Josh watch me in the shower?

Two weeks has passed since me and Josh has held hands. Nothing like that happen againIn untill now I was taking a shower one night and when I got out I seen someone in the widow of the bathroom I for some reason hold up my towl to hide myself behind it as kinda like putting a wall up where whoever was outside the window couldn't see my body this happen not last night but the night before and I did the same thing as am doing now just last time the person disappeared so I thought I was just seeing things but this time they was still there.

So I wrap the towel around myself walk up to the window as I get closer the parson once again disappointed and don't ask why I didn't run out in the first placeBecause I myself don't even know why so I opened the window to look outside to see if I could see or hear anyone I don't at that time so I just run back to my room quickly lock my door where the only light is a night light of Jesus hands as I'm trying to catch my breath I hear someone walking outside coming from the back of the house to the front door then the front door open and close.

Lucky Tyler and Lucy was already in my room I was scared for my life but just knowing that Tyler was there made me feel safer because I knew Tyler would never let anyone or wouldn't let anything hurt me.

Demon: * looking away from her * You ok did something happen

Kylie: Yeah I'm ok but the weirdest thing just happened

Demon: What happened?

At that time they both hear footsteps coming from behind the house walks to the fonrt door storty after they both hear the fonrt door open and close. Then someone tryed to open my bedroom door without knocking but they couldn't open the door so they knocked. I keep the door close and locked.

Kylie: Who is it ?

Josh: It's me

Kylie: What do you want

Josh: Nothing I was checking to if you was done in the shower yet

Kylie: Yeah I'm done

Josh: Ok you coming to watch a movie with me and your mom

Kylie: Yeah just let me get dressed first

Josh: Ok we'll be downstairs

Kylie: Ok I'll be down in a minute

Demon: What just happened ?

Kylie: That's what I wanna know when I got out of the shower I seen a face

Demon:Where at?

Kylie: In the bathroom widow

Demon: Mmm I have a feeling that he was looking at you throw the widow

Kylie: I don't know I just know that it was creepy

Demon: So you still going to go watch the movie?

Kylie: can you come with just stay quiet ?

Demon: I was coming even if you didn't want me to I'll stay quiet as you want me to but if he trys anything I won't hold back

Kylie: I know you will I don't think he will since my mom will be down there

Demon: Still I'm going to be watching him

Kylie: Why you think I want you to go with me

After that being said we both go downstairs to watch the movie. Nothing happened when watching the movie. After the movie I and Tyler go back to my room.

Kylie: That was a good movie

Demon: Yeah I have to say it was I'm glad I got to watch it with you

Kylie: Yeah me too * smiles big *

Demon: Also I'm happy he didn't do anything

Kylie: I know me too but can we not talk about him

Demon: Yes sorry I'm still pissed off about that

Kylie: I know and that's why we should talk about something else

Demon: Any new boyfriends lately

Kylie: No I have not dated anyone yet this year

Demon: * that's good to know * You have your eye on anyone

Kylie: Not really I mean there is a lot of cute boy's at school but none of them won't even give me the time of day

Demon: I don't see why your so beautiful

Kylie: * blushes * No I'm not

Demon: You only say that because you don't see what I see

Kylie: Well you must be the only one besides my family who thinks that way

Demon: That can't be possible I think you just put yourself down to much

Kylie: * No because I know I'm ugly and I'm fat and how can a boy be beautiful *Yeah ok if you say so but I know I'm not

Demon: One of theses day you'll realize how beautiful you are

Kylie: Ok fine I'm not ugly I'm handsome

Demon:* so you findly going to admit that you are a boy and not a girl * Well about time you say it

Kylie: Say what that I'm not ugly ?

Demon: No that your handsome also you was born in a girls body when you was supposed to be a boy

Kylie: So this feeling of me being in the wrong body is real

Demon: Yes it is

Kylie: Now I get why I always hate waering dresses and why hate it when people tell me I need to be more lady like I mean hell I'm more manly then some of the boys in school Oh yeah or when they call me Mis.

Demon: You also hate it when people say her or she

Kylie: Honesty I hate everything about being a girl and the wost thing is the monthly

But don't you have feelings for me ?

Demon: Yes I do I'm gay

Kylie: Wait your gay ?

Demon: Yes is that a problem ?

Kylie:No not at all I just thought you being a demon that you like all sex

Demon: Most demons do but there is some that only like girl's or only boy's like me

Kylie: Huh well alright you learn something new everyday

Demon: Yes you really do * smiles *Haha yeah * yawns *

Demon: You ready for bed ?

Kylie: Yeah let's go to bed now I want my cuddles

Demon: * opens his arms * Then come on in

Kylie: jumps in his arms * mmm good night Tyler

Demon: Good night * thinking my love I love you * Kylie

I say I love you in my sleep not realizing that I even said anything as we both slowly fall asleep .