you, baby, and if—"

"Shut up or I'll ruin your hairdo, Hill. This isn't High School Musical!" I gave her a stern warning.

And she was instantly quiet. She cleared her throat as her hand rose and carefully felt his braided updo, which she spent over an hour doing.

Hillary always had a good singing voice. But she often used her talent to make the important moments of her friends like a Disney musical movie. Yeah, that's her artistic way of teasing us! Trust me, it gets fabulously annoying sometimes.


We looked up and saw Ronald happily approaching our group with open arms. His face showed a wide grin. He held a glass of red wine in each hand. Stopping in front of our table, he handed me one of the glasses. I smiled and accepted it.

"Thank you," I said.

"Fiona Bell, you never fail to catch anyone's attention! So simple and yet so pretty! The same goes with all of you, ladies," he said.

He sat on the empty chair beside me.

"Uhm, excuse me, Fiona... Ronald, where's the powder room?" Madison asked.

"Go straight in that hallway then turn right to the kitchen, the powder room for guests is there," he answered.

"Alright! Thanks."

"Wait, I'll go with you, need to retouch, too," Hillary said.

"Me, too. Call of nature," Sidney said as she stood up from her seat.

"Girl, you'll be fine, alright? Just stay here, Steph will be coming back any minute," Madison said to me.

"Yeah, it's alright. Just be quick," I said, covertly signaling them not to leave me too long, and careful enough not to let Ronald notice it. They knew that I never wanted to be alone with him.

Sidney answered me with a simple thumbs up. Then the three of them left me alone with the arrogant party host. Great! Just great! Sarcasm added.

"Are you girls always like that? I mean going to the powder room with a team," Ronald jokingly noted.

"This is a fun house party, Ronald, you got a lot of visitors from the campus," I said, wanting to divert the topic.

"Of course. I live for parties like this, especially if there's always a visitor as lovely as the one beside me."

"Hey, stop it! Please, don't make me blush," I joked.

He laughed then leaned forward to whisper to me.

"If it's alright with you, can you come with me to the garden? I think I drank a bit too much. I need some fresh air to ease the stuffiness," he said.

"Sure. I think I also need a breather. But let's wait for Steph and the girls to come back first," I said.

Ronald nodded with a smile. Well, actually, I really did not want to go with him since it will only be the two of us by then. However, my conscience told me that it was rude to snub the party host. Therefore, I accepted his invitation.

Stephen was the first one to return to the table. In one hand, he brought a big tray that contained a bunch of party nibbles; he held a small bucket of bottled drinks in the other. I had no idea what crazy entertainment held the girls in the powder room. What the hell took them so long?!

"Ronzy bro!" Stephen cheerily greeted Ronald as he unloaded his hands on the table. They even did a fist bump.

"Where are the others?" he asked.

"They teamed up and went to the powder room. They'll be back in no time," I answered.

Stephen sat on the empty seat by my other side. I felt like some sort of heiress in between two bodyguards. Awesome!

"Hey, bud, I'll borrow the princess for a while. She needed a breather in the garden," Ronald informed Stephen.

"Hahaha! You don't need to ask my permission for that," Stephen said with hearty laughter. And then he secretly looked me in the eye with an inquiring look. I nodded my head in reply.

"Well, of course! With someone this pretty, you might assume I kidnapped her. If only I could, I would have done it a long time ago," Ronald joked as he stood up. They both laughed aloud at that. I wondered what was so funny. Boys! Tsk!

"Alright! The two of you go on ahead now before I change my mind and I'll become the kidnapper," Stephen said, to which they both laughed aloud again.

I slightly pushed Ronald so we could go. They were about to start formulating plans to kidnap me. I did not want to find out how this topic could progress. Again, boys!

We went outside to the garden at the back of the big house. It was Ronald's family residence but his parents were currently overseas to take care of some business.

He sat down on one of the garden chairs. Then he held my hand and gently pulled me to sit down beside him. I obliged.

He stared at me for a moment. I started to feel awkward. I instantly regretted why I went with him in the garden. Now it was really just the two of us in this empty open space.

"You know that I like you, right? So... what can I do to make you like me back, Fiona?"

"Ronald, I think... I think you drank a bit too much. Come, we should go back inside. Everyone's there and they'll be looking for the host of the party," I said as I stood up.

I gasped when he pulled me back down and locked me tightly in his arms. I struggled, pushing him off with my hands beating his chest. He pulled me even closer and forced his lips on mine.

I felt his hand on my boob. A sense of alarm immediately rang inside my head.

"Get off me!" I pushed him away with all my might.

He was caught off balance and thereby loosened his hold on me. I stood up right away and ran back towards the house. But he grabbed me painfully by the arm and hurled me back at him. Once again, I was caged in his arms.

I screamed aloud in fear and panic. Then I heard footsteps coming out of the house to the garden patio. There was a mixture of murmurs, gasps, and sighs in the air.

Ronald noticed how the guests stared at us in surprise and confusion. Momentarily surprised, he let me go. But, when I moved to put a distance between us, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.

"You're not going anywhere, Fiona, we're not done yet," he said. His voice was low that only the two of us can hear.

"Let go of me, you stupid jerk!" I retorted loudly.

I tried to shake off his hold. It seemed like he did not want to free my wrist. So my other hand flew to his face in a hard slap. And that was when he finally let go of my wrist. I immediately dashed a few steps away from him.

"You b*tch! You think you're so irresistible, huh? Playing hard to get doesn't even suit you," he said.

I felt so insulted.

Ronald walked towards me with all his anger and frustration. I felt fear and panic at that very moment.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a group of familiar figures rushing down the terrace. It was my girl squad, along with Stephen and Neo. But they halted at the sight of someone who preceded them.

Ronald would have reached me again if not for the brave one who suddenly popped from the side and stood between us. It was Cliff! And he now stood facing the mindless jerk. Like a shield, he appeared and protected me from harm's way.

"Come on, man, that's not the way to talk to a lady," Cliff calmly said to Ronald.

"Move aside, dude. It's a matter between her and me. Nothing that concerns you," Ronald said.

"Cliff, I'm sorry. I don't want you involved in this," I whispered.

He just looked over his shoulder and smiled.

"It's okay, bella. I don't mind," he whispered back.

Ronald gave out a sarcastic laugh. Then he shook his head in disbelief and said, "Unbelievable! So what is this, Fiona? Another one of your conquests?!"

Ronald tried to walk past Cliff, but the latter stopped him and faintly shoved him backward. Running out of patience, he clenched his fist and punched a right hook into the face of the guy before him. Cliff was thrown to the ground.

"Cliff!" I called in a panic. I knelt down and held him in my arms.

"You stay put," Cliff said to me. His jaw clenched. I felt his growing anger.

He stood up fast and grabbed Ronald by the collar. He was about to punch him. I instinctively hugged him from the back to stop what he was about to do. My trembling hands tightly went around his waist.

"Cliff, no!" I said with a faint sob. "Please, just take me out of here."

Honestly, I was about to cry at that very moment.

Cliff's attempted punch paused midway through the air. He sighed and then he let go of Ronald with a harsh push. Ronald stumbled backward.

Cliff turned to face me. Without a word, he held my hand and gave it a slight reassuring squeeze. Then he grabbed me along as he walked out of the venue and into his car, which was parked by the sidewalk just outside the residence.

The world was silent as he drove us away from the hellhole. I did not bother to ask him where he planned to take me. I simply decided to trust him. I was deeply glad that he actually stood up for me when I did not expect anyone to do so.

That moment, as I sat beside Cliff in the front seat of his car, the scandalous scenario back at the house party kept playing repeatedly in my head.

Darn Ronald! That perverted maniac scared the hell out of me. I hope he doesn't breed... FOR REAL!!!