Final Confrontation (2)

Erik's racing heart gradually slowed as he surveyed the aftermath of the intense fight that had unfolded in the midst of the wheat fields.

The once serene landscape now bore the marks of the violent clash between him and Simone.

Broken stalks of wheat lay trampled and scattered, mingling with the scattered logs that had been used as weapons.

The air was heavy with the metallic scent of blood, intermingling with the earthy aroma of the wheat. Erik's gaze fell upon Simone's motionless body, sprawled amidst the wreckage.

A shiver ran down his spine at the sight before him, a grim testament to the scale of his once useless brain crystal power.

Simone's form was barely recognizable, crushed under the weight of the logs that had struck him with merciless force.

The once deadly thug now lay broken and defeated, his body contorted in an unnatural manner. Dark crimson stains marred the ground around him, an eerie contrast against the golden hues of the wheat fields.