Final Confrontation (1)

Erik's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Simone, his foe now reduced to a battered and bloodied figure.

The fight against the Crystal Cross Gang members had exacted a heavy toll on him, evident from the multiple wounds that adorned his body.

Blood seeped from his injuries, creating a chilling contrast against his pale complexion.

Once marked by a cold and composed expression, Simone's face was now contorted with pain and exhaustion, despite his attempt to be as scary as possible.

His bald head was full of sweat and blood, clinging to his forehead in disarray. Deep gashes crisscrossed his arms and chest, evidence of the relentless assault he had endured.

The crimson stains spread across his torn clothing, a vivid testament to the violence of the encounter. Each labored breath seemed to draw out a wince of agony from the man.