Chapter 9: The Redcoats Are Coming!

It was two days after the meeting with Death when George surfaced at the lab again. Seeing Bracus walking around like a bear with a sore tooth did not help the situation. He obviously knows that his DNA was used to make the toxin, resulting in the deaths on Mars. The investigation had met a dead end. He walked down the residential corridor when he spied Diane entering her room. George bit his lip. He had enough of Remus’ reluctant behaviour and he intended to get some answers. He knocked on her door.

“Come in!” Came the chirpy reply. He opened the door and walked inside. She was sitting on her bed brushing her hair and stopped mid-stroke upon seeing him.

“What can I do for you Mr. President?” she asked nervously. Remus however knew.

“I was just walking by, hoping to chat a bit.” George said smiling.

“May I sit down?” He asked. She just nodded. What on Earth could the president want from me? She thought.

“I was actually hoping to talk to Remus if that’s OK. We have a bit of a problem on our hands that I need to discuss with him.” He said hoping his nonchalant-like attitude will ease her.

She hesitated before speaking.

“I don’t mind at all, but pardon me for being frank. Since I got him living in me, I have been denied my work. I have been deemed a security risk. You sure you want to talk to him? Because what he knows, I will know after you speak to him.” Diane said, her voice having an angry edge to it.

“Sure. I don’t see the harm.” George said warily.

He wasn’t all too sure if this was wise, but she doesn’t have access to the council. Her eyes glazed over for a second and the recognizable shift in personalities manifested.

“You wish an audience with me?” Remus asked. He did not look pleased.

“Yes Remus. We have something of grave importance to discuss.” George said.

“Speak then.” Remus replied, hoping that George would be quick about it.

Also, he was not overly fond of his breath. That made Diane giggle. George decided to call his bluff. If this was the only way to get answers out of him then he must lie.

“Our long-range radar station on Mars has picked up something. Since your possession of our friend here it was seen moving from a nearby star towards this location. Not very fast but still moving.” George said, trying to read his reaction.

“Are you sure it’s not just a comet or an asteroid?” Remus asked carefully. He knew where this was going.

“No. It is three objects, each one lager than our moon, and moving in formation.” He lied smoothly.

If this bastard was hiding anything he would know it soon. Remus sighed heavily instead. This human is either lying to him, albeit convincingly or mankind’s doom approaches once more.

“Then assemble your companions, for I have much to say and very little time to prepare.” Remus ordered.


They were all seated in the president’s office. Remus standing next to George waiting for the bodyguards to leave before he spoke.

“The secrets I am to unwillingly divulge are never to leave this room.” He flatly stated.

“Unwillingly?” Hanson asked perplexed.

“Yes young one. I hoped that mankind would have been further along in its development since the exodus.” He waited for his last statement to sink in before he continued.

“Thousands of years ago, the first human male and female were created. Aeon and Evae, the first children of the gods. Or that’s what we called them before we knew better.”

“Adam and Eve.” David guessed.

“That’s what you call them. The Creators created beings that had great imagination as their empire started to crumble. They felt that they lacked the imaginative force that drove a species, and in their reasoning, that’s why their development became stagnant.” Remus explained.

“So they created us just to study our creativity.” Jason said.

“Immortal beings like them do not care for development. But when their empire came under attack from a powerful enemy it was apparent that they lacked something that other mortal races had. Emotion and creativity. One cannot survive without the other. That’s why we were created with such short lifespans. When one faces his own mortality, he tries to find ways around it or to better his own life, for its own sake or not.” Remus finished, pointedly looking at George.

“OK that explains the how. Why are they trying to exterminate us then?” George asked before anyone could interject.

“The human strain, as we were called, was perfected over many generations. When we reached the pinnacle of sentience, they left us to develop on a planet called Gaia, the first world. We developed rapidly and they kept a watchful eye. The day we started exploring space, they intervened, demanding that we stopped. We ignored their demands and still developed our own space program in secret.”

“Obviously they must have found out.” David said.

“They only found out because we could not mask our warp emissions as we enter or leave hyperspace. They traced it quickly and just attacked. The great migrations started that day. Running from world to world as we tried to hide from them. Each time they manage to find us. Thus the great deception was implemented.” Remus ended sadly.

“Great deception?” Bracus asked confusion on his face.

“Yes. We razed Mars in the hopes that they would think we destroyed our world and ourselves out of spite. We came here after and destroyed all our technology in the hopes that our future offspring would follow a different path. Hopefully one that could deliver us from the creators.” Remus ended, the memory of the attack still fresh in his mind.

“This is all too much. I wish I never heard all this.” Hanson said, his voice trembling slightly.

“Is there any way they can be stopped?” George asked, fearing the answer.

“We tried.” Was all Remus sadly said.


In the days that followed, the state labs made major changes. Diane and Remus were allowed to work on technologies that the Martians possessed in order to be up to date. George didn’t lose any sleep overlying to Remus of course. In his mind, he did what needed to be done in order for the human race to survive when the creators actually do arrive. Remus was not quite impressed with the available elements on Earth to construct the prototype weapons for the fleet. In his own words, it was like trying to dance with death and keep stepping on his toes.

The massive amounts of energy needed to power these new weapons caused major instabilities in ship systems as the Martians had an element called Ionia, which was used as a superconductor to amplify and relay raw nuclear power. Also, the casing was made for super cooling units which increased firing rates immensely. Mining it would be impossible as Earth technology had not progressed sufficiently to extract this new element. Instead, massive amounts of copper and platinum were used.

The weapons overheated after five successful discharges and cooling systems were introduced to speed up the cool-down period. This was two minutes. Two minutes in a protracted battle between two dreadnoughts was an eternity, but it was the best they could do. Remus kept on asking George when the creators would arrive. And every time he gave the same answer. They are close.

With Bracus at George’s side, there was little Remus could do to get more information from him, but as it neared the end of the week, Remus knew George was lying. Creator ships were ten times faster than the speed of light and if his math was correct, which it usually is, they should have been here by now. He went to the canteen where George and Bracus were enjoying lunch. He briskly walked over to their table when alarm klaxons went off. Seconds later television sets flickered into life as the heading on the news relayed an emergency message.

“This is an emergency broadcast, coming to you live from the African continent, . As you can see behind me, massive riots and looting, as local security forces battle to contain the situation.”

The camera then shifted to the violence. People were dragged from shops and homes, being slaughtered in the streets like cattle. Some died mercifully quickly, and some of the clone rebels took firearms from either police or soldiers and turned it on the civilian population. Others were not so lucky as people either jumped or were flung from skyscrapers. The soldiers were losing ground fast. It didn’t matter how many they caught or killed, their numbers just kept swelling and even tanks were swarming with clone dissenters.

George’s phone rang. He paled upon seeing the number and excused himself.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” He hissed.

“I’m sorry George but you left me no choice. Let’s not insult each other’s intelligence here. I know you are going to dispose of me as soon as I have outlived my usefulness.” Death replied, his voice un-coded now.

“So you instead of waiting to see what happens you unleash hell? Now the council will send in their legions and any chance we had for our plan to work has now gone to hell!” George hissed.

He could feel Death smile at him over the phone.

“This is all a cover for my escape my friend. You can still strike. As long as it is now. And don’t bother looking for me. By the time you have taken control, I will be long gone.”

It was a very good cover indeed. Riots and attacks by clones were reported all over the globe. George could feel the walls close in all around him. Although, Death wasn’t lying. The council would have sent in their full might to quell this rebellion. Which meant the palace would have considerably fewer guards, and would not think twice about letting in government officials or troops if it meant defending those dried-up old prunes. All he needed was a scalpel.

“How many ships do have in orbit outfitted with our new cannons.” He quickly asked Bracus. He lifted an eyebrow.

“Two sir. A third is being installed as we speak. What do you have in mind?” He asked suspiciously.

George pressed another button on his phone. Remus took a step forward.

“What are you planning George?” He asked slowly opening the palm of his hand.

“Deploy the intervention satellite. Also bring the two ships with our new weapons into orbit over New Washington. Fire on marker designation King.” Bracus held George fast.

“What the hell you think you doing George? Is all that your doing? He asked pointing at the big-screen television.

Remus and Diane both tensed up.

“What is this intervention satellite? Why don’t I know of it?” Bracus asked gripping George even tighter.

“Stand down Bracus that is an order!” George whined. Almost instantly he let him go, his muscles straining against his mental conditioning. Remus, however, had no such conditioning.

“With a threat as big as the annihilation of the human race hanging over us, you are planning a coup? You are a fool!” Remus said raising his hand towards George.

Before he could even blink, George was lifted off his feet and slammed into a nearby wall, pinned to it like a butterfly against a corkboard.

“Protect me!” George yelped. Bracus tried countermanding his conditioning but felt his muscles responding to the contrary.

He was on Remus before he could defend himself and a well-aimed fist rammed into Diane’s diaphragm. Needless to say, she keeled over in a heap, gasping for air as Bracus pinned her head down with his boot.

“” He groaned as he tried to fight this mind control with every fibre of his being.

He knew he was supposed to be loyal to the world government. He never knew the extent of how far they would have gone to ensure it.

“Bracus get away from her…slowly.” Jason said as he came into the room, rifle at the ready, David hot on his heels.

Bracus tried to heave his weight off Diane’s head but his muscles held firm.

“I... can’t!” He roared as he struggled to gain mastery of himself again.

“Diane!” David yelled, trying to rush forward, But Jason held him back, all the while keeping his rifle levelled at Bracus.

George back on his feet again walked over to Bracus, drawing a wicked-looking firearm. It didn’t look anything like any weapon Jason ever saw.

“David, go and seal the room. I’m not sure Decker or Allegra would understand what’s going on in here. I don’t need more trigger happy fools.”

“Too late freak. Lower your weapon.” Decker said behind him, a handgun pointed at his head. Allegra had his weapon trained on David.

This was it. The moment of truth. The bonds of fellowship are strung taut. Jason thought. The earth started to shake and a blinding white light filled the room followed by a massive explosion. Seconds later all the windows shattered and all present were flung from their feet. A thick cloud of dust hung over the room as each person there slipped from consciousness.


The sounds of rockfall and coughing slowly stirred him back to consciousness as he tried to swallow, only to find that the inside of his mouth was bone dry and tasted something like dirt. Bracus slowly opened one eye, and then both rapidly as he found himself staring down the barrel of George’s gun. And David was the one pointing it at his left eyeball.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t spray paint the wall behind you!” David raged, pressing the tip of the barrel right up against Bracus’ head.

He could feel David’s hand trembling, but had no doubt that David would end him if he didn’t give him the answer he was looking for.

“I told you, I didn’t have a choice. It’s hard coded into my DNA. I can’t disobey any government official without spazzing out like that. If I tried any harder I would be dead right now.” Bracus groaned, propping himself up into a sitting position.

Jason was stirring a few feet away, dusting himself off as he got up. Picking up his rifle he covered the still unconscious forms of Decker and Allegra with his rifle. Risking a glance over his shoulder he saw George damn near broken in half under half a ton of rubble, his left-hand twitching, as torn nerve endings still tried to send signals to his muscles. Hanson and Allegra groggily got up as well, dazed and confused.

David looked past Bracus, and he slowly turned to see what he was looking at. A massive cloud hung over the city, and Bracus suspected that the crater residing there now used to be the palace of the Seven. He didn’t feel any sense of outrage or regret that they died. In fact, he felt like a mountain shifted off his shoulder. If the government was destroyed, it meant he was free. Free to be his own man again. It also meant that he had one life left now as the cloning vats that spawned him used to be on the palace grounds. He smiled. To taste bitter mortality again. This time for the last time. The ultimate freedom.

Bracus and Diane quickly filled them in on what happened and all firearms were made safe again.

“That madman!” Allegra wheezed. “He blew away half the city! And for what?” He finished, still coughing, but not as bad as before.

“Guys? We have a slight problem.” Decker said as he picked up his rifle and quickly cocked it.

A single shot rang out in that dusty hall, then a thud. Diane got to her feet slowly still rubbing her head as the pistol she fired slowly fell from her fingers. The body of a clone lay behind Allegra and Decker as they both swung around bearing their weapons to the door.

“Everyone form a firing line!” Jason yelled as the ground started to shake, the pounding of thousands of worker boots rushed towards them from yonder corridor. Jason threw David his rifle and raised his hand towards the door, Jason’s body became purple flame, eyes as bright as the sun. Diane and Remus followed suit as they too focused their psyonic might. Bracus broke a glass cabinet and took a fireman’s axe, brandishing it tightly.

“George ordered some countermeasure against the clones. We just have to hold out until it kicks in!” He yelled over the thundering of the unseen charge.

The moment was upon them as each person waited for the inevitable. Then....nothing. The thundering abruptly stopped just outside the door. Slight murmurs and heavy breathing were the only things they heard, assuring them their enemy’s presence was not imagined. A man entered the room with his arms in the air, a gesture of surrender. As he got closer Diane gasped. It was the spitting image of Bracus. Bracus gripped his axe even tighter.

What sick joke is this? Another me? Then the pennies fell. This was George’s infiltrator. His killer. Who better qualified than him?

“Hey you. I mean me.” He started with a devious chuckle.

Bracus only growled in response.

“In a few moments, the C-10 satellite will pass over this little patch of the world and wipe out all the government’s creations, besides us, of course.” He ended pointing at Bracus.

“Your point?” Jason asked.

“I just came here for George. But I see you already took care of him. So my victory is kind of sour. But he was a secondary concern. I came here with an offer.” Death addressed the group.

“We are listening.” Diane said, looking at the rest of their companions.

Death gestured to the door behind him. “Behind me there are almost a thousand clones, waiting on my command to come in here and send you all into oblivion. I’m hoping you would rather help me than waste your lives in a futile attempt to resist.” Death said.

“Help you with what?” Bracus asked him, barely keeping the snarl that formed the words at bay.

“Just to make a call.” He replied smugly. Bracus took a step forward, raising his axe slightly.

“Ever heard of a phone? Sick bastard.” Diane spat.

“Oh I’m not the sick one my dear. George was the sick one. He was just so easy to manipulate. I played on all his insecurities and exposed and used every fear against him until he truly believed that genocide was the only way to save the Earth.” Death said, beaming.

“Save it from whom? The Creators?” Jason asked.

“Yes. And The Seven should have arrived on Mars by now, so our mission has become all the more desperate now.” Death said, genuine urgency in his voice.

The ground started to tremble slightly as all the clones behind them fell to the floor, stone dead. Jason saw his chance and quickly created a vice-like field around Death holding him in place like a statue. The others quickly assisted him and surrounded Death, ready to kill him. He just started laughing.

“Kill me if you want to, but it does not change the fact that George threw the world into chaos. I just dumped the fuel onto his flaming paranoia.” Jason grit his teeth and focused harder, trying to squeeze Death a little. The man’s resilience was impressive as he barely flinched under the psyonic pressure.

“You... need... me!” Death roared, his voice hoarse from summoning the strength to even speak.

“Give me one reason why you shouldn’t be a smear on the floor right now!” David yelled, spittle forming at the corner of his mouth.

Death grinned. “I can bring you peace.”