Warning; Triggering content ahead.
Later on we arrived at the bears frat house which really had no parking space so we had to park about two blocks away. When we go to the front of the house it was a mess.
Red and blue solo cups scattered on the lawn, there was about two couples making out. One next to the door and another on the lawn. Loud noise erupted from everywhere with the windows wide open, you could see a group of three talking by the balcony and party decorations thrown around.
Typical college party.
We knocked on the door ignoring the heavy make out session next to it and invited ourselves in when no one answered.
It was louder on the inside. The place was filled to the brim with people. After the short hallway from the entrance the living room turned into it's usual dance floor with a DJ and not fully equipped turn table at the corner next to the stairs. The partiers grind against each other having a great time with alcoholic beverages in hand.
The kitchen a little further away was busy as they came in and out. That was my goal for the rest of the party. Wait it out hiding in the kitchen.
But when was I ever that lucky.
"Oh my God Renny you made it." My somehow put together best friend yelled over the music leaning against Chase.
"Are you already drunk?"
"No I'm just tired of dancing. Hey Jacob."
"Hey." He nod and turned to me "I'm going to go find the guys, meet you later?"
"okay." I smiled and nodded. He left towards the stairs.
" I'm gonna go too, René you look great by the way."
"Thanks Chase, you look good too."
"let's go chica." Not bothering to hear any affirmation from me she pulled me.
Do I look like someone to be pulled around.
"Where are we going?"
"We're going to get your ass a drink." We arrived at the kitchen, Lizzy picked a blue cup and grabbed a bottle of beer and whiskey. She arranged it on the slab and started mixing drinks. When done she still searched around for something and then came up with grape soda. She added half a can into the cup and handed it to me.
Blocking the voice of skepticism inside my head I drank the suspiciously dark amber liquid.
It was disgustingly sweet sour. As it burn the back of my throat my face contorted in a grimace.
I liked it.
The girl beside me smiled knowingly.
"You hold on to that. Noah says he wants to give a toast later."
The room got hotter as the drink mix kicked in, I wasn't tipsy yet but was getting there. That's how strong this shit was.
"C'mon let's dance." She dragged me again! To the dance floor and started twerking. Shrugging away timidity I joined her and shaked ass to drake's song work.
Lizzy hollered and threw her hands up hyping her dance moves, she shoved her drink to me and forced it down my throat.
She grind her ass against my front and I gladly held her waist, we did that for a while when a dance partner came to whisk her away. I wasn't alone for long as a stranger pulled me from behind and followed my steps. The confidence that came after that was from an unknown source, instead of pushing the man away like I would do rationally, my ass pressed more into his crotch and bounced on his genitals.
A few songs later, finally tired I straightened up giving the impression that I was done and the stranger came into view.
"Sid!" The brown haired man smirked as he lazily wrapped an arm around my waist.
"You are quite the dancer, beautiful."
I swooned.
Sid look handsome in just a basic black jeans and a loose white shirt with a black and white jacket over it.
"I could say the same for you." His smirk morphed into a grin that showed his set of perfect teeth.
"Let's get outta here I need a refill." We pushed our way back to the kitchen where I mixed the drinks that Liz left on the slab.
"I didn't take you for a drinker."
"I'm not. I actually like to let loose once in a while." He raised his own in understanding. " Le..."
Noise interrupted me from what I was about to say, since the kitchen had a window like opening on the wall facing the living room we could make view of what was happening.
A bunch of the Alpha bears had Noah almost over thier heads wasted.
When he finally got the attention he wanted he slurred.
"I wannaa make a toa..st" he raised his cup and so did the rest of us "too the awesome win our te..am had. Cheers to all of us.. essspecially Mee who is the fucking highest scorer in the mother fucking game. So give it up for your alpha bearsss" everyone cheered and hailed him. "And waitttt that's not all. My daddy Jabber Fork just scored too. He scored a contract wooo" he snickered as everyone followed him. "How awesome are we. Nobody can ever beat us cause theyyy have meee. It would nottt havee beeen possible with out Mee! Up next mba!!"
" It's NBA."
"Fuck you Stewart." They laughed as the crowd formed quickly dispersed.
"Can you believe this dude."
Sid seemed to have been lost in his train of thoughts when he answered.
"Do you wanna go outside?"
"More than you know"
Outside wasn't by all means quiet. People was still there surrounding the pool. But Sid led me to a table that nobody occupied.
"So who did you come with, I met Lizzy here asked about you but she said you're on your way with someone else."
"I came with a friend. You know Jacob."
"Oh" a glimpse of something passed through his eyes. "Are you guys dating?"
"Wellll we're just seeing how things go."
"Oh" that sounded livelier than the other.
"Mhmm we've on.." the ringing of my phone cut me off. I didn't get to it quickly so whoever called me left me a message.
Jacob: can we meet at the bottom of the stairs.
"Oh Sid I gotta go I'll see you around."
"Right. I'll come find you." He stood up and took took a swig of his drink.
The stairs had some loungers on the steps talking and minding thier business, I did not meet Jacob there but he didn't take long to meet me.
"Let's go." We climbed the stairs together apologizing to the ones we bumped at and then walked to the almost secluded hallway.
This was when my alarms started going off.
"Uhmm Jacob, where are we going?" The nervousness i felt sipped through my words failing at hiding it. Jacob on the other hand either heard and ignored it or he truly didn't know.
"Right here." We stopped right beside a door at the now empty corridor "Now where were we?"
"We were not anywhere." He came dangerously close to me and pushed his body to mine "Jacob what are you doing."
Instead of replying he grabbed my face harshly and pressed his lips into mine. Shocked time stood still. His breath was horrible revealing the fact that he was drunk, his kiss sloppy and his hands slide closer to a no go area.
He's head froze in a turned position as I delivered a slap to his annoying face.
"Get your fucking hands off me." I growled.
He was silent for a while then he recoverd and did something I least expected.
He stepped back a little and laughed hysterically as if what he did is considered funny.
"Hahaha, wow you kill me. I should stop. Why? Don't you like it" he returned back to his position caging me with hands on the wall. "I didn't expect this from a whore like you."
I was livid. Is this the same person who sweetly asked me to go out with him. Or the one who lends me his notes whenever I missed a class. Gone was the friendly seatmate who I knew for two years. Well I guess you don't really know a guy.
I raised a hand to give him another one but he caught it.
"Don't." He said dangerously low. "Aren't you tired of pretending to be a fucking goody two shoes while you fuck with every damn guy on campus. I just left you for a few minutes and you are already humping Danvers." He grabbed my ass aggressively while holding down my arms that are busy trying to fight him.
"It's not fair don't you think. I tried to kiss you, you turned away but you can spread your legs wide for anyone who ask for it. Maybe that's my mistake.... Not asking."
Out of frustration tears fell down my cheeks as I used my strength to at least get him off. I tried kneeing him on the crotch but he locked my legs down and raised my hands up.
"Stop please." I pleaded feeling helpless.
"Why are you fucking crying... Oh you think I'll waste my time on a slut like you? I'm not dumb. You have nothing special to offer. Though it would have been nice to get a piece of your ass." He bent his head down to my neck stroking it with his lips and pressing small kisses while his left hand took advantage and squeezed everything.
Just when I thought about screaming for help he chuckled and released me making my legs wobble and collapse from underneath me. Without a word he went down the corridor from where we came from.
I was lucky. I honestly didn't think he would let me go that easily. I crawled to the door that was there and stumbled in coming across an empty toilet. I took solace in my loneliness and stayed for God knows how long.
When I decided to finally leave I washed my hands first. It first started with light rubbing then it escalated into scratching with the soap until my hands were blood red. I nick a finger with my sharp fingernail and rinsed it.
I felt dread and fear. How could he do this, I thought he was a nice guy or did I really not see the signs. I locked eyes with my reflection on the mirror and suddenly remembered the attack on my neck.
Not wasting any time I scrubbed my neck with soap aggressively and stop when it began to stung.
Downstairs the party was how I left it. The thought of being here the next second sickened me. Why should I blame myself for what was clearly not my fault. That horny bastard deserves all the nightmares in this world and I'll make sure that comes to him.
Almost fleeing from there my eyes caught that of Jacob. He was on a three seater couch having fun and laughing with his fellow mates. He nudged Noah and motioned to me making sure he held my gaze, he whispered a remark in his ear and they both guffawed.
It didn't take rocket science to know he gave Noah the gist about what happened. Looks like they both planned this. I gotta get out of here.
I distractedly tried to find the nearest exit. Suddenly someone halted me and clamp thier hands on my arms. Panic rose up as my breath seized.
I flinched out of thier grasp and spared a quick glance.
Luckily it was only Ryan.
Is everyone at this party? I thought bitterly side stepping his body. He blocked my attempts in escaping.
"What's wrong Ren?" I tried to dodge the question by avoiding him.
"What the fuck happened?" He yelled making sure to pass the message across that he's pissed.
I didn't know what to say or how to say it. However I knew for sure that once I open my mouth a break down will occur at the middle of the dance floor. So I did the next best thing.
I pointed at them.
Ryan was mad. This is the angriest I've ever seen him. He didn't even know what they did wrong but he immediately saw red.
My patience was running thin and every second I spent there made my throat close inch by inch.
Outside was surprisingly peaceful. No on was around. Not that I noticed. This wasn't my first harassment. The best thing to do right now was to try and calm down.
Oh for fuck sake!!
"What!" I snapped at the voice that disturbed my peace. Just a few seconds of silence to calm down. Was it too much to ask.
"I've been calling you for a minute now. Are you ok?"
He sighed, slid down the wall and landed next to me.
I expected him to talk and pry about my situation.
All he did was gently bring my head down to his shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. Was it because of his gentleness or the way he stroked my back. The well broke.
The sobs grew louder than the music which made him pull me closer and shush me.
Time passed and my ass was getting numb from the position I was in. I was the first to pull back immediately ashamed about what little self restraint I portrayed.
"Sorry about that." He reached into his back pocket and fished out his soft blue handkerchief.
"No need to be sorry. Do you want me to take you home." I nodded eagerly making him chuckle in amusement, he stood up and stretched his hand out for me to take. "Come on."
We rounded the two story building to take the entrance that led to the back door so I can inform Lizzy that I'm leaving.
"Ughh" my body fell to the ground as I stumbled on a huge rock. Seriously.
"Are you okay?" Jason was quick to come to my side holding an arm.
Fuck you rock.
Spilling curses to the rock I turned around to exam my legs for any injuries when my eyes caught something.
The rock.
Only that it wasn't a rock, it was a body.
His limbs were broken so much so that his bones protruded out, his neck was slashes open and an insignia was burnt on his forehead.The corpse was deathly pale compared to the last time I saw him, his eye open, faced heavenward and his lips slightly parted.
A scream echoed through the neighborhood which caught the attention of the partiers inside. Jason's horrified gasp and his act of shielding me with his body made me realize that it came from me.
This is why I don't go to parties.