Scorpidra (2)

Erik's command sliced through the tension, sharp and urgent. "Fire at will! Use everything you've got!"

Without hesitation, the mercenaries responded, their movements swift. A thunderous cacophony erupted as they let loose a relentless volley of bullets and artillery shells.

Yet, their faces fell as they watched the Scorpidra's armor absorb the onslaught with ease. Each impact seemed futile, the creature's defenses impenetrable.

A mercenary cursed under his breath, a mix of disbelief and frustration coloring his tone. "Shit! It's like it's made of Aclaitrium!"

"Shut up and keep firing!"

Their hands worked in a mechanical manner, reloading and firing, even as their expressions betrayed the sinking realization of their attacks' ineffectiveness.

Even though the attacks were harmless, the Scorpidra showed its distaste towards them. Its body was affected by the shock waves caused by the attacks, causing painful ripples and filling it with anger.