He got jealous?

* 2 year's later *

It's been two year's since they moved in and my mom ever since they got here she has been in there room. She is with them so much that she don't even noticed if me and Shelby are home or not so because of that Shelby has been going out to party's.

I of course just stay in my room and if they are out of their room I'll wait for them to go back to their room or more like their cave down in the basement we didn't have enough rooms so my mom had people to believer built a room.

Which still wasn't enough since their son still didn't have a room and who wants to share at the age of 15 16? I don't remember how old he was when they first moved in with us.

I can't tell you how meny time's I've almost peed myself just so I won't run into them oh and my sister and there son Josh started dateing it's really gross to think about it now as we both didn't know at the time that he is really are uncles son and his dad is just his step dad or I at least I don't remember if he knew his dad wasn't really his dad as I said I stay in my room most of the time so even though they live with us I didn't know to much about what really happened with in the house but what's funny is that I knew what was happening in the outside world more than what was happening in my own home.

So now when we all would be home alone I become a 3th wheel they was off and on for a year ? But I think he liked me too because there was a time me and him hold hands we hold hands for a good couple of minutes before my sister came out now that I think about it I'm so glad nothing more than holding hands happen between us two he and I was very close and I say was because of what happened later on.

Shelby: Are you holding hands ?

Kylie: No why

Shelby: Mmm it sure looked like it

Kylie: Well we was not

Shelby: Ok whatever

She went on and we finsted what we was watching. I don't remember what we was watching but after it ended I got up and said I'm tired as I'm about to walk away he stops me with a worried face that said don't leave me it like he didn't want to be alone but I couldn't bring myself to care that much I did feel a little bad because of how bad his life seemed I'm also glad I didn't stay.

Josh: Where you going ?

Kylie: Back to my room

Josh: You don't wanna stay out here and watch another movie?

Kylie: No I'm sleepy so I'm going to bed

Josh: h ok then we'll watch movies tomorrow good night

Kylie: Good night

I finally go to my room where I let a sigh of relief when Tyler appears in front of me .

Demon: So your going to bed already ?

Kylie: No I just wanted to come back to my room

Demon: Oh? then why you say you was going to bed

Kylie: Because it got to weird

Demon: how did it get weird ?

Kylie: Because me and Josh was holding hands and Shelby seen us

Demon: Mmm is holding hands really that weird ?

Kylie: No but it feels weird when it's not family

He then gets up and walks over to me getting closer to me as if he was looking for something or looking to if he could find something on me . I would ask him why he got so close if I didn't like so much he's making me feel so shy so embarrassed why is this embarrassing when we cuddle and sleep in the same bed together I mean he doesn't get under the covers with me and I'm always facing him with my head on his arm and my face near his chest .

Then he'll move over to give me room or he'll move to the other side of my bed I have a big bed it can fit probably 3 people in it at once.

Demon: * holds her hand *....... Is this weird ?

Kylie: N-no it's ok

Demon: interlocking his fingers * How do you feel now ?

Kylie: *I blushes as i thinking what should I tell him I can't tell him I like it or that I like it better then holding Josh's *

Demon: Is it ... weird?

Kylie: No no no not at all !

Josh come to my bedroom door and knocks on it which makes me jump a little as I'm still in front of my door I didn't realize it yet but Tyler the demon was holding me in his arms glaring at the door or more like through the door with murderous eyes ready to kill at any moment.

Josh: Kylie you ok I thought you was going to bed ?

Kylie: I am I'm just getting my PJ's on

Josh: Oh ok then get to bed soon

Kylie: I am don't worry

Demon: * tthinking * why did he come he ruin the mood danm it *

Kylie: Oww your hurting me

Demon: Sorry I'm so sorry are you ok ?

Kylie: Yeah I'm ok you just squeezed my hand to hard

Demon: Did I brake it is it going to be ok

Kylie: Yes I'll be ok no need to worry so much it's not broken either * smiles big *

Demon: hugs her out of nowhere * Good I'm glad I didn't hurt you too bad

Kylie: shocked but hugs him back * I'm ok I promise.

We both stay like that for a full minute before brakeing the hug smiling like two happy people in love.

Demon: * i wish i can hug her and hold her hand a bit longer but i can't *

Kylie: Let's lay down and cuddle

Demon: Ok anything for my princess

We are cuddling for almost an hour when I finally get the courage to ask him if he got jealous I looks up at Tyler with curiosity a little bit of fear in my eyes as I knew he was strong but I didn't know how strong and to think that that squeeze wasn't his full power it's even more scary to think what can happen if he really gets pissed off at someone or at me.

Kylie: Tyler did you get jealous of Josh and me holding hands?

Demon: .......Yes a bit

Kylie: Mmm * holds his hand sets up * But why there ain't anything going on between me and him and never will there be

Demon: I know I don't know why I got jealous

Kylie: I only like holding your hand Tyler

Demon: shocked a bit but smiles * I'm glad to hear that let's sleep it's getting late for you

Kylie: Yes let's sleep * kisses his hand *

Demon: thinking* did she just kiss me on my hand * blushes and smiles real big *

We then fell asleep cuddling together or so I thought as I woke up to use the bathroom as I do most nights I only see Lucy in my room.