The Tournament (6)

The moment the referee's whistle pierced the air, Zakir lunged at Erik with a confidence that suggested he was underestimating his adversary.

While launching into a swift aerial assault, Zakir drew back his arms and thrust his knee forward, aiming a vicious strike at Erik's head. His strategy was clear: deliver maximum damage and aim for a knockout.

Erik, just barely evading the onslaught, realized the sheer speed and power Zakir possessed. It was clear this was no ordinary match, especially being only the second round.

In mid-air, Zakir, noticing Erik's evasion, extended his leg in a gravity-defying move. He aimed a sidekick at Erik's head. With no room to dodge, Erik raised his arms to shield his head.

The force of Zakir's kick reverberated through Erik's arms, sending his head spinning for a moment. But now he had an idea about what kind of person he was fighting against: someone who knew how to use his body well.