Power in each Pump
Existence from Electricity
It is the Current we Create
That Makes up this Facility
Breathing and Bells.
That's what this facility's mantra should be. Every night I fall asleep to the breaths of the other ladies in the engineering department and every morning at 6:00 am I wake up to the sound of bells. Except for last night, in which I just laid awake to the sound of breathing while staring at our facility's mantra that has been imprinted on to the walls of probably every room of the building. I really could have sworn I injected enough fuel energy to last into the next day. Yet here I am. Only a matter of time until the morning bell rings and I am back to my regular mental state: stagnant. I usually avoid checking the time when I can't sleep. That way, I can get that initial shock that comes when it blears through my audio passages and changes the pace of my sustainer.
Yep. Not even that shook me today.
The bell always sounded more like a horn to me, but I've known from early on in my life that I was better off not calling it that. The authoities of Superhuman Samctuary call it a bell, so a bell it is.
The noise continues until we are all in the Commence Lounge. So of course, we all hustle to get up, throw on our silver uniforms that have been specially designed to appear as if it were made of steel, handle hygiene and get the hell down there before all our audio passages are fried.
"Alright, whoever it is holding us up this time needs to scurry their little ass down here, damnit!" One of the girls beside me says under her breath, through clenched teeth.
I have grown numb to the bells in terms of annoyance. I no longer get irritated by the sound. I wouldn't admit this to anyone, but I have grown to like the way it makes my audio passages ring and the pounding sensation it gives my head. Especially on days like these when I yearn for a buzz. It doesn't excite me, but its a thrill of some sort.
The last person has been spotted and sensed coming down to the Commence Lounge. The alarm comes to an abrupt end.
We all stand there in neat rows, male and female engineers alike, as we are inspected by the non-visible sensors. These sensors are planted between the grips of the floor in this specific lounge and are too small to be detected by any of our unaltered lenses. They are in place to quickly detect whether or not each worker is in full uniform, nothing added or excluded.
"Inspection complete. Proceed to Fuel Consumption Area." says the monotone voice on the speakers above.
Row by row, we walk into one of the many transportation sectors of the lounge. In every transportation sector, the sensors in the walls and floor detect when each person has taken their place and automatically elevates the group to the Fuel Consumption Area.
Sometimes I wish we could actually feel the elevation, like the elevators at the malls or in those less expensive home buildings. I have always likened the feeling to having every individual limb suddenly rise and just float within in me for a second, then gently come back down. Here at the Superhuman Santuary, the elevation happens within the snap of a gripper and the sensation is equivalent to a blink of a lense.
Staying in formation, we enter the silver room. Lights from the ceiling gleam on to the metallic, walls, floors, chairs and tables.
We make our way to our seats at the many long tables set up for us.
Just like in the Commence Lounge, there are micro-sized sensors on the floors and chairs. These sensors in the Fuel Consumption Area communicate to the serving system when every worker has entered and taken their seats.
"Prepare to be served" the voice on the speakers announce, though we are never actually given an opportunity to prepare.
Well, really, its not like the opportunity is needed anyway. We all know the drill.
The metallic grabbers automatically reach down from the ceilings to place fuel before us immediately after the announcement
The metallic grabbers automatically reach down from the ceilings to place fuel before us immediately after the announcement.
Today the fuel is toast and a bowl of fruit with a glass of water. The serving system was feeling real simple today, I guess.
The quantities vary among each person. The sensors communicate to the system how much each person needs based on their structure types, lifestyle, chemical information and how much fuel energy and nutrients they will need for optimal function.
Today they have determined that I only need one slice of buttered toast and a small cup of fruit with a tall glass of water.
To be fair, this may have something to do the excess joules of fuel energy I injected into myself last night. Seeing that I am of a slightly more muscular, athletic structure than most of the girls, I am usually served one of the larger quantities among the bunch.
It's whatever. The way I'm thinking might be lacking energetic fire but my physical and processor are feeling ready to go for my presentation at work today.
As we collectively exit the building and I get into my car my processor races. All I can think about is what the Supremes will think of my design.
I wonder what Mama and Daddy would think of my design.
Oh God.
The pressure is making my temperature rise and I just can't be bothered by that right now.
I pull over.
Time for an emergency dosage.
I search in my drawer for my serotonin syringe.
I got a bunch of mood and mind altering chemicals from Cindy. She is a different kind of mechanic in the sense that she is educated in human machines - so....us.
Anyways, I went to her a few months ago and expected her to put up alot more resistance to my idea. With her perfectly frizz free blonde veil always tied in a perky ponytail and her seemingly goody-two-shoes demeanor I would have expected her to at least give me some line about how I'm not even a patient or some shit.
To my surprise, she was about as non-chalant as I am about the rules. All I had to do was tell her what effects I needed and she came through with option after option. Even months later she is more than willing to supply me with refills, no questions asked.
I grab the serotonin syringe and slowly inject it into my inner reach rod. I don't usually pay attention to measurements or anything like that. I kind of like to gauge it visually and see how it goes.
No anxiety for me today.
Hell, this might even help me sleep better tonight.
My lenses fall onto the dopamine syringe.
Eh, why not.
I grab the dopamine and inject it into my reach rod.
Nothing wrong with some chemically induced ambition.
I need more ambition today.
I put the syringe back in the drawer. I sit back, take a deep breath in and out and proceed on my drive.
I can't afford to be caught slacking. Ever since I was little I have been regarded as some kind of mechanical prodigy. Which, to be honest, I'm not sure why people are so amazed by. I mean, wouldn't that be expected from the child of two of the top engineers of Double Deal Domain? My parents have been recognized for their works in multiple countries. Chances are if you are a mechanic geek you know about Double Deal Domain, and if you know about Double Deal Domain you know about Ernesto and Marie Castillo.
Hell, by the time I turned 8 I already knew how to repair a car engine. So it's no surprise I was the one they entrusted to help build the company's newest project.
After years of being the most popular go-to brand for cars, trucks, helicopters and airplanes, Double Deal Domain has been planning on launching rocketships and have recruited me to be the mastermind of the operation. We are in the middle of creating the very first model and my processor needs to be up to speed.
Fuck any other brand.
We're trying to get people - well, more people - boasting about Triple D in these streets.
Although I have never actually heard anybody refer to Double Deal Domain as Triple D.
Whatever. I just need them to approve of my design
"Hey Moon, is it true?"
I flinch. I have just entered the building and I hear that excited voice. I turn to see the short guy with bright red hair who asked me this question and realize it just another coworker.
"Uh, is what true Harry?"
"That you're testing out the rocketship model soon?"
I pause.
"Where did you here that?"
Anything regarding a new project at Double Deal Domain is always kept private. We never want to risk the possibility of any outsiders interfering with "The Reflections of Pure Genius".
Supreme Argon's words not mine.
"Oh...well....I may have...overheard",
Harry admits between mischievous giggles.
As somebody who has been given a substantial amount of responsibility in this project, I should probably be giving Harry a lecture about how wrong-and weird-that is. (I mean how did he even do that? All of our private meeting rooms are soundproof!). Followed by a warning to the Team of Supremes about a possible threat to our privacy. Making sure to specifically name Harry as said threat.
But frankly, I just don't care enough to do any of that.
"Uh, yeah.....Yeah we should be testing it out real soon."
I force a friendly smile and walk away. I can hear Harry excitedly giggling to himself in the distance.
I make my way to the room that has been designated for the presentation. Today it is just me and the Team of Supremes.
I inhale deeply, take a step towards the door and exhale slowly.
I have to do this. I have to care enough to do this. Its showtime.
I place my grabber on the print identifier beside the door.
Moon Castillo.
Admissision Accepted.
I'm in.
I walk down the dark hall hoping the injections were enough to jazz me up.
As I get closer to the room entrance I can hear Supreme Argon.
"Yes, Moon Castillo. She has a long black curly veil, olive sheath tone, full pouty lips, average height, quite petite but has a noticeable bit of muscle mass. Surely you have heard her name or at least seen a picture of her. Her parents are -"
They instantly notice my presence.
"Moon. We are ready", Supreme Argon says with an anticipating smile.
He is accompanied by Supremes Ron and Cury and a man with a thin whispy brown veil that I haven't seen before.
I clear my throat to speak.
"Cool. Please have a seat."
They all grab seat behind their judging tables as I go to the back room where I keep my creation.
I feel adrenaline creeping in. I feel a tingling in my core and I know the injections are kicking in.
Just in time.
I roll the rocket ship out to my audience.
I stand looking at them feeling a beaming sensation within me.
"Um, Ms. Castillo may I ask why you are not explaining the project?,"
the unknown man asks me.
A giggle spills out of me
"Hehe what do you mean?"
"You've just been standing beside the rocketship with a big smile on your face for the past two minutes now."
Damn, for real?
"Oh....well yes um...you know what? How about I show the best feature first. The interior!"
Nice save Moon, keep it going.
"C'mon in!"
They all get out of their seats exchanging confused looks with each other. Although I am completely aware of this, I am not focused on it. This random wave of euphoria and pleasure is a little distracting.
As I lead them inside I take a look at their faces and the reaction is exactly what I needed.
They are impressed.
"Well, sir I know you have asked me to explain myself but I think its better experienced. See, with my design I have stived for both comfort and efficiency. So think, all the technical aspects of a traditional spaceship but with the comfort of a car. I'm talking heated and reclining seats, radio, uh, all that sh-stuff! All that stuff!"
I don't know what the fuck I just said but they seemed pretty pre-occupied admiring the interior.
I hear mumbles in the background as I wander. I feel like I'm somewhere sunny. Its like I'm feeling sunlight. Not heat, but light.
And I don't even know if that makes sense.
"'Ahem, Moon?"
I look up to my seat to see Argon's baldhead shining in the light gleaming through the windows of the ship.
I realize that I have been laying on one of the couches in the ship and it probably doesn't look too professional. Yet, I see no reason to get up.
"Yes, sir?" I say through a pleased smile.
"Is that all for the presentation?" He asks.
"Well! I must say I am very impressed with your design and I see big things for it! I will be back with a few colleagues to further discuss logistics. I just have one question. Just out of curiosity."
"I'm an open book, sir" I say, still smiling.
"Why the choice in color?"
I suppose he is referring to my choice in making the ship midnight blue as well as the interior with a few accents of gold here and there.
"Do you really wanna know?" I ask genuinely curious as to if he is actually interested.
"Yes I would love to know," he maintains.
"Well, truthfully midnight blue has always been a colour that stands out to me. It gives me a powerful yet reserved and mysterious feeling. Kind of like outer space. There are so many laws of space and the universe that we know about. We know these laws dictate the elements and of our world and beyond, but there is so much more that we don't know, you know? it's like.....it's like magic but....real. I wish magic was real.
Anyways, that's what midnight blue makes me think about so I thought it was fitting for the rocketship."
The unknown man stares at me blankly.
"Alright! Uh, we'll leave you with that Moon. You can go ahead and have your break," I hear Supreme Argon say as they walk out.
I still lay on the couch pondering the fantasy of magic in my midnight blue surroundings. I make my way to the music station and select a binaural beat instrumental. I want to intensify this moment.
I want a moment to imagine flying away to a place that I don't even know the name of and I want it to actually feel real.
My lenses slowly start to close as I drift away.....
*Vision Fades to Red*