Results: Got Everything

The long flight finally came to an end when the plane was stored, their bags were moved to a vehicle waiting for them, and they were back at the dark office. Adam was given a ride home while Hunter and Hanson took care of a few things that had come up while they were gone. In just three days there was a lot that needed to be cleaned up before they could start again. Juliet didn't have much to do but Hanson was her ride. She was stuck there until they were finished. Until then she would just wander around. She headed up to the third floor wondering if there was something she could do to keep herself occupied. It was just dark to the point of being uneasy.

The few lights on the second floor were a welcoming sight. Hunter's office door was just cracked enough that the light escaped into a small sliver. She started walking towards it when she heard a couple of voices. Hanson must have been talking to Hunter. She wandered past until she heard her name. Her body locked just before she hit the beam of light. Hanson was standing just where she could see a small portion of his arm through the crack. Hunter seemed to be in his chair and well out of view. They were oddly quiet for it just being the two of them. She moved closer to the door to hear but she still had to strain.

She then caught off Hanson saying, "...something going on?" There was a deep sigh followed by Hunter's voice, "I'm not sure myself actually. The whole weekend was just kind of a blur after a while. She had asked Hanson to talk to Hunter about what was up with him but she didn't expect him to do it right after they got back. Hanson seemed to know where to probe though, "What kind of a blur? A drunken blur of casino gambling or just a haze?"

"A little of both. The memory treatment really seemed to mess with me."

"Did it help?"

"It felt like it. I feel a little more normal if that's possible."

They really didn't beat around the bush with one another. Hanson was able to ask any question he wanted and Hunter seemed to snap back with little or no hesitation. They really had been working together too long to where they had an unbreakable trust. The two went back and forth trying to piece together some of the weekend when Hunter was at the hotel. They got to the part where Juliet was released from her bonds for the vacation to really relax. He didn't mention the attitude he seemed to have toward her. He just mentioned it in passing where Hanson let it go. With nothing to go on Hanson took his leave. Juliet leaned herself against the wall hoping Hanson would not notice her. As he left the office he took his direction away from her towards the exit before stopping in the hallway. He didn't look back but he waved his hands for her to follow him. He's as diligent as ever in his work so it figures he knew she was there.

She took his order and quickly passed by Hunter's door without him noticing. Hanson said nothing as they went down to the lobby where they had access to the garage. Hanson opened his passenger door for her to get in, shutting it behind her. He got in on the driver's side starting the car still saying nothing. As they left the garage Hanson did something he never does. He revved the engine spinning the tires tearing out of the garage onto the street. He ran a red light taking a left turn opposite of where he typically turns. He hit the straightaway quickly speeding up past 80 miles per hour. Once he hit the freeway he set his cruise to relax a bit more. Juliet was still tense from the sudden impact. This was new to her to see him. He was always so calm when he took her home. He also took the correct direction.

In the darkness, there were very few people out at night. Hanson was able to freely cruise well out of the center of the city. It wasn't very long after his speeding kick but he finally spoke, "Lady Juliet, I fear you are correct in your judgment of the young master. He is no longer the person we both knew but we cannot let him know that we know." This sudden change was jarring. "Hanson, do you know something?" He grits his teeth as he tried to answer, "That's what scares me. I can't pin down what it is."

Seeing Hanson frustrated over something he couldn't solve is something that she never thought she would and never wanted to see. Whatever happened with Hunter, neither of them could guess what it was. He had changed. For better or worse, they couldn't pin that either. At worst, he's actually no longer Hunter. Everything was going to change no matter how hard they tried to fight it. They would have to roll with it.