Chapter 6

Days turned into weeks. Three weeks to be exact. I still deliberately played hide and seek with Cliff.

In all honesty, the whole charade I started got me exhausted already. I missed him terribly. Other than my dad, I had never missed a guy so much in my whole twenty years of existence. It felt really tiresome, especially since I always craved the person's presence to complete my day.

My best friends did not fail to notice how I kept on secretly stalking Cliff. So why the hell was I doing this again? What was the point anyway?

Of course, Cliff and I still crossed paths on campus. But we never spoke to each other ever since that incident in the library. I gotta admit that I was kinda harsh with my words at that time. But what else was there to do? I was an epic failure at the emotional game.

I saw him quite a few times with Katherine. He looked happy whenever he talked to her. I assumed they had gotten close, probably as close as we were before. Deep inside, though, I knew I hoped the opposite.

Cliff would stop and stare at me every time our paths crossed. I felt how his eyes followed me whenever I walked past him. I had always noticed him in the corner of my eye. And it only made me miss him even more.

Yes, I felt guilty and frustrated. It was a wonder how I managed not to bang my head against a glass window. You did it all to yourself, girl!

There were times when I just wanted to run back to him. Tell him how much I missed him. Hug him. And never let go. But I held on to my dwindling pride. I decided that I would never be the kind of girl to run after a guy.

Oh, to hell with him! Cold war is real! Let us both be stubborn!

"You know what? You're out of your damn mind! Why are you making things hard on yourself? It's obvious that you like the guy," Madison said.

I and my squad gathered in a circle on the grass under a tree that afternoon. We were hanging out in the school park. I was busy browsing the internet with my laptop, and they were busy making me feel worse.

"And he obviously still has the hots for you, too. Hell! It's obvious by the way he always stares at you. Who are you guys fooling?" Sidney said while taking selfie shots with MY phone.

"Tsk. Give that back to me! Your face already populates my photo gallery so much, people would mistake this as your phone," I said as I grabbed my smartphone.

"I'm telling, girl, if you find the guy that's just right for you, you should lock him down for life like a safety deposit box," Madison quipped.

"What the hell are you talking about? And from what romance novel did you get that silly advice?" I asked.

Madison rolled her eyes in disappointment.

"Sister, don't you feel sorry for Cliff? Just talk to him already. That's what you both need, a simple talk," Hillary said, while in the middle of filing her nails.

"B*tch, if you don't want him anymore, can I have him instead?" Sidney said, winking at me. Can I just kill a friend right now?

I shook my head and said to them, "Okay... Your words aren't helping me at all. Thank you, friends, for making me feel like a terrible person."

"Oooh! Mi chico Latino at 9 o'clock, entering the park with his hot varsity teammates," Sidney giddily said.

I turned my head to take a quick look. And damn it! Cliff was already looking at me. I instantly turned my head back down to the laptop screen. Awkward!

"So now he has a lot of friends. Good for him," I said casually.

"Looks like they're having a short break from training," Madison said.

To my dismay, my ever-supportive friends waved to greet them. The varsity team rested in the shed nearby. I sent them a simple smile to hide the awkwardness I felt at the moment. No one needed to notice how affected I was by Cliff's mere presence. Wait, who said that I'm affected? Nope! No way!

"Fiona! I knew you'd be here! I got your favorites."

We all turned in the opposite direction and saw another familiar guy approaching. It was Stephen. His hands were full of snacks, which he bought from the various food stalls on campus.

"Oh my! It's your time to shine again, girl," Madison whispered behind me.

"I'll bet on it," Hillary reacted.

"Yeah, well, Stephen's cute and all but mi chico Latino over there is still my bet," Sidney whispered.

"Stephen!" I called out to him. Thank heavens! Here comes my saving grace!

At once, I stood up as he stopped in front of us. I was genuinely glad to see him. I needed someone to rescue me from this awkward situation.

"Hi, babe! Here you go, ladies! Some snacks to ruin your diet," Stephen said. He distributed the snacks among the girl squad.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that! How sweet you are to these voracious eaters," I said.

I hugged him without another word. I felt his hands on my waist as he hugged me back. Then he looked at me and gave a warm smile. Yup! We're THIS close. The brother I now wished I had!

"Did you miss me?" he asked when I pulled away. His hands remained on each side of my waist. I playfully placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Of course, I missed you. I mean the group missed you. We didn't get to hang out much these past few days," I said to him.

"Aww, sweet! She missed me! You all heard that?" Stephen proudly addressed the group before he replied to me. "Baby, I thought you were busy with school stuff."

"Yeah, right," Sidney murmured.

"I am, but I and the girls still get to hang out," I said.

He smiled warmly at me again.

"Forgive me, I was tied down with varsity practices. Only a few days left before the sports fair. I miss you too, babe," he said.

I was caught off guard when Stephen bent down to plant his lips on mine in a brief kiss. I did not react. And not wanting to embarrass him, I kissed him back lightly. It was just a friendly peck on the lips. No big deal!


We heard Madison loudly clearing his throat in the background. Stephen laughed before he released me, his hands leaving my sides at last.

"Enough with the touching reunion, you two. We're gonna eat all the snacks here if you won't sit down and join us," Madison said.

I laughed and sat back down in front of my laptop. Stephen, on the other hand, finally noticed the presence of his varsity teammates in the shed nearby.

"Oh, you guys are there," he said as he approached them. His face showed a wide grin.

"Man, I thought you'd never notice us! You were so focused on your chick," said a guy by the name of Jason, who was never a close friend of mine.

"Isn't she pretty?" Stephen proudly said as he chuckled.

We could clearly hear them talking. They were so loud as they teased each other. Cliff was the only one on silent mode. He did join in on their laughter, though.

"Clifford, dude! How's it going, bro? Don't miss the practice later. You're the coach's favorite now," Stephen said, laughing.

Hearing Cliff's name, I instinctively turned my head over to their group. He and Stephen fist-bumped each other. Denzel, the laughing guy beside him, put an arm around his shoulders.

"Hahaha! Looks like he'll be introduced to the coach's daughter, the one who breathes fire like a dragon," Denzel teased.

"Holy sh*t! Careful with that one, bro. She could eat you alive with just her stare," Stephen joked, resulting in their group's boisterous laughter.

Boys! How dare they talk about a lady like that?!

After a while, Stephen left their shed to rejoin us. He sat beside me and began chatting with my girl friends.

As my friends were eating, Stephen grabbed a piece of food and handed it to me. He literally placed it before my mouth so he could feed me with it. I was startled. I shook my head, refusing his offer. He heaved a sigh before he placed an arm over my shoulder.

"I brought this for you. It's still your favorite, right?" he said to me.

"No, that's bad for my diet," I said.

"Babe, you don't need to go on a diet. So please eat," he insisted.

"Steph, dear, she doesn't want it. But I'm willing to take a bite if you feed me instead," Sidney coyly suggested.

I rolled my eyes and hid a smile. Then I gave in and took a small bite of the food that Stephen brought before my mouth. I almost laughed when I heard Sidney's audible sigh.

"Whooo!!! You're the man, bro!!!" Jason, the varsity's power forward, teased aloud from the shed nearby. Apparently, their group saw how Stephen attentively fed me. I blushed in embarrassment. Geez!

A streak of guilt flashed within me when I caught Cliff intently staring at me. His jaw clenched as he stood up. He turned and left the park in silence. His friends remained behind without a care in the world.

Wait, why do I feel guilty again? And the nerve of him to keep staring at me like that! What's the big deal? He can go mope forever! I don't care!

I woke up not feeling well one Tuesday morning. My head was throbbing painfully and I was dizzy. I could hardly open my eyes. I felt so weak.

I got up from the bed and struggled to walk to the bathroom. My hands and body sought support on the wall as I walked.

Once inside the bathroom, I immediately dropped my head over the toilet. I vomited everything that I ate the night before. I felt so sick, even my innards are threatening to be gagged out.

After throwing it all up, I stepped groggily to the sink to brush my teeth. Then I opened the medicine cabinet overhead. I was disappointed when there was no sign of aspirin or pain reliever anywhere. I grabbed the digital thermometer instead then struggled back to bed.

I pressed my head heavily back into the pillow. The tip of the digital thermometer was in my mouth. Then I lifted my shaky hand and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I texted my girl friends. I hoped that at least one of them was free for the day. I just needed someone to buy me some aspirin.

It was nice to live alone and independently, but it absolutely sucked whenever I got sick and there was no one beside me. I hated this feeling!

After texting my friends, I placed my phone back on the bedside table. Then I closed my eyes. It took only seconds before I dozed back to sleep... slowly yet painfully.

I woke up to the relieving feel of a wet towel on my forehead and a caressing hand on my cheek. My condition was still the same. I struggled to open my heavy eyelids.

And then I saw Cliff — the last person I expected to see me in this state. He was looking at me intently. I could not tell if he was worried or angry. Gosh! I feel so ugly today!

"What are you doing here?" I uttered in a hoarse whisper.

"I brought you medicine. You need to drink it now, and then we can talk after," he said with a gentle voice.

He removed the towel from my forehead. Then he carefully assisted me as I sat up on the bed. He held out a medicine tablet to my mouth. I hesitated for a second. But then I decided that I really needed the medicine for me to get well. So I bit the tablet and swallowed it. Then he turned to the bedside table to get the glass of water and made me drink it. The refreshing liquid helped to wash away the bitterness in my mouth.

He placed the now empty glass back on the bedside table. Then he sat facing me on the side of the bed. He waited for me to talk.

"I did not text you. Where's Madison? Or Sidney? Or —"

"Your friends are all busy today. Madison called me and asked if I could check up on you a bit. I was told that you ran out of aspirin. You have a high fever. You look very pale. As a medical student, I'd say you're in no condition to choose whoever comes to your aid," he explained.

"You shouldn't have bothered to come here. They could have just called Stephen," I said.

He was quiet for a few seconds. I did not dare to look him in the eyes; I looked down on my hands instead. I heard him heave a sigh before he spoke.

"You're stuck with me whether you like it or not. And I don't really mind if you don't want me here. You have no choice but to accept my help if you want to get well. Now be a good girl and lie back down. Rest some more," he said, his voice somehow calm and comforting.

I obliged without a word. I was too weak to argue. He got up to assist me as I struggled to adjust my position on the bed. He gently arranged my pillow and then lifted the thick blanket higher to my neck.

I turned to face the opposite side of the bed, not wanting to face him. My eyelids felt heavy as I closed my eyes. Then to my surprise, he knelt down to plant a soft kiss on my cheek before he left the bedroom.

Gosh! He's the same guy you've been ignoring, right? Shame on you, Fiona!

I clutched the blanket to my chest. Silent tears fell down to the side of my face. My heart ached. I dozed off to sleep feeling heavy — physically and emotionally.

I woke up to the loud voices around me. When I opened my eyes, I saw my friends hovering all over me on the bed. I sat up slowly, and then I realized that I felt better now. The painful throbbing in my head was not there anymore. And I no longer felt nauseous.

"Yay! You're awake!" Hillary exclaimed clapping.

"Do you know how worried we were this morning when we read your text? Sorry, girl, none of us could come earlier," Madison said apologetically.

I roamed my eyes around the room. I caught sight of the window and noticed that it was already dark outside. I must have slept for hours after drinking the medicine that Cliff gave me. Wait, where is that fine-looking blockhead now?

"If you're looking for your handsome caregiver, well, he's already gone back to his apartment," Sidney said.

She probably noticed that I was kind of expecting someone else to be in the room. Damn! Was I that obvious?

"But don't worry, sister, he was still here when we arrived. He didn't wanna leave you all alone," Hillary said.

"Yup! He was here for hours. He probably missed a class or two, never left your side until he was sure you got company," Madison said and winked.

I bit my lip. The feeling of guilt ate me up inside again. How could I ever face him confidently the next time we meet? Geez! This is embarrassing!

"God, I'm starving! The class before lunchtime always gets me hungry," I said, setting down my tray on the table.

We were in the Bruff again. My three friends gathered here first because their classes were dismissed ahead of mine. I ran here immediately when my class was dismissed.

"So, any luck talking to Cliff again?" Sidney asked.

"Oh, please! Can't you just let me enjoy my meal first?" I replied.

"Guys like that don't just appear out of nowhere, you know," Madison said.

I knew it! These crazies are toying with my conscience!

"Right. Tell me about it," I said with a shrug.

I caught them looking at each other. Why, to hell with them! Let me eat in peace!

I went on eating. I was hungry, period! Madison shook her head disapprovingly.

Lunchtime with my friends went on for an hour with the same damn topic being talked about over and over again. It was irritating. I tried several times to change the subject but to no avail. The verbal battle was three against one.

That afternoon, Hillary and I went flipping through books in the library. She offered to accompany me, as she was currently free.

"I really think Cliff deserves to have a talk with you. Sister, he needs an explanation," Hillary said unexpectedly.

At once, my busy hand paused at her statement.

"Shut up, Hill. I'm trying to think here," I said. Then I resumed scanning the contents of the book before me.

She gasped. "You're trying to think about Cliff?"

I paused again. "What? No! I'm thinking about my research paper!"

I swear! It's alarming how friends sometimes say aloud the exact things you're trying so hard to hide. Why is that?!

"But what if he—"

Rolling my eyes in irritation, I raised my head to look at her.

"Seriously, Hill? We're in the library. More reading, less talking, please," I said.

She glanced behind me for a second and said, "But aren't you—"

"One! If you won't shut up on my count, I'll pull your hair extensions off!"

She just shrugged in reply then went back to flipping books. She stroked her hair for a moment, reassuring her own self that her precious extensions are fine. I stood up.

"I'll go get another book. I'll be back in a jiffy," I said before disappearing into the long line of shelves.

It took a couple of minutes before I was able to find the book I needed. I was busy scanning its pages on the way back to the table when I heard Hillary talking to someone. They spoke to each other in hushed tones. I looked up ahead and saw Cliff. When Hillary noticed me, her mouth curved into a wide grin.

"Oh, there she is," she said.

Cliff left the table and walked toward me. My pulse started to race. I felt my cheeks heating up.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Fine, I guess," I answered, feeling awkward.

Crap! I could not even look him straight in the eyes!

His hand rose to feel my cheek. It felt warm and almost made me want to close my eyes.

"You're not sick anymore. I'm glad," he said nodding. Then he removed his hand from my cheek.

"Uhm... What are you doing here?" I asked, running out of words.

I wanted to slap myself in secret for acting so stupid. Why are you so irritable, Fiona?

He stared at me for a few seconds before answering.

"Practicing a dance," he said.

"What?" I felt lost for a moment. His answer sounded awfully familiar.

He chuckled a bit and shrugged.

"I just returned some borrowed books at the counter. I'll leave now. Wouldn't wanna be wasting your time," he said.

Without another word, he turned and exited the library.

I went back to sit on the chair beside Hillary. I placed the book on the table. My brain was so not in research mode anymore.

"Is this the book you needed?" Hillary asked.

She frowned when I did not answer. Then she grabbed the book and flipped its pages. I grabbed my pen absentmindedly and proceeded to take down notes from the readily opened book in front of me. But I was not able to concentrate anymore. My inner consciousness contemplated whether or not I should go after Cliff... Or maybe I should just stay in the library.

My brain and willpower struggled to decide for about ten minutes or so. Then I stood up and hastily gathered my things. Hillary looked at me, her forehead creased.

Okay, it's now or never...

"What's the matter?" Hillary asked, puzzled at my abrupt movement.

"Sorry, there's somewhere I need to go," I said.

She stared at me, unsure of what to do. The next thing I knew, I fled towards the library exit. My feet seemed to have a will of their own. I could not stop my own steps!

The rain was heavily pouring outside the building. I failed to bring an umbrella again, but I could not care less about it now. My mind was set on something. I needed to see Cliff!

I traversed the campus pathways as fast as I could. My eyes scanned the surroundings but there was no sign of Cliff. I ran until I reached the empty sports field. I remembered that the path here goes all the way to his apartment on campus.

I kept on walking until I saw his familiar back. He held a big black umbrella in one hand to shield himself from the rain. The path felt so lonely with just the two of us at that time.

"Cliff!" I called out as loud as I could.

I hoped that the heavy pouring rain did not drown my voice in the air so Cliff could hear me. I was relieved when he stopped walking. But when he did not bother to face me, I felt a pang of pain in my heart. My vision blurred as tears began to cloud my eyes.

"I'm sorry!" I shouted.

Hot tears streaked down my cheeks. I cried along with the pouring rain.

I watched as he looked up at the dark sky. His shoulders slightly moved as if he heaved a sigh.

His hand that held the umbrella lowered, letting the object fall off to the ground. And then he turned around to face me. My heart raced as he approached. His steps were slow and sure.

He stopped right in front of me and I looked up at him. He held each of my arms with his hands. Then he closed his eyes and gently rested his forehead against mine.

My stubborn resolve collapsed completely. I spoke my heart out before I could even stop myself.

"I saw how Kath kissed you and you did not even bother to pull away... so I got angry. I don't know why I was so angry. Maybe because I thought—"

I paused when he shook his head disapprovingly. Then still with his eyes closed and his forehead against mine, he spoke.

"Lo siento mucho (I'm so sorry). There were people watching, so I just let her be. I am not the type to embarrass a girl in front of anyone. Pero, amor (But, love)... No le devolví el beso (I did not kiss her back)."

"What?" I asked, feeling stupid.

"I said I did not kiss her back."

"I know..." I nodded and continued in between sobs, "I miss you! I miss you so much!"

"Te amo, señorita (I love you, lady)," I heard him say.

And then his lips went down on mine in a deep possessive kiss. My hands automatically clung to his back for support. I returned his kiss with a longing that told him how much I missed him.

The cold, chilling rain poured all over us but it did not matter at that very moment. Our hearts were warm with passion. And once again, we were drawn to each other.