The Tournament (5)

The next morning found Erik waking with a sense of positivity. A restful sleep had mitigated his anxiousness about the upcoming match. Feeling the pangs of hunger from the day before, he got out of bed to prepare breakfast. As part of his routine, Erik turned his attention to his quests.

With a prompt voice, he called out, "SYSTEM. SHOW ME THE QUESTS." In response, a blue and white holographic display materialized before him.


[Quests List]


-Rewards for completion: Ten Experience, ten DNA points

-Failure Penalty: None

(Eat a healthy meal)

-Rewards for completion: Ten Experience, ten DNA points

-Failure Penalty: None

(Train for at least an hour. The Host may choose whatever exercise to complete the quest.)


{Conquer the Training Gauntlet}

-Completion Rewards: 1 Strength Stat Point.