On Your Knees

The way he looked into my eyes gave the impression that he was staring directly into the depths of my soul.

He appeared mesmerized by something I couldn't quite put my mind to.

As I attempted to decipher his unreadable look, the air surrounding us became dense.

I had the impulse to find out what was going through his head and why he hadn't spoken since I had opened the door.

I felt a chill run down my spine as I looked into his icy-blue eyes.

I haven't felt this intense uneasiness ever since I became a soldier.

I finally realized why people dreaded him. He was brutal, and there was no evidence of life in his eyes.

I cleared my throat diverting my attention somewhere else as I forced a smile on my face.

"How may I help you, please? "I asked feigning innocence.

"You're new here aren't you?" he suddenly asked with his icy deep tone.

"Yes," I replied not breaking eye contact.

"Do I know you from anywhere"? I quickly inquired.

"Sorry for my rudeness, I'm Xavier Torres and I'll be the most honored man if you'd be my date for tonight".

Will you join me for dinner Miss.. ? he added inquiring my name.

I faked a smile on my face as I cleared my throat and shifted my focus.

Aurora Brown," I quickly retorted.

"Beautiful name," he complimented planting a soft kiss on my hands.

I hated to say it, but he was a very gorgeous man with a contagious smile despite his merciless nature and menacing aura.

He jolted me out of my reminiscence by asking, "Shall we leave now?"

I saw his eyes were fixed on my behind as I was leaving.

I was even more confident to swing my hips as a result of this.

Tonight I'm standing in dark red Stiletto heels and a long red spaghetti strap v- neck dress with a slit on the left leg that extends to my mid-thigh.

I discovered there was a candlelight dinner as we entered the building through the back door and arrived there with his guards surrounding us.

"Hope you like it," He spoke up nervously, running his fingers through his neatly styled hair.

This is surprising; I never imagined the all-mighty Diablo would experience nervousness.

Does my appearance have such an impact on him that it causes him such nervousness?

"Ahem," he cleared his throat jolting me out of my trance.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"Is there any problem Miss Brown"? He inquired.

I needed to complete this mission; now wasn't the time for me to daydream.

"What were you thinking of?", He pressed.

I splattered, "About you."

In any case, I wasn't lying.

He simply grinned and motioned for me to take a seat as he settled down opposite me.

With a snap of his fingers, the waiter walked in with his orders and began serving us wine.

I took a sip from my glass while I watch them serve the rest of the meals.

He snapped his fingers and they all exited.

He hardly spoke at all during our meal. Even though all he did was gaze, I had to put up with it despite how uncomfortable it made me feel.

I wiped my lips and smiled while setting down my fork and knife.

Why not interrogate and hear him stutter lies?

"So tell me something about you," I asked gazing intently into his eyes.

There was a little period of tension before he spoke. "I'm a businessman.

Come work for me; I have a business proposition for you ".

I almost spilled my wine on my dress with his sudden proposition.

" What a straightforward man", I mentally thought.

I asked in a pretend seductive tone, "When you say work for you, what do you have in mind?"

With a hopeful expression, he replied, "You'll learn shortly.

"So is that a yes?" he asked thrilled.

Aside from his brutality, I observed that he was a man of few words.

I nodded with a smile in response to his question.

Can you excuse me for a second, I need to visit the powder room" I said excusing myself.

I quickly fixed the earbud in my ears the second I inspected there was no one around.

"Do you copy Zee," I asked in a hushed voice.

"Copy," he responded.

"Our soldiers have the area secured and are awaiting orders right now."

"Good, it's time" I replied.

I adjusted the tiny camera I hid inside my bra inside my wrist watch and walked out.

"Sorry, it took me so long to get here." I apologized.

Without averting his gaze, he answered, "No problem."

"You're extremely beautiful Miss Brown. You mesmerized me from the moment you stepped onto the stage.

I can't stop thinking about how gorgeous you are", he complimented.

I had been grinning so much tonight that my cheeks were already aching.

We had just finished talking about the casino when his face completely changed as he received a phone call.

For the past seven years, I had been praying to see this.

"What? How did it take place? "He yelled at the caller, causing his men to look at each other.

He got to his feet and started pacing while holding onto his walking stick.

I sat motionlessly and watched as he spoke to his men.

Is everything all right?" I inquired.

He ceased speaking and gave me a long intense look.

"Yes, take a long deep stare because it'll be your last", I yelled internally.

He broke eye contact not giving me a reply and ordered five of his men to go check things out as the other five remained.

"Well, well, five gone five left, easy task" I murmured.

I smirked taking a sip of my wine watching the almighty Diablo get furious and frustrated.

Two waiters, whom I recognized to be Zee and Vee entered after being searched.

They were here for a pretty straightforward reason.

Not because I couldn't defeat five men on my own.

I can do so without a weapon in most cases, but they insisted on helping me since it was a team mission and I didn't dare protest to that.

Zee and Vee gave me the eye signal as they started to clean up the table reaching under it to remove the guns they had hidden there before we arrived.

Diablo and his men immersed in discussion provided us with the chance we required to complete our task.

Five gunshots were aimed toward his men and Diablo spun around and pulled his gun from his back pocket.

I warned with a devilish grin on my face, "Drop down your phone and weapon and push it towards me, or else the next bullet goes right through your brain and believe me, I don't miss my targets.

Zee moved forward to take the weapon and phone as he slowly set them down and pushed them toward me.

"Now get on your knees and raise your hands over your head, "I yelled watching him drop to his knees.

"How"? he asked after a few seconds with shock written across his face.

I laughed because it was a sight to perceive. Something I've been yearning to see all my life.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He roared angrily.

'Who am I?' I chuckled as I repeated.

"Does the name John Gilbert ring a bell to you" I yelled with venom filling my voice.

"John Gilbert" he repeated with a deep frown.

"Yes and what has that name got to do with this situation?

Moreover, how can I forget when I watched him explode into thousand pieces", at the thought he smirked.

" So I'll ask again why do you talk of him?" he asked emotionless.

No presence of fear was written in his eyes, it was as if he was a robot deprived of any human emotions.

Vee shuffled uneasily and appeared a little scared of him, but Zee and I were familiar with people like him. Bastards who thrive on turmoil and other people's suffering are ruthless and cunning.

"Wait!," he halted preventing me from responding.

"You're his daughter aren't you"?

"Of cause, I knew I'd seen those eyes somewhere before. You have his eyes, how could I have

missed that?

I frowned and aimed my gun at his head.