War Zone

The first orange-hued rays of sunrise kissed the still dust-laden debris.

These gentle rays, which ought to have warmed the dawn, only served to emphasize how genuine the losses were.

There was nothing to hide from under the radiating brilliance of the cloudy sky; all there was left was the scent of bombs and melting flesh from fires.

One would expect to describe waking up to a sunny morning and birds chirping in Mexico's stunning blue sky as a typical existence but not in the life of a soldier.

I spot my fellow soldiers taking shelter as I run across the field.

We have now been in Egypt for approximately 92 hours.

We were sent here to battle none other than Diablo, my sworn nemesis, and there had been a bloody conflict between our armies.

The scent of gunpowder, sweat, melting flesh, death, and the dry, windy heat of the desert were all turning into things I despised.

Our throats were drying out, the sun was scorching our dry skin and we were practically out of water.

Since we landed in this desert, it has been hard to contact the army and three of my comrades have suffered serious injuries.

We all fled to a neighboring little cave, where I ordered my men to stay alert.

Zee, my right-hand man reached for his radio and tried to contact the army once again.

He ran his hands through his thick, now messy black hair and exclaimed, "I can't get any signal, Fuego!"

Vee, my Left-hand Man rushed over to me as I signaled him over.

With all his intellect in technology, he proves to be helpful in sticky situations.

He is a new young comrade under my training, and I have grown to like him quite a bit.

"Yes, Commander," he said with a salute.

"Please investigate our location and assert the cause of our lack of signal".

"In this dreadful piece of Island it is impossible to not receive even a single signal "I yelled pacing up.

Yes, commander," he answered, turning around to follow instructions.

This mission isn't going as expected, and the fact that Diablo and his men appeared to know our every move before we took a step makes me mistrust my comrades.

As I ran my hand through my dark hair, I swore "Fuck."

Zee stood there, more alert than ever as he watched my reaction and held his gun firmly in his hands.

"There's a traitor amongst us, Zee; they can't possibly be keeping track of everything we do.

How did they know where we planted all of our explosions, given that this was a classified mission", I shouted as I paced back and forth.

Unable to fully comprehend what was going on, I was irritated by the inkling that something was wrong.

Nodding I gave it another shot, but there was still no signal.

I muttered under my breath, "This is pretty bizarre." I kept mumbling inaudibly.

"There seems to be a problem with this radio, it seems someone has interfered with our radio so we get stranded here."

I pulled a screw out of my bag and attempted to open the radio.

My teammates' expressions of shock when they observed the torn wire served as confirmation.

The red wires had been disconnected inside every radio I tested.

I was right all along, there was a traitor amongst us", I cursed internally.

"F*ck," Zee cursed while raking his hand through his short, black hair to once again show how irritated he was.

Everyone's expression mimicked their shock and it made her skeptical of who would dare to interfere with her mission.

After they left this desolate desert, she was determined to teach that spy a lesson.

She made one final attempt to fix the torn wire, and it finally worked.

She heard a statistic sound followed by a familiar voice.

"Do anyone Copy? Fuego voiced out.

"Yes, copy Fuego", the response came through.

That was General Santos's voice, I recognized and relief washed over me.

" What is your status, he inquired?

"Sir, we appear to have a traitor among us. Three men injured and in need of emergency.

We're in a nearby cave for hideout.

This mission needs to be aborted, I repeat, we need to abort this mission ASAP"

" Copy Fuego, there will be a flight at the hills as planned in ten minutes.I repeat, there will be a flight at the hills in ten minutes", he responded.

"Affirmative" I noted .

Running for nearly five minutes, they heard an explosion followed by sounds of fleet of cars that appeared to be moving in their direction.

" Stop" she halted her comrades and with a signal they retreated to a nearby hideout.

We could only find a large rock searching the area, so we hid behind them as we prepared to face the obstacles ahead.

A short while later, we heard the trucks getting considerably closer, followed by approaching footsteps.

"Where are they?" the most dangerous terrorist in his forties, a man I recognized as Diablo, raged at his men.

My mother has been unconscious for more than 7 years thanks to this monster who destroyed my family.

I've always looked forward to the day I take him out, and today I'm positive it's the day.

"Check the area thoroughly, they must be somewhere near.

We must prevent those "idiotas" from escaping, especially that scumbag Fuego "His thick voice boomed.

I nodded to Vee and Zee as I turned to face them. In a swift move, we fired our guns at once.

With another nod they both launched explosives towards Diablo and his men.

The sound was deafening but nothing we hadn't grown accustomed to.

I smirked as I counted those we've taken out.

10, 15, and 20 of his men all down flat.

Although we had earlier lost the majority of our grenades, we still managed to keep quite a number.

We were able to kill most of his men thanks to the explosives that were still helpful.

Some of his men fled in retreat like the cowards they were but the strongest stayed behind more alerted than ever.