Chapter 13

"Oh. My. God! What the hell happened to you?" Katherine asked in utter distaste.

She ran her gaze at my rain-drenched physique from head to toe. I swallowed hard as I stared back at her. Why is she here?

"¿Quién está ahí (Who's there)?" asked a familiar masculine voice from inside the unit.

"Oh, no one, hon'!" she answered to him. Then, with a low voice, she scoffed at me. "Just a stupid brat with nothing better to do. Hah! Look at you!"

"Who is it?" he asked again, his footsteps getting nearer this time.

"Are we gonna finish this or what?" yelled someone else I did not recognize. I heard other unrecognizable voices from inside the unit. Somehow, I felt relieved knowing they were not alone together.

A hopeful smile escaped my lips when Cliff finally came into view. He showed up beside Katherine.

"Cliff," I whispered, my voice shaking from the cold.

His eyes landed on me. Surprise instantly sparked in his eyes for a second. Then his expression turned into confusion as he looked at me from head to toe. I looked like a total mess. Frantically, he stepped out of the doorway and into the rain. He stopped right in front of me.

"You're soaking wet. Are you out of your mind? You're gonna get yourself sick! Wait. You've been drinking?" he commented. He probably smelled the wine that spilled on my shirt a while ago.

My gaze traveled to Katherine, who still stood behind him. He noticed it right away. Then he answered the question that had been running through my head since the door opened.

"We're working on a group research paper inside," he said.

He shook his head disapprovingly as he ran his gaze at me again. I looked back at him.

Silent tears fell down my cheeks when he took off his jacket. Then, tenderly, he wrapped me in it. I bit my lower lip to gather my courage. And then, without a word, my hands slid around his waist. I could not stop myself from hugging him tightly.

"Fiona," he whispered. "Come inside. Change into something dry."

He did not hug me back. And he did not push me away either. He just held my hands gently at his sides as he talked. I heard in his voice that he was worried. It encouraged me to speak up.

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean what I said last time. I'm... I'm sorry... Please, Cliff, hear me out," I said in between sobs.

"Fiona! There you are!" David's voice called from behind me. Apparently, he followed me shortly after I dashed out of my apartment.

Cliff's hands instantly dropped to his sides. He released me and took a step backward. David approached and stopped beside me. He brought with him an umbrella.

"You, slut! Get away and go back to where you belong! Ugh! What are you even—" Katherine ridiculed.

"Kath, will you please... stop it," Cliff said firmly, cutting her off.

She stepped out angrily into the rain. Then she brusquely pulled Cliff away from me. He just looked down as he stepped back. He did not utter another word.

"Fiona! Why'd you run into the rain like that? Look, you're all drenched now," David scolded.

My friend immediately placed an arm around my shoulders. Then he pulled me close to him, shielding me from the downpour under his big umbrella.

"Cliff, please... I miss you so much," I cried, begging for his attention.

But Cliff did not look back at me this time. He just kept his head down, staring blankly into nothingness. Then he silently walked backward. Katherine held him on one arm and guided him back inside his apartment.

"Hey, man, apologies for this inconvenience. She's drunk. I'll take her back to her apartment now," David said. He pulled me closer and then turned me around.

Helpless and hopeless, I marched with my friend away from that place. A couple of seconds later, David paused. I turned my head to look at him. Then I saw Cliff's hand on his arm. Puzzled, David turned slightly to face him.

"Take her back safely. She gets sick easily. Please make sure she drinks the right medicine." I heard Cliff whisper to him.

David stared at him for a second.

"I will," he calmly replied. Then he smiled and lightly tapped Cliff's hand.

Hearing my friend's assurance, Cliff let go of his arm. David then walked me back to my place. The rain continued to pour heavily — as heavy as my footsteps and as loud as the sad beating of my heart.


I felt hopeless. I saw no way for us to be together again. I assumed that he was already with Katherine. So I gave up my hopes and decided to move on. I went back to being reckless and carefree with my friends once more. That was until fate decided to cast a die again...


I fell ill that night in my apartment. Fever and cold took over my body as I sprawled weakly on the bed. My painful struggle was both physical and emotional. I kept on recalling how Cliff turned his back on me earlier today. And to top it all off, he was with Katherine!

"How are you feeling?" David asked.

He never left my side since this afternoon. David tended to me immediately the moment I felt sick. He caught me when I almost fainted in the living room. And then carried me to my bedroom. He left me alone inside for a bit and waited outside the door, telling me to change into some dry clothes.

"Extremely weak, I guess," I said to him, forcing a brave smile.

David sat at the side of my bed. His hand reached out and felt my cheek for a second. Then, with his assistance, I moved to sit on the bed. He made me drink two aspirin tablets.

"You were totally drenched in the rain. Don't ever do that again," he said. His worried voice was gentle and sincere.

"Thanks for being here, David," I said.

My voice was almost a hoarse whisper. My head ached so much and it felt like everything around me was spinning.

"Go to sleep now. You need to rest. I'll be right downstairs if you need me," he said. He assisted me so I could lie down again.

I closed my tired eyes and waited for sleep to take over my senses. After tucking me in, David stood up and headed for the bedroom door. But he paused along the way when my phone rang. He glanced at the bedside table where the gadget was. I heard his light footsteps for a bit and then noticed when my phone stopped ringing. David answered the call.

"Hey!" I heard him say.

"Uhm, yeah, it's me… Fiona? She's already sleeping... She's not well right now. It's just as you said, man… Yup, I already did…" he continued, chuckling for a bit. His voice trailed off outside the bedroom when he closed the door.

Shortly after David stepped out of the room, I dozed off to dreamland.

I woke up dizzy and my body felt sore and weak. I tried moving my head only to wince and whimper in pain. It still ached like crazy. And I could barely open my eyes. It felt like my eyelids were too heavy.

I heard someone heave a sigh beside me on the bed. And then a hand touched me gently on the cheek. I struggled to open my eyes but I was only able to part my eyelids slightly. I felt too weak and helpless.

In my weakened state and half-opened eyes, I saw the familiar form of a man hovering over me. He had a pair of deep, smoky eyes. His hand caressed my cheek softly. And the way he moved showed so much concern.

"You were asleep for only two hours. You need to rest some more. Close your eyes and get back to sleep. I'll be right here," he said. His gentle voice was almost a whisper yet it made my heart skip a beat.

'Cliff?' I asked in my mind. But then I realized that it was an impossible thought. For how could he appear before me at that moment when he no longer wanted me?

'Right. My head aches so much and I'm burning with fever... I'm probably hallucinating now. That's why I'm hearing and seeing something that isn't actually there,' I silently concluded.

I closed my eyes again and then struggled to turn to the other side of the bed. I forced a weak smile as the man carefully adjusted the pillow so I could sleep more comfortably. Afterward, he tucked me in and bent down to kiss me on the cheek.

"Thank you, David," I whispered with my eyes closed.

I heard him heave a sigh. It took seconds before I heard his light footsteps. When the bedroom door shut closed, I assumed that he had left.

'Yes, it's gotta be David,' I said to myself. After all, he did say that he would be close by if I ever needed him.

"You actually did that?!" Sidney exclaimed.

I told them about what happened a few days ago. It was late lunchtime and my midday class had just been dismissed. We were huddled as usual around our favorite table inside the Bruff.

"Wow! Sister, I think you got it bad this time," Madison said.

"What was wicked stepsister doing in his apartment, by the way?" Hillary asked.

I shrugged and said, "Uhm, I don't know. I think it was a group research paper. Honestly, I don't care anymore. I give up! I'm done with the chase. He's probably happy with Katherine now."

"Really? That's too bad. Oh, poor Cliff," reacted a pouting Hillary.

"You mean poor me! I got sick for a day after running in that heavy storm just to talk to him," I said in my defense.

"Sshh! Speaking of the devil… and the wicked stepsister at twelve o'clock," Sidney whispered.

We all turned our heads to the entrance. Cliff entered with Katherine, along with some varsity athletes and cheerleaders. I noticed when he looked past me. Our eyes met for a few seconds before he turned to Katherine. Wicked stepsister pulled him, leading their group towards a long table.

David casually entered the venue a short while later. I glanced his way and smiled when I heard his cheerful voice.

"Cliff, my man! ¿Como estas (How are you doing)?" David greeted aloud. He walked over to Cliff and waved cheerily at the group. Cliff smiled at him and they high-fived. Then David sat on the vacant seat beside Cliff.

Deciding not to care, I turned my attention back to the food I was eating.

"Since when did the two of them get all friendly?" Madison asked.

I shrugged and gave a curt reply, "Beats me."

"But isn't David the sweetest? I mean he patiently tended to you the whole time you were sick," Sidney said.

"Yeah, he did. I'm beyond grateful that he was there. I was too weak to move a muscle," I said, smiling warmly.

The following day, I scoured the campus looking for David. I was free for the rest of the afternoon so I wanted to invite him out for coffee. I sincerely wanted to thank him. He was there for me when I was so sick and needed some company.

I found him sitting by the wall in an empty corridor. He was grinning to himself and streaming videos on his phone. The moment he noticed my presence, he immediately took off his earphones. He also quickly hid his phone behind him as he stood up and smiled.

"Fiona! Hey," he called out.

"David! I looked everywhere for you. What were you watching on your phone?" I said.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing," he said.

My eyes narrowed in suspicion when I noticed the hesitation in his voice.

"Nothing, huh. So why were you grinning so wide a while ago? And why are you hiding your phone from me?" I asked, curious.

His forehead creased for a second. Then he burst out laughing.

"Come on, now! What is it?" I asked, insisting.

It intrigued me even more. I went behind him and tried to snatch his phone. But I failed to get it when he swiftly shoved the gadget into his front pocket. He laughed as he turned to face.

"Don't mind it, okay? It was for guys ONLY," he said.

"Oh, okay," I said, nodding my head and shrugging my shoulders. I did not insist any further. I might just see something I was not supposed to see. But what is it really? Hmm...

"So why were you looking for me? Need help with something?" he asked.

"No, I don't. But I was wondering if I could treat you out for coffee or a meal. You see, I haven't really thanked you yet. You were there for me the whole time I was sick," I said.

He paused for a moment, and then laughter escaped his lips. My brows slightly frowned as I stared back at him. I was puzzled by his reaction. He cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Sorry, Fiona. Much as I'd like to take all the credit for that, my conscience demands that I can't be selfish," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled even more.

He paused for a second then opened his mouth to speak again.

"It wasn't just me, Fiona… I mean I was only there for less than an hour when you fell asleep. I had to get back to the dorm for a project that needed last-minute completion...

And then I just stopped by again at your place the next day to check on you. Well, anyway, my point is that... I wasn't the one who tended to you that whole night you were sick," he said.

I fell silent for a moment, taking in his words.

"So who... Who was with me the whole night?" I asked.

His mouth curved into a sheepish grin.

"Take a wild guess," he said, shrugging.

"David! You know I don't play guessing games," I said, smiling slightly.

He paused again and placed his hands comfortably in the pockets of his pants. Then he sighed before he spoke.

"It was Clifford. He called on your phone but you were already sleeping, so I answered his call. He asked how you were. I told him you were burning with fever. And just like that, he was hell-bent on coming over to your place."

My eyes widened at what David said. I opened my mouth to speak but no words escaped my mouth. Speechless, I bent my head down. I could not think for a moment.

"I don't know what happened between you two. But I think you two really need to talk it out sooner or later. Just give the man some time to think, Fiona...

...Stop bugging him for now. I mean Clifford obviously still cares so much for you. So he'll calm down soon and then get back to you. He misses you, that's for sure," he said.

I looked at him as bitter tears formed in my eyes. No, he doesn't care! Not one bit!

I clenched my teeth and spoke.

"That's not true, David… If he really cared, I wouldn't have had to chase him and beg for his attention… If he really missed me, where is he? Hey! He's with Katherine… It's crystal clear that he wants nothing to do with me," I said.

David stared back at me with a blank expression. I turned around and walked away from him. My hand rose to roughly wipe away the tears that had fallen down my cheeks. I heard him heave a sigh as I left. Unlike that pouring Saturday afternoon, David chose not to follow me this time.

That pouring night, I walked along a dimly-lit alley holding my open umbrella in one hand. I was all alone. Then I heard footsteps behind me. I paused for a bit and cautiously observed my surroundings. But now there was only silence.

That's weird! Well, maybe it's a stray animal hiding somewhere nearby.

I resumed walking. But then, I heard the footsteps again. Somehow, I had this gut feeling that someone was following me! So I took hurried strides until I reached the curb by my apartment block.

I stopped warily on the sidewalk. My hand slowly reached inside my sling bag for my pepper spray. And, nervously, I turned around to face whoever it was. Then I held the pepper spray up in defense mode. But, as if by instinct, my hand automatically paused midway.

In an instant, my heart skipped a beat and I could hardly breathe. Out from the shadows, a familiar form slowly came into view. And I stood there speechless, staring at the walking image of a person I never again expected to approach me.