First Approach

Vee's POV

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, said an elderly man in his mid-fifties, grabbing everyone's attention in the casino.

"May I introduce to you the dance of the night," He announced and cheering could be heard all around the place.

The lights went dim as dancers stepped onto the stage.

Strippers in lingerie, swinging on the poles caught everyone's attention.

In between the dancers, a mysterious dancer dressed in red lacy lingerie and sporting short, curly hair caught the audience's attention as she moved in slow sync while swinging her hips and flaunting her lovely contours.

The most intriguing aspect of it was the lovely mask that covered her face and revealed her bright red, plump, kissable lips.

As I diverted my attention inherently to her, I forgot about my purpose for being here this evening.

"Do you copy?" Zee asked as I instantly turned my focus to him, regretting getting sidetracked.

"Yes, copy Zee," I said in reply.

"Fuego is on stage now, so keep an eye on her," he added.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I tried to figure out where she was.

"OMG," I shouted, immediately covering my lips.

"I'm never going to blink again."

"Damn, She's so hot, why didn't we get to see all those curves earlier?", I muttered, sounding a little disappointed.

"Fuego has been tricking us all", I muttered poutingly as Zee coughed dryly.

" Look at all the curves she's been hiding from everyone Zee".

"She's hot", he added.

"Pay attention," commanded Zee.

Fuego's POV

I needed to gain his attention, I needed to have him eating in my hands while I finally watched the horror in his eyes as he takes his last breathe.

Lastly giving my makeup a touch, I grabbed onto my red hills slowly slid my foot in, securely fixed my earbuds, and strutted onto the stage.

Soft luring music played as the stage went dim with light.

I fixed my half-face mask and walked unto the stage.

Gasps filled the entire place followed by silence.

I started moving my body, twirling and swinging around the pole.

I looked around searching for Diablo and when my eyes landed on him a smirk made its way to my face.

With a few more dance moves, I took one last deep stare and walked away as the music slowly faded into the background.

I quickly rushed to my dressing room bringing out my phone.

Diablo and Lee were engaged in a heated conversation moving to a location I identified to be a private room.

Three unidentified men were seated comfortably on the dark couch with a glass of wine as the meeting began.

The room was dark and I could only spot a large table made of glass and a white projector hanging to the wall.

They disclosed the location of the underground parking lot where the drugs were to be peddled and I smiled as I contacted the army to share the information.


"The army has been able to locate the underground parking lot" Zee disclosed and I smiled darkly.

I spotted Lee walk in after the meeting came to an end.

He went closer to Diablo whispering into his ears.

" There's something important I need to notify you about," he said to Diablo.

"Go on", he motioned.

I sat quietly in my seat running my fingers through my curly hair as I listened to what he had to say.

"Apart from the files they were able to obtain, I've got another interesting report" he added.

"It seems they're hiding something enormous from us, Sir".

The daughter of Mr. John Gilbert appears to have vanished into the thin air, it's like she doesn't even exist" he spoke.

I arose to my feet with my eyes widened in shock.

"The investigators we hired are one of the bests but for some bizarre incentives, they cannot locate the whereabouts of the girl".

" Aside from that, they disclosed information about one Mr. Gabriel Rodriguez, a close family friend, and doctor of the Gilberts".

"We've been tracking every single move he makes for some weeks now but he doesn't seem to be in contact with the girl"

"If he does Sir, then he's doing a good job concealing it" he added.

Anger clouded my vision as I run my fingers through my hair.

"Her mother, Mrs.Rose Gilbert from what I've heard still appears to be in a comatose state".

"Good" Diablo commented with a nod sounding pleased.

"The accident did much more damage than I thought" he added with a smirk.

Now I couldn't contain my anger.

" What the fuck" I cursed pacing up and down.

"They've been keeping an eye on the only family I have left and yet I knew nothing about it?"

"How could I be so careless"?

Anger was burning through my body and I needed to get it out.

Suddenly the door was forced open and I saw Zee enter closing the door behind him.

"Calm down Fuego" he spoke softly walking closer.

"How can you tell me to fucking calm down when they did this to my family" I yelled angrily.

"I know how you're feeling right now but trust me, you've got to stay calm" he spoke once again as I tried to contain my anger.

"What would your dad have executed in this situation," he asked and it hit me so hard.

I wasn't expecting such a question from him but it deeply killed the anger abruptly.

"My dad would have stayed calm throughout his mission" I softly answered.

He wasn't a man to lose control of his emotions.

That's what I've been trying to master for so many years now but since the last mission I've been so emotionally down and it's affecting my rate of thinking.

Breathing as much as I could I continued "He would have stayed positive".

"Good! now get ready, we're bringing him down tonight and I've just been notified he's headed in this direction.

I nodded as he made his way out.

I immediately moved the devices to a safe place and ultimately gave a touch to my makeup.

With determination, I matched up to the door hearing footsteps approaching.

In 5,4,3,2,1 I opened the door at the same time he did, deliberately bumping into him.

"I'm so sorry Sir".