The time struck one in the morning. A while after the dead body was discovered the neighborhood was soon swarmed with police vehicles, police officers evacuated the partiers from the house and tapped it with yellow ribbon officially declaring it a crime scene.
It was a noisy night as the wail of the ambulance siren woke the neighbors who gathered around trying to get a peak at the scene.
In the midst of the noisy inquiries made by the concerned and curious onlookers a grey Aston Martin convertible pulled in next to one of the police cars.
Detective Batista smoothly trot across the road bent over the tape, rounded the building and passed a few forensics specialist digging around the land trying to a clue.
Caleb Batista was tired. He had just finished digesting he's cheese burgers and fries starving after just coming back from he's precinct and ready to retire for the night when he got the call.