Scorpidra (1)

With the intention of covering more ground, the convoy members made the choice to spread out. Their eyes scanned the ground while they carried shovels and metal detectors in their hands.

The wind in this part of the desert was notorious for shifting sands, capable of burying objects in a matter of minutes. They knew that if more parts of the cargo were out there, the desert could have claimed them, hiding them beneath layers of sand.

"Keep your detectors on the highest sensitivity," one of the team leaders instructed, adjusting the settings on his own device. "And mark any spot where you get a powerful signal. We'll dig there."

The group of mercenaries systematically moved in a grid pattern, ensuring that they covered every inch of the area surrounding the crash site. At intermittent intervals, the sound of a beeping metal detector would fill the air, causing the individual holding it to kneel and begin digging.

"Did you find something?"